I'm proud of RFK Jr. for taking on megacorp Smithfield and its decimation of North Carolina family farmers and jobs. It takes a man with guts to do that, especially while running for president.

I'm also inspired by his integrity when it comes to free speech, fair housing prices, medical freedom, and more.

Thanks for this well-written report of the NC rally, Mr. Armstrong, and for letting us be along "on the ground." I hope to see more work in The Beacon from Mr. Armstrong.

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❤️😊👍❤️Our Next President Robert F Kennedy Jr👍❤️

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Comic Pierre interviews Robert F Kennedy and helps to reveal "..why he chose to run for the Presidency of the US, might surprise you"

Relaxed, informative, fun to watch: https://youtu.be/i7Yk1oGD97I?si=A_KGd2u8eZ3ZEPPt

YT video's running time 48:22

Yesterday, too, it was added in this blog post: "Imperfect Peace 2024 – V-Safe – Shot Dead:"


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my sister lives in Cary NC (a suburb of Raleigh). I doubt she even knew Kennedy was in NC, unless she happened to run into a local hit piece. she's lived in NC for 35 years (I'm still in the Chicago area, where we grew up). I explained to my sister why I will not buy any Smithfield products (haven't for several years). she knew nothing at all about any of it. not the kind of thing they talk about on MSNBC

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Good on so much , yet when I see this: "That common vision is a much larger landscape,” Kennedy claimed, “than those issues that are orchestrated to tear us apart.” Nearly the whole world deplores the US support of obvious genocide in Gaza. Get on the the right side on this Bobby and you WILL unite us! Look at the definition of genocide and there is no way it fails to match the Israeli conduct, Yes, Oct 7 (one day) was awful, but it does not warrant wholesale attacks on hospitals, homes, refugees camps and ambulances for 3 MONTHS.

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It is beyond thinkable that Israel, created as a home for holocaust survivors, could turn into a Nazi style genocidal hate machine. Max Blumenthal asks: “What is wrong with Israelis?”


RFK Jr did tell us where he stands on this genocide issue in an interview, posted on the Kennedy Beacon, he did with Crystal Ball on her show, “Breaking Points.” RFK Jr claims to have an open mind, so just tell him where he is wrong and he will change his mind. Here, he does even not even listen long enough at any time to even discuss the very good, accurate points made by Crystal Ball. He simply dismisses everything she has to say time after time. He thinks he won, but in reality, he just showed us what an over-the-top, extremist Zionist bully he really is. The Gaza part starts at 10:25.



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Remember when the Bernie haters were calling him a communist?! That’s how I feel when people call him a Zionist!! You think he has lived a double life for the past 4 decades?! You naysayers are ridiculous!! Who do you support that has a chance of winning, Drumpf?! Lol. #kennedy24

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I was a supporter of Bernie. If Bernie had said he was for us adopting a Communist type government, I would have believed he was a Communist. In the end, Bernie did something far worse; he became a Democrat supporting Hillary all the way, even after Hillary’s DNC stole the nomination from him.

When Zionist Israel started a genocide against their Palestinian captors, many of his supporters, including me, wanted to know if he supported that genocide. It wasn’t Crystal Ball’s questions that nailed RFK Jr as a Zionist bully but his answers and the way he answered those questions. RFK Jr not only rolled out all the Zionist talking points but added some of his own, at the same time dismissing all the accurate points Crystal Ball was making. RFK Jr defined himself as a rabid Zionist, not some naysayer calling him a name.

All RFK Jr had say was that he supports the Jewish people but not the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people. He would have instantly regained my trust and support.

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Exactly. I think this essay by Chossudovsky lays out what RFK and many others in US administration really stand for and believe in : https://open.substack.com/pub/michelchossudovsky/p/expanding-middle-east-war-planned-attack-iran?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=7w1it

He has uttered words implying why this obscene sacrifice of Palestine and its people is "necessary" to maintain (an illusion) of control and power in the face of the realigning of powers happening via Chinas belt road initiative. The madness of world politics drives its best players insane via inhuman moral compromises and alliances for "survival". At what cost? I can't listen to RFK rasp and grunt out his ugly zionist talking points anymore. It is like watching and hearing someone under spirit possession. Why is he saying alll of this? Why add insult after insult to the injuries Palestine has endured since Zionists came "home" to take over and drive them out? Is it a warped sense of guilt? It is unseemly. While the rest of the world unites to scream against the genocide happening in Palestine. All so we can have a new canal running through their land and not have to use the Suez Canal? The S. African lawyers who penned the case against Israel in the ICJ are coming after US and UK now too. Because Israel is only doing their/our bidding. I thank RFK for displaying what really drives US foreign policy: this platform underlying all the pretty sounding ones. It is called the gateway to hell thru hubris and overreach.

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Thank you for the link. What a valuable find to better see the big picture.

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You are welcome. I subscribe to Chossudsky so his articles find me. Politics and military strategy are my two least favorite subjects. But in times like these I try to pay attention and understand the reasoning and methods behind the (human) world's madness. This big picture certainly makes sense of the careful ongoing demonization of Islamic people and cultures here in the west. When, where and how will this end?

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Yes, it was a ghastly performance he gave on Crystal Ball's show. Clearly displaying the truth in Norman Finkelstein's explanation that RFK Jr has become Shmuley's Boteach's puppet. She had Norman on her show recently to help her sort through the puppet's talking points. Super helpful!

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Not everyone agrees w/you thankfully! Crystal can’t stand Kennedy and she can’t hide it. #kennedy24

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Donald Trump's CIA? How incredibly dishonest and woefully corrupt a statement.

As if any Pres controls "their" CIA. Kennedy has been outed, all cards face up.

Certainly his environment advocacy and exposure of the Quaxcine are the high points.

Unfortunately he has suggested that "we" are in Ukraine for all the right reasons.

Further he has not spoken out about the Palestinian genocide. One clueless editor after another on the Beacon attempts to slam dunk DJT and fail miserably. MC Armstrong is but the latest, and perhaps the "armstronging" the lamest.

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An Aussie gent schools the mob on the reality of CO2 and the "Climate Change" HOAX!


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"More importantly, what we see is the whole world ‘gunning up’ – led…or prompted…by the US.

And there are more people gunning for the USA than ever before."


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Just as long as Kennedy continues to Champion and Cheerlead the Zionist Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Child Sacrifice and Apartheid of Palestine.

Kennedy is a NOT who he pretends to be.

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