Vance's answers were neither long winded nor were they over cerebral. It was a stellar performance.

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agree. I for one, like the fact that Vance didn't seem to feel he needed to 'dumb it down', whereas Walz was all rhetoric and platitudes. frankly, I would like a little 'cerebral' in our leadership for a change. I find most pols attitude towards us citizens, kind of insulting.

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performance sounds like theatre, that actually may be accurate

Vance simply pointed out the failings of Biden, Harris, Walz.

As you mention he is very intelligent something lacking in the commies.

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I voted for Biden last election. I didn’t want to but the “Party of Democracy” gave me no choice, after again, killing Senator Sanders bid. I couldn’t vote for Trump due to his caustic, hateful rhetoric. On top of that he was inarticulate and could barely skim the surface of relevant issues. He seemed to be playing a character and recently admitted to RFK Jr - he never expected to win. He told Robert Kennedy Jr ‘he wasn’t prepared for the possibility of actually achieving the presidency and had no idea how to form a government.’ So, he took advice from the creatures of the swamp and turned it into a cesspool. At the time, ‘this baby boomer’ was still indoctrinated by the democrat hate machine, believing every bit of absurd propaganda said or written about the ‘unprepared president.’ The Trump presidency with all its negative messaging never made me feel anything but shame, as an American. The man constantly used biting, acerbic language that expertly divided us as a people. He likely did this to cover his inability to build consensus on matters of critical importance. When the Covid crisis hit - his management of the pandemic was a harrowing disaster - not that Biden’s response was better. Point being ‘when we needed our president to be at his best he failed.’ He was in charge of his bureaucracy after all; he called the shots. This election I’ll be voting for Trump for ONE reason ‘he promised Bobby Kennedy a place of prominence’ in his government “our government.” I hope he wins, and I pray he keeps his word.

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100% agree. I am/have been, in the exact same place as you, Daniel. I still find Trump a distasteful person and look upon this election's choices with the attitude 'this is the best we can do??!!'

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distasteful?? What quality about an alpha male is "distasteful" do be specific for all Beaconites.

You are not going out for lunch with DJT.

You are making the case for the lesser of evils which is

simply an inaccurate assessment.

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I do not care for his public persona. his public speaking style leaves a lot to be desired. I don't consider him an 'alpha male' either (banging porn stars while your wife is pregnant... not sorry that I find that a tad 'distasteful', even though I don't really care - that's his wife's business).

its just my personal opinion. many people who know him personally, speak highly of him. but quite correct: I am not going out to lunch with him. I am voting for him in the hopes that he leads us away from the cliff. He's probably sincere about caring for the future of this country. the other candidate... uh no. she doesn't even hide her puppet strings so its a clear choice at this point. definitely not a 'lesser evils' choice. I just wish there were better choices but it is what it is.

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Thanks very much for sharing your perspective, Warrior Mom!

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Sometimes LC sometimes the KB... interesting posturing

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A baseless viscious assertion, You simply read the fake news and publicly parrot it in true keyboard warrior fashion. DJT is a genius patriot, Dems fresh off the plantation are homeless. He is an alpha's alpha regardless of your consideration. Cannot even believe you wrote that. Cannot believe your reasoning, very low level.

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I also agree with you. However, I am still leaning to just vote for RFK. Vance publicly brought up censorship but Trump has shown he did not back his VP in the past the minute there was a disagreement! If I trusted Trump to let Bobby do his thing then I would hold my nose and vote for him.

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So you were deluded and had the Derangement Syndrome.

Your talking points include "hateful rhetoric"

The shame you felt is actually evidence of being fully indoctrinated as a Dem.

Although your reasoning is faulty, your hope is far better placed.

You do not have to worry about the rhetoric of "keeping his word"

No one has cited any thing that included not keeping his word.

Please do cite examples of lieing, and put them in order of importance.

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Trump NEVER expected to be president. Which translates to ‘I don’t have to worry about landing the most important/powerful position on planet earth, but ‘I’ll make bank while pretending to want it and the publicity will keep me forever in the spotlight.’ He failed miserably during the pandemic. He shut down the country, allowing the government ‘he created yet wasn’t prepared to manage’ - to run over him. He still boasts about Operation Warp Speed, creating dangerous untested vaccines that resulted in injuries or death to millions of people - but which helped Bill Gates , Pfizer, Moderna reap enormous payoffs. His absurd tax break added nothing to the economy but added more to the national debt than all prior administrations combined, and that comes from the General Accounting Office. The man who lost the popular vote STUPIDLY stoked the flames of division by bragging about “ending Roe v Wade” - when polls consistently show the nation favors ‘choice’ (regardless of political affiliation) year after year. Over four years the guy did nothing but create enemies throughout the country and then expected to be re-elected? More proof he had no idea what he was doing. The upper echelon of the Republican establishment despise him as much as the Democrats. But, like the Democrats they’re too corrupt to be able to control the monster they both created. If you don’t like my comment perhaps it’s because I have been brutally honest - which is more than Trump has been. The “very stable genius” brags about his book “Art of the Deal” (ghost written of course) - he should do another titled The Art of Conning a Country.

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As the democratic party morphs into the socialist/'progressive-communist' party, the republicans are morphing into the party of the free people of the United States. Kennedy/Trump/Vance/Musk/Ramaswamy/Gabbard are the dream team. Freedom of speech is under attack by the democratic party, as Kennedy knows so well. So glad Trump/Vance are embracing his ideas and values.

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the commies have already co-opted the Dem party, past tense.

The RINO's component of the Pubs is even worse.

the MAGA people are pro freedom, pro constitution

The dream team you mention is the greatest collaboration in the history of this Republic

The attacks against the people of the US continue and have escalated.

RFK just interviewed Dane Wigington (GeoengineeringWatch.org)

The attack on North Carolina the latest and worst yet, including Maui.

DJT in Nov, the Demons are in full panic mode, cheating safeguards installed in many important locations... A repeat of 2020 election theft is unlikely...

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Vance reminding us of Mr Kennedy's cooperation with forming a new coalition for a new government was the highlight of the debate. Unfortunately, there is only a small difference between the republicrats and demapublican parties. The two are both parts of the war party AND professional politicians. Hopefully after Trump wins, Mr Kennedy will have enough power to put responsible people in office and remove the corporate dominated war party decision makers who are screwing up the present and the future. I truly hope that happens. Kennedy2028.

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What you say is true however you do not mention the FACT that DJT started no new wars

and prevented many. That was before RFK entered the scene in the capacity of collaboration. What "we" are best seeing is the inability to steal the election as in 2020.

DJT is outing RINO's one at at time and has done a stellar job, something RFK is not positioned to accomplish. His role was blowing an irreparable hole the the Dem battleship, something DJT has defended against but could not assail.

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I wasn't planning on watching the debate but caught most of it on the live chat commentary by Naomi Wolf and I was really impressed by Vance, on the one hand, and saw the vapid platitude-spewing by Walz ('can't yell fire in a theater'; come on REALLY? that's the best he can come up with! yikes!) simply reinforce the lame 'official narrative'.

that said, the MOST STRIKING aspect of the debate was how totally OBVIOUS the bias of the so-called 'moderators' was! they literally didn't even attempt to sugar-coat their contempt for Mr Vance. Tucker Carlson got it right when he called it a 'three against one' debate, not the one-on-one it SHOULD have been. sad, so sad, that this is what the political (non) discourse has morphed into. there's plenty of blame to spread around on that score but I mostly see it as a pathetic tactic on the part of uniparty leadership: if your message/values can't win in the public discourse, just sow division. hoping and praying that the people of this country see thru that but the political tribalism has been stoked to such an extent that it seems so unlikely.

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If any polls actually showed that an almost equal number of respondents believed Walz's debate performance was nearly as good as Vance's, then I highly doubt the poll was valid or sampled many sentient people. Sadly, I suspect part of the Narrative we're being fed is that this will be a "close" election, and so, if votes magically appear for Dems after Election Day, the Sheeple will accept the story, because, well, the pollsters told us all along that it was going to be close.

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I thought that Walz was unprepared and came across as a buffoon! His facial expressions reminded me of Don Rickle’s!!

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You nailed it re Rickles! I saw that too, but couldn’t place the character’s name!

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It took me a bit, but it hit me as I was falling asleep that night 😂

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He is a buffon, a tyrant, and a child mutilator.

Loyalist Dems do not care, they are still plantation residents.

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Polls are fake, it really is that simple. We are only as intelligent as our ability to assess.

The fake news, the fake polls, the fake virus, the fake testing etc etc etc

It is highly inadvisable to suggest outcomes not desired!

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It would be nice to hear Trump and the others say they stand by the First Amendment, for a change from the unison chorus proclaiming to stand by Israel.

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yeah, the pandering to the donor class is obvious on both sides, sadly

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pandering?? do cite examples Warrior!!

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if you have not heard DJT defend the Constitution and specifically the 1st you are reading the fake news

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Vance referenced RFK, Jr. because he was ordered to do so as a tactic in the ongoing operation to maintain the illusion of Mr. Kennedy's pending influence in a Trump White House.

Is Mr. Kennedy unaware of the deep agenda of Trump and his thuggish string-pullers? Have his naivete and tunnel vision focus on his own agenda blinded him to the savage realities of Trump rule?

Harris and her amoral germ colonies of money changers and idiot-logues are stylistically different but otherwise interchangeable with Trump's consiglieri. I carry not an ounce of muddy water for her.

My bottom line: What is known to some as the Kennedy dream deferred remains in suspended animation. Think what you will of Bobby, but never forget that he alone emerged from the herd of Scamelot fame grazers to make a stand on ground hallowed by the blood of John and Robert.

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Deluded assertions. Tactic?? You are blossoming in sin

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Speaking of Censorship...Like all good RFK and Tulsi followers, I came to see what my adopted sisters and brothers had to say on Social media immediately after the debate. I didn't stick with mainstream for their "afterparty."

I was so happy to see so many people making comments that reflected my thoughts as well. I made comments on two accounts. One, a right-leaning account run by a smart younger man. The other comment was on the account that hosted, if you get my drift.

Within 15 seconds I had a popup that told me I was being censored. I had written nothing bad, nasty, rude, crude, no lies, no swears, no names, no threats. Nothing untoward, blue, vile, slandering, inciteful, mean, harmful, hurtful.

This was the second time I was censored in 6 months. Both were for being an independent supporter. I appealed each time. This time, "they" had a new tactic in "their" arsenal. They insisted on my using MULTIPLE account "verification" vehicles and would only accept one of my answers. The rest were rejected! My account was deleted.

I am surprisingly calm, but I feel like I no longer live in the United States of America - a beloved place where I was born and lived my entire life. A place where I helped other citizens realize their dreams, for decades.

I have only one opinion on this instance of Censorship. And let me first state that I was not a "Vance" fan prior to the debate, but his words and civilized demeanor impressed me.

My opinion is that media censors had been deployed to "jail" anyone who loved the right, OR anyone who spoke against the regime. I don't know if this was on instructions from WH, or if this was the idea of the outlet itself. It was almost instant.

I'm sad, but no worries for me. In a very tiny way I now know how Tulsi and Bobby must feel. Like we are good and decent people, but dismissed. Cancelled. It's bullying, but on surprise level.

I would really like to learn how many others experienced this Tuesday night or Weds!

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The censorship is real. In the last month, I have been banned and blocked from Heather Cox Richardson’s Facebook page for pointing out an error, and a comment I made on a NYTimes article slandering RFKJr was rejected. It’s unbelievable, really…but nothing surprises me at this point.

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Thx for sharing. I believe we are on the edge of a rocky cliff, and the Richter Scale is at about "4." 😵‍💫

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so why oh why are you on FB????????

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To be able to monitor the insanity. I feel it enables me to keep an eye on exactly how crazy most people have become. It’s my reality check. I use Twitter to follow the sane folks.

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interestin reasoning

When FB launched I simply knew that you do not get something for nothing and steered clear. One of us had an accurate assessment.

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The country was taken by the commies with the 2020 election theft.

We are taking it back. Divorce thyself from social media echo chambers.

The collaboration ofDJT - Musk, RFK, and Gabbard are evidence of making the best possible decision. DJT is the commander in chief and the governor...

Alt media has no such censorship, so far. Divorce from the fake news echo chamber and

censoring "Social Media"

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ABD. Simply reporting in to the tally, which is important.

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I find it disingenuous to parrot the fake news echo chamber of "polls"

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Trump and Vance MUST repeat Kennedy's MAHA Unity Party mantra FAR MORE OFTEN.

Health and ending Institution Capture by Enemies of the Constitution is a priority for this Nation's survival. Kennedy has it in spades in this realm. In fact, it would be an advantage for Trump to bring Kennedy onto the stage before he speaks to get the crowd riled and ready to vote 'Trump/Vance' with Kennedy in the SUPPORT POSITION.

CBS is Corporate Media experts with PROPAGANDA to claim 'Neck and Neck'; 42% to 41% as the result.

Such scoring in support of the CCP Agent, Walz with his 'Deer in the Headlights' look is a CON.



The current Natural Disaster in the South most surely indicated the

HIT ON ELECTIONS has been ordered and the Machine is ready to rock since the enemies always ingratiates and toadies itself to the U.S. public before Elections.


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Excellent reporting. Although calling these discussions debates is wanting, Vance vanquished Walz as anticipated.

The fake news and fake polls are election meddling as always...

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These are the most dangerous times in my 74 years. This warning is free. Please read and share it. Before it is too late. https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/tipping-point-how-middle-eastern?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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