Trump needs to publicly speak these words. The corperate media is mostly still blocking Mr Kennedy's messages. #Kennedy2028

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See my comment just posted.

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Thank you Bobby for continuing to be an advocate for our children. Way too many parents are in the dark and under the control of doctors and federal agencies. They need a way to wake up. You are one big part of that Way. Blessings to you !

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That's the talk from RFK that I want and Americans need to hear.

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Let’s post it all over social media and make it go viral. I’m sharing now.

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Thanks so much, Laurie!

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Bravo on all counts! As an integrative health & nutrition coach, I couldn't agree more.

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Thank you to the panel for putting this out there. Hopefully their words and concern will be heard by more and more. Keep speaking this truth and eventually they will hear it.

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Thank you & God bless!!

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Mr. Kennedy continues to be a force for good and a ray of hope for our country!

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All of what Kennedy addressed and more needs to be targeted by changing how we pay for healthcare in this country, first. Until we, first, get rid of profit-driven medicine that benefits television and other media advertising, insurance company executives, bureaucrats, corporate executives and shareholders, and MEDICAL SCHOOLS which teach doctors in-training to always "diagnose" 'something' every time they see a patient, and never teach a word about what individuals (especially kids) can and should do for themselves (like exercise...revive JFK's President's Council on Physical Fitness, just for starters) to "insure" their best chance at living a healthy, long life, ...the money we are pouring into medical care benefits all of them and more, first, but not the patient, until we fix this, we will simply continue to squander a fifth of GDP into the pockets of greed while we watch the kids live horribly and die younger.

The following is a simple plan designed uniquely for America to fix this humanitarian disaster. It has our politics (which is ultimately what has created this medical travesty) PAY for our healthcare, along with a very small piece of the excess profits of our most successful businesses, not our taxes, not out of the personal pockets of wage-earners or barely profitable small businesses i.e. it takes money from the system that has caused the disaster, and rigged the system to keep it going, to fix this mess. It gets a fifth of the GDP out of Washington's hands, permanently, so they can no longer squander it into the military/industrial complex and stabilizes the small state banks (which are largely not a part of the American "wealth-ist" greedfest). It could and should, over time, be able to replace the Social Security system (and get Washington's paws off that enormous ticking debt time bomb), and give us real social security in having birth-to-grave healthcare and a subsistence income during times of economic downturn, while it builds a real social security "Trust" fund.

Interested? It's called The People's Mandate-Healthcare for All Americans. All it will take is a significant change to campaign finance law--the bastardization of which, as RFK, Jr. has noted, is one of the core parts of current American corruption--and a simple, small change to U.S. business (not individual) tax code. It is completely non-partisan, so it can and should be implemented no matter who gets elected--whoever it is will need to simply embarrass Congress into passing it.

Please, consider this, America:

The People's Mandate demands $0.50 of every dollar donated to any political campaign or purpose (including PACs, Direct party donations, local mayoral races, etc. any money directed to buy political influence of any kind), anywhere in the USA be immediately diverted to a National Health Savings account, held under the auspices of state banks, only, where it accumulates interest.

On a designated day in late November of each year (the Wednesday before Thanksgiving would be ideal) this money is re-distributed to the individual health savings accounts of all Americans. The individual accounts can only be debited by a medical provider designated by the individual patient who holds the account to pay medical bills, or more usually, to pay direct, local insurance between the doctor and hospital the patient intends to use when they need medical care.

Political money is well tracked and not tax-deductible. It is a huge vat of funding never before considered to be partially utilized to secure national healthcare. It should be. Given the inordinate amount of money spent on American politics, which increases constantly, and the fact healthcare has been at or near the top of the list of voter concerns constantly for more than thirty years, it's pathetic, and an American embarrassment, and disgrace, it isn't. If political donors have extra money they can afford to give away to buy political influence, they have money they can afford to give to securing national healthcare for everyone.

Imagine, EVERY CANDIDATE IN EVERY ELECTION, AND EVERYONE WHO WORKED FOR THEM OR SUPPORTED THEM, can feel proud on election day, no matter who wins, because they have made a massive effort that benefits ALL of America, already, before anyone takes office.

