Great article!

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Again Kennedy ignores the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians and fails to mention the stranglehold of the Israel Lobby and the Neocons over US foreign policy.

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I suspect the articles are focused on individual topics rather than covering every possible topic at once, so I don't see it as ignoring the genocide but rather he hasn't touched on it yet. But like Chuck says in the other reply, he does need to address it.

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That is exactly what the articles have failed to do, where have you been?

He has come out in support of Israel and said about Ukraine on CSpan that we are there

"for all the right reasons".

This one is different, and much better though vacillating is a very bad sign.

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I'm sorry: you said he said we were in the Ukraine for "all the right reasons"? I would really need to see that statement in context as he has been very staunch--including on his podcast--in critiquing the war in Ukraine as a war of choice funded by US belligerence. Do you have a link to that comment?

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yes he has been vacillating way to much. not a good quality in a commander in chief

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Bobby, you finally paid attention when we told you that running as a Dem was a dead end. NOW listen to those of us who are following your campaign to insist that you finally comprehend he depth of depravity on the Israeli side vs the trapped Palestinian population, while not excusing the initial Hamas attack in the slightest. The Israeli savagery far exceeds that of Hamas in volume and intensity.

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Why would we expect him to address that fiasco when our own back yard funds it? Let the candidate campaign and actually win the competition to right our ship first.

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No Jeffifer, can't put the cart before the horse.

Vacillating is not leadership and puts voters in a serious quandry.

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Says you, rrrrrr. It’s a matter of perspective. But ive never run for an office. Speaking out of my arse.

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yes indeed, better to zip it

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Nah, it’s a democracy. How do we learn about who is reputable and who is not unless we debate through the smoke screens?

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Why, because he is the peace candidate and the anti-establishment candidate or at least I thought so. Does he have an stance of whether america will continue to send Israel unlimited funds with no strings attached under a Kennedy administration? Shouldn't we know if he will do the same?

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He will address that in due time.

There are many irons in the fire.

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it's already way too late, more than 15,000 slaughtered and still mounting and 2 months have passed. not to mention cutting off food, water, medicine and destroying the region. there 's no where for these people to go, no where is safe and their homes and neighborhoods are gone. how, just how could he remain silent? it's astonishing

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The deaths and trauma are unspeakably atrocious, for every one of us even if we aren’t conscious of it.

He barely has a foot in the door of the campaign. I believe he will address this all in due time.

To really love peace you have to embrace justice. He always seeks justice.

I am biased. I believe him and in his character.

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has nothing to do with his foot in the door, it has all to do with being a flip flopper. he actions are in total contradiction to all the interviews and town halls he has given. he didn't appear on scene last month. now you know why Kucinich left and a whole bunch of his staff, they didn't want to be part of a hypocritical campaign. remember how many times he has said that the war in Ukraine is wrong, that he wants to end forever wars, that negotiation and diplomacy must be they way. the good guy bad guy trope must stop. so it's ok for Israel in his book but not for Ukraine? he can't talk out of both sides of his mouth. a peace candidate who is silent while genocide is being committed --OMG!

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rfk, jr re: israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk go to 1:14:22 even Biden has softened his position

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Dec 5, 2023
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Soon? I think it's way too late. What stranglehold do they have over him? And what about that Super Pack, think they will have any influence over him if he caved so quickly to the jewish lobby?

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Dec 6, 2023
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listen to him, this was a few days ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk go to 1:14:22 i don't think any one running for president can change his stance on an issue of this magnitude and be taken seriously. he thinks it's ok to watch people being slaughtered. he also makes an analogy to Mexico and if they tried to take Texas back what would the US do. I really don't think that is a good analogy and it doesn't matter because right now we are watching genocide take place.

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All very promising, but then the inevitable question comes: what about Zionist infiltration in US politics and central banking? What about FINALLY getