Trump got it wrong. And still gets it wrong. But, in fairness, he was always steadfast against any mandates, so this headline is misleading. One reason why they got him out is because he refused to force the injection on anyone. He also tried to get hydroxychloroquine for all Americans. He ordered the FDA to make it available and the FDA head undermined him. That is according to the late Dr. Zelenko. Kennedy will be a better more savvy leader, but be honest about what happened during Trump's presidency.

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The headline is not misleading. Trump is still taking credit for warp speed producing a vaccine that the courts have now decided is not a vaccine. They didn't say it's a bad vaccine or that it has a less than optimal risk to benefit analysis: They ruled that it isn't a vaccine AT All!

This IS a "brutal blow" to Trump's continuing narrative that he is some kind of hero for facilitating the rushed release of a deadly pharmaceutical with hardly any proper clinical testing and the coverup of what little testing they did that raised huge red flags.

Trump needs to take his foot out of his mouth and APOLOGIZE to the world for this happening on his watch.

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Misleading re the drugs being mandated. Trump never went along with that. He also did try to get therapeutics for all Americans and the snakes around him stopped that effort. But agree with everything else you said, except that Trump can't be blamed for the technical aspect of the drugs not being vaccines. That is something the scientists, pharma, FDA, CDC and NIH should be held accountable for. Not Trump.

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What about the point that he’s got big Pharma cronies all around him during this election cycle?

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howz about some evidence?? Keep your enemies close, a concept in the Art of War. What did you think "we" are in???

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There are several articles here in the beacon presenting said evidence. They connect the money trump approved and directed to said pharmaceutical companies under his watch. It’s too easy to connect. And they gave it vaccine status for supposed immunity knowing the data showed it detrimental to people’s health and noting it had no impact on the virus. The pharmaceutical companies also compensated trump directly for his willingness to partner with them. Honest Media did a great job highlighting the main points from a few Beacon articles. You can find them here on SS as well.

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Trump didn't know the science. His advisors lied to him. His failure was not all his fault and there was no evidence of malevolence on his part. The bottom line is for whatever reason, he did not protect the public and that is why he should not be reelected.

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and Brandon aka Biden was really to blame for the nasty vaccine mandates.

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It's not misleading just because you read it and made the false assumption that it implies Trump was responsible for the mandate.

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Indicates Trump has cut a deal with the globalists. I don’t trust him.

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With Kennedy as a trusted advisor things could play out VERY differently than last time Trump was in office. I’m onboard!

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I’ve changed my view in light of Kennedy’s alliance with Trump. RFKJr is in discussions with the man and is in a better position than me to judge his sincerity. I also know that Trump was in over his head when he got elected and there were many traitorous insiders leading him down the scapegoat path. I may not agree with all his policies and to me his personality is irrelevant. We have no other choice than to take a chance on him.

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First thing Trump did in office was to take US out of WHO, which was the right thing to do. First thing Biden did was put US back in WHO. Trump failed when his advisors lied. He didn't know enough to see through the lies to protect the country. RFK is much better prepared.

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Ahhh a refugee thou art. Read assessment posted above and learn something.

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He wasn’t steadfast against mandates.

He passed his buck to the States to decided, and States did mandate the shots.

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He repeatedly said no one should be forced. But our constitution mandates that states have certain rights, so it is my understanding that legally, he could not override them. The "vaccines" were distributed after he was out of office. It was Biden that mandated them for government workers and military, not Trump.

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you saw the obvious, and accurately assessed the hit piece

In war there are only the best of bad options.

About that leader, the best quality is most definitely not "savvy"

The Beacon is for refugees from the Dem Plantation, most are not interested in honesty.

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Maybe if you’re actually interested in honesty, you would read the entire article as well as others showing the direct ties of corruption to Trump and how he very much supports them. And then hopefully you might be bright enough to make those connections with our food supply being poisoned because of regulations both parties support and allow the pharmaceutical companies to have. It’s all one big happy family. Trump is part of the same swamp, just a different district.

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Bobby Kennedy is most definitely savvy to the corruption that Trump was not prepared to take on. But even though he made mistakes, I think he is deserving of respect for what he did right and I don't think he should be blamed for what literally all the alphabet agencies did to mislead him. He is a business man that does not have a background in science., which is what is needed now. Bobby Kennedy cannot be so easily fooled. He is well prepared and is the best person for the job in 2024. And I'm sure both the author of this piece and Bobby Kennedy do want to be 100% honest.

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I think it's important to keep the facts real also. There is no need to exaggerate, just state the truth. I think Trump initially cared about vaccine injury. He was ready to bring in Bobby to do an investigation but then Pfizer gave him a fat donation, the rest is history.

Bobby's campaign is stronger every month.

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Trump's sell out to Pfizer is a perfect example of how the corporate capture works. But unlike the bought and paid for red and blue politicians of our time, Bobby Kennedy is not a politician and he cannot be bought at any price!

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History yup, try Accurate Assessment. The future is bright for both men, look a little further down the tracks.

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Don the Con was a disaster as a President.. and will continue to be if elected again.. RFK Jr would on the other hand be one of the finest Presidents America has ever elected..

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I agree. I grew up seeing Don the Con constantly in the tabloids, and knew of people he swindled in my own community. Loans unpaid, Atlantic City destroyed, Pizza commercials…

How can anyone “act” his way into the office of the president? It takes gullible people who can’t recognize a con man when they see one.

On the other hand so many can’t recognize a self-actualized man who has successfully served others his entire lifetime. Go figure.