This process is completely non-partisan since it comes from both sides. No matter what happens in any given election cycle, national healthcare becomes more secured, especially so every four years during a Presidential cycle. Any politician who leaves office automatically donates anything left in their "war chest" to the national health savings account. They can't redirect it to their replacement or back to the party. Term limits would vastly increase the national health savings account reserve.

There are other finer points and details, but this is the basis for a completely tax-free, uniquely American way of funding healthcare for all, permanently, and keeping decisions about medical care where they belong, between the patient, and his or her doctor and preferred hospital.

First Amendment.

This is the piece that will clinch the Mandate.

There was some flack, back at the beginning, about whether or not 50% of all the money used to buy political influence in this country would be enough money to fully fund healthcare. It definitely won't fully fund profit-driven healthcare, because all the money in the world isn't enough to satisfy that greed monster. We've been proving that for many years now as Americans shovel more and more dollars, a larger and larger percentage of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) into the health system, AND LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR AMERICANS IS GOING DOWN!!!

Much of profit-driven healthcare could, should, and would be dismantled under the People's Mandate. But unless and until that happens (this is capitalist America, after all), and since we know how power-hungry too many political people are, how much they lie and cheat and steal, and We the People are forever at risk because they also make their own rules (and break them with no accountability) there will be one more addition to the People's Mandate.

Advertising is a flexible expenditure for businesses. It's not a necessity. A business can continue operating without spending a nickel on advertising. Successful businesses, though, tend to spend quite a bit on it. So, the First Amendment to the People's Mandate is as follows:

Henceforward it will be mandated that every business in America, including so-called non-profits (most of which haven't really been non-profit for decades, e.g. hospital systems, pet charities, "causes" of all kinds), no exceptions, will, upon the filing of their federal AND state income taxes, send proof to the IRS and state revenue authorities (a receipt from the state bank that received it) 10% of that amount deducted under Advertising on the business's tax return went to the national health savings account. (e.g. if a business buys a $10 ad, they simultaneously put a dollar in the National HSA--held by the state bank in the business's jurisdiction).

In other words, 10% of all the advertising budgets for all the businesses in America will henceforward, off the top, go toward securing individual national health. Just like the 50% of all political budgets, this money will be held in trust in the state bank of their particular jurisdiction, to be distributed to individual health savings accounts of all Americans on that designated day in November of each year.

This is totally do-able. All it takes is the will of the People to do it.

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Not "replace Social Security" but eliminate or expand at least the cap of what income is taxed on the wealthy. Social Security is not Medicare! It goes to any expenses an elderly person has.

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No, I have to respectfully disagree, the key words in that projection for where the People's Mandate should go, are "over time." We need to replace Social Security with something that actually provides "social," i.e. society-wide, for all ages, not just for seniors, "security." We need, as a society and a culture, to provide economic security for that father and/or mother of three young children who just lost their jobs; For that recent college graduate who has massive loan debt and hasn't found/can't find a job in their field--all they can find is minimum wage drudgery, for which they're likely not very qualified, and it will never pay for food and them finding somewhere to live, much less make them able to start paying back educational loans. The People's Mandate, if people are properly educated about why they have that back-up, and how it must be handled with care, can be there for ALL of US. The current Social Security system is not, and never will be (I've been "threatened" my entire life by constantly being told "the Social Security system is in jeopardy," "It may not be there when the working people contributing to it today, retire."

We are not going to "fix" the current Social Security system by messing with the rules and changing the caps and percentages. We've been proving that since its inception under Roosevelt. We've more than proven the more money you let Washington touch, the more they squander and steal...from We, the People. This plan would provide true "privatization" of a real, social security, Trust fund.

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Again, Lise YES to a far more comprehensive solution. In the meantime don't lose what we have and return the"borrowed" funds from the Social Security fund. How? enormous cuts in the so-called "defense" budget that actually endangers us with belligerent policies and behavior.

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Should have put at the top yesterday, "health" (as in a health savings account-HSA) includes things like food, and heat in a home for people who no longer/can't work (or are temporarily unemployed or ...insufficiently (?) employed) and have no other assets or income to draw on.

As to your concerns about defense (or any other Washington budget for that matter):

As soon as the People's Mandate is in place, seniors would start having that lump sum come in on that Wednesday before Thanksgiving every year (--REMEMBER, none of which comes out of Defense or any other budget, because none of it comes from taxes, it's a completely new, VERY American, type of national funding--an excellent kind, because Washington never touches it, so they can never "borrow" any of it--they just oversee it is being paid to the state banks--which they also do not touch--and from there, to the People).

Maybe people currently on SS (who have paid into that, 'constantly financially robbed and raped by Washington,' system their entire lives) get to choose whether they want the PM distribution amount, or their current amount owed under SS? It will be interesting to see what actually works out to be a larger "security." (for poorer people, I suspect it will be the PM. perhaps wealthier people are given the option to donate back one or the other toward stipulated pay down of national debt?)

Again, education about how this works will have to be done carefully and well.)

Also, think about this. Proper implementation of the People's Mandate, will, over time, eliminate the need for most bodily injury liability insurance (and payments made thereupon). Think about how much money is going into that greed monster (that could be paying back what's been stolen from Social Security instead, as well)--again, as with current "health" insurance, it is attorneys and insurance company upper end corporate officers receiving most of the money that is supposed to be helping victims, of accidents. Again, it's because lawyers and judges and corporate figureheads, not doctors and other 'hands-on-with-the-individual' professionals doing actual "care," are leeching off most of the benefit from a system (ditto the one known as Congress) that throws money at problems, but never checks to see where it lands (or knows where it does, and is trying to keep that part a secret) and never checks on who does what with it.--They just pat themselves on the back and tell themselves they've produced another "cure," or "saved" someone or something, again. ...NOT!

Also, consider this, The People's Mandate, will, as SS is phased out, afford People no longer having what is, for some, as much as a third of their wages taken from them by Washington every payday in the form of SS taxes, and it will eliminate employers having to pay the enormous amount that is the employer match on those taxes, or self-employment tax for those who are self-employed/still manage to own their own small business (that the BIGs have been trying to eliminate for quite some time, now). The employee can save some, or all of it for themselves, even have it direct deposited to their HSA if they would like to (again, INDIVIDUAL privatization of retirement funds--not Washington making those decisions for everyone [and then stealing the proceeds for itself]) and employers can offer the money to employees in the form of wages or bonuses...or pay taxes on it to Washington as profit..???.

Ironically (or maybe not, human beings being human beings--got that?), it is our "justice" system and our "banking/saving/spending/money" system that is creating most of our "health" problems, meddling where they do not belong, trying to use "treatments" that do not work and never will.--but trying to claim to have "saved" US all the time (think about things like the Big Bank bail-outs AND how many times we've "saved" the Social Security trust fund (that does not actually exist).

And one more, seniors who are paying for a "health insurance" plan to supplement Medicare that is supposed to be "health insurance" won't be paying it anymore--while Washington will be stopped from further bankrupting the entire country by handing over the entire Medicare budget to insurance companies to "manage."

Not dreaming of touching Defense, my friend. That's about protecting and, yes, often physically saving lives.

Thanks so much for the continued discussion and clarification!

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I very much appreciate the deep thought you have given this. Lise. Well presented! Indeed,let's get of private insurance of all kinds. I self-define as an unrepentant sixties radical activist, in the original meaning of radical--getting to the root of the matter.

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TY. Spoken like a true radical--and I mean that with all due respect (I'm a biologist; I look for roots, too). But I was a kid, and a girl one, in the sixties watching all you guys doing your thing. I knew something was up, but I was far from completely clear as to exactly what. So, I've been thinking about all of it for a very long time (as you note). And because of that, my new friend, I feel like I must offer still more clarification on where my mind has visited along this journey.

No, I'm not suggesting getting rid of private insurance of all kinds. Insurance, done properly, is a great, capitalist as well as Christian, concept (and like it or not the marrying of those two very different "faiths" is what built this country to become the world role model we...I'm sorry...were, for a significant amount of time. (I'm sorry because I do not think we, as a country, represent anything that should be emulated at the present time--put the People's Mandate in place and I'll be the first one cheering we're back on top again.)