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What makes you think Bobby Kennedy would be a good president? He has no executive experience. He's never built a business. He's never held a government office. Ideas mean nothing. Ability to get things done means everything. Bobby Kennedy hasn't shown that he can get things done. He's a lawyer, not an executive.

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Cobra man, has it wrong again. Disaster? Yup what else ya got??

Finest ever, Yup

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Trumps belief he did EVERYTHING right during covid is delusional at best. However the headline here is off somewhat. While Trump closed things down it was Biden that tried forcing everybody to get the death jab. Mandates are ORDERS - since we are not owned we should not be treated like children or slaves. Their is no reforming this system or these agencies. If if RFK jr puts in good people the guy after can install the same criminals. The only fix is to shut them down and then to obey the Constitution and not have unauthorized agencies

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"Trumps belief he did EVERYTHING right" is one of the hallmarks of narcissism. Along with vengeful behavior towards any who notice their flaws and failures. The way his father raised him is a textbook case in how to warp a child into narcissistic personality disorder.

(Biden is a different kettle of rotting fish, a "learned" rather than inherited sociopathic personality disorder- the kind people acquire in politics & business schools).

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Pulling the narcissism card. What else ya got? Try saying something useful.

Textbook case?? The error of eqivalency is yours... again.

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Operation Warp Speed was NOT right. And letting Big Pharma run the pandemic also was not right. Being better than Biden on this pandemic is a very low bar to compare anyone to. We can’t let Big Pharma run our health mandates.

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A partially inassessment. Someone is delusional.

I dealt with the latest "headline" already including an accurate assessement of the options available to DJT. Defunding the ABC agencies is the way forward though the timing must be right. Mandates are not legally binding. The word order is poorly emphasized.

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Simply an amazing substack. Need to post it everywhere.

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When a man makes decisions with his penis when his wife is pregnant, to F a prostitute, what can go wrong? I hope it was one hell of an orgasm. I guess you can say he still getting F..ed? This guy has been a money whore his entire lifetime

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this is the stupidest post today, congrats

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Remember, it WAS Biden who made the vaccine mandatory. Let’s be accurate please. This doesn’t help your campaign to bash Trump..

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It is an act of absolute desperation. Confusing Dem refugees with the facts is problematic for the homeless.

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Yes, Trump let the public health agencies roll him. But he also faced a level of corruption in the public health establishment that virtually no one, except possibly RFK and a few others, could have imagined. Whoever thought it was a good idea to bash Trump in the headline of this article either lacks good faith, or needs to have his or her head examined. You’re making RFK look bad, IMO.

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Another person sees the woeful stupidity expressed in the headline

Read the assessement by Clandestine in previous post and think!

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Thanks for pointing out Clandestine's post. I'm trying to continue my support for RFK, but I often wonder about the people with whom he surrounds himself. Many strike me as smug, knee-jerk Groupthinkers suffering from TDS.

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Trump deserves a lot of criticism for still stubbornly standing behind the unsafe and ineffective vaccines. However, he never supported mandates and has stated repeatedly that he would never support them in the future.

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and Brandon aka Biden is gonna pay dearly.

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Thank you to Leslie Manookian, her steadfast courage has helped reshape this country! We are on our way bringing the truth the American people and reestablishing our rights. Together we can do this.

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THIS!!! Loving the new tone - sense of humor/ self deprecation- badass!

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The Truth ALWAYS comes out.

Bobby Kennedy speaks the Truth.

" You Shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free."


" President Trump, Junior here.." 👏👏

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I’m simply addressing all the comments about Trump not supporting mandates. He may not have mandated the vax but he sure as hell helped push the narrative out. And he did mandate the country SHUT down! That’s a mandate and no due process. VERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The point of this story is to present that he still stands by his actions with no remorse or reflection whatsoever, proving he is still holding those relationships and will do it again.

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Louis had a tough weekend battling the Derangement Syndrome.

Instead of twiddling his thumbs he pecked feverously attempting journalism.

He did so because he realized DJT is so far ahead that he cannot be defeated.

Concerning the "brutal blow", we are all wondering just exactly the author was chirping about.

Will be interesting to read the pile on comments...

Regarding the attempt to dice DJT the lastest in a long list of failures.

A retort I saved in antication of a Conte assault is a well thought out explanation

concerning DJT and Covid. He forced nary a fool. It is and was always about Choice!!

Clandestine is the author of a polular Sub Stack.

"The Deep State had Trump cornered. He was unable to remove anyone like Fauci or Collins during this period due to optics. It was truly a genius plan on their part.

And then we look at masks, lockdowns, and vaccines. Trump was notoriously anti-mask and received loads of hate from the media for it, he was anti-lockdown and left it up to the States, and he was vehemently anti-vaccine mandate. Trump was all about individual choice the entire time, and never wanted to force anything on anyone.

As for vaccine production, what was Trump supposed to do? Trump is a savvy business man and diplomat, but he is not a doctor or scientist. How was Trump, or anyone in his administration, supposed to know better than the highest ranking officials in the US and global health organizations? How are they supposed to know if the vaccines are good or not?

They had no choice but to trust their health officials. Is it Trump’s fault that the WHO, CDC, NIH, USAID, etc., are all corrupt?"

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If RFK Jr. Promises to try and if convicted Execute Fauci Et. Al for crimes against humanity in a very public way then I will take the chance of his environmental stand against fossil fuels and vote for him. Jail and fines are not justice. We want Justice and Trump and Biden will never deliver it.

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so says Reality, must be so

Another error of equivalency post Trump and Biden, yup

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Worthy of celebration and especially grateful to all who were steadfast in fighting the good fight. Thank you.

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