The "insurance" that needs to go away is "health" insurance (which includes liability for personal injury--not property), because health is simply not something anyone can "insure" in the same way that we insure houses in case of a fire, or cars--the car, not the people in them--in the event of a collision, or other expensive pieces of man-made product. These things can be restored or replaced by something of equal monetary value. They are a "known" which is stable, and have a predictable useful life based on time, where money is the main restorative, so equally, compensatory component. Even the death insurance we euphemistically call "life" insurance is based on a "known" (even if people don't like to think about that) with time as its main modifier--so the money paid in premiums as a hedge against that time being unduly cut short makes a certain amount of sense.

Health, simply does not fit this paradigm, especially in a world where medical care seems to come up with new miracles on a regular basis (and, unfortunately in profit-driven medicine, new lies even more frequently). So, I for one, don't think we should be paying for healthcare using a payment system that does not serve the issue and need remotely properly.

Remember the saying, "the only sure things in life are death and taxes"? I think, as Americans, we are quite safe to add politics to that list. Politics are surely not going away any time soon in this country, and they attract a whole lot of money. So, how about, off the top, we have that "sure thing" take care of everyone, first, and then go off to have their "race" or "game" to pick a winner. That way, everyone has something to celebrate, every time, (to remind US what "United" means) as soon as the contest has been decided and is over for another year.

Just my thoughts on what I believe the Founders were trying to envision for U.S. --take care of each other, first, and by doing that, remain, and strengthen being UNITED, and we can also help save the rest of the world. George Washington warned US about political parties...but he also recognized we are human.

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Lise why don't you send this concept directly to Team Kennedy's website. It's a great one!

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I have, repeatedly. I'm glad you seem to see the same potential in it that I do.

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This is so perfect, RFK, you need to speak it loud and clear. I’ve shared this!! Go Trump, JD, Bobby Kennedy 💖

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Share and share? We also need to be involved in fixing the problem. He's a warrior for sure but needs our help as well.

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My reply to Mark Cuban,

You took the shots. Right? That tells me exactly what you know. The plight of agriculture is year over year declining yields, low nutrient density and destruction of the top soil. The brilliant team now surrounding Trump can TEACH you something. Please listen.


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I am dismayed that I no longer hear about the childhood vaccine schedule from RFK, Jr. Too much of a hot button? Where is his famous courage to speak out? How about at the very least elimination of vaccine mandates, and a promise to study vaccines in what will be a large cohort of unvaccinated children once the mandates imposed by many education districts are eliminated?

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Keep the Faith. That is still on his agenda. But parents need to wake up and stop listening to their children's doctors who are paid to push the vaccines. They need to do the research which is out there if they don't use Google, etc. to find it. People tend not to want to hear it because it would mean they are guilty of harming their children. Easier for them to stay ignorant.

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Agreed. Need to be bolder on that front. Tried to "like" but it would not "take."

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Trump should be promoting his team, as well, with Kennedy, Elon, Tulsi, and whoever else will capture the inspiration of the public and voters.

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Unity Team Billboards went up in Arizona this week, have you seen them? Beautiful!

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Wow that's awesome !!

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Please make a direct emphatic challenge to those who support the MRNA technology to debate the issue on camera before a live audience, and recorded. By past experience, there will be no takes. That itself speaks volumes. That refusal needs to be amplified everywhere, especially prior to the election .perhaps Trump would host such a forum? THAT would gain attention, but have a neutral moderator who sets fair but strict rules for the debate--no interruptions or talking over the other.

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Thank you for continuing to highlight these issues championed by Bobby. This movement is gaining momentum and is now building at the local and state levels. Please see here thoughts on where things are headed next with the MAHA movement!: https://reclaimparty.substack.com/p/the-status-of-the-local-robert-f

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It was a great panel, but it's a stretch to call it bipartisan. I didn't see a single CURRENT member of the Democratic Party in the room. Which is very disturbing, as it was essentially a hearing about corporate corruption and toxins in our environment. Go back 10 years, and it would've been all Democrats and not a single Republican.

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If it's advertised in any medium, it's not good for you.

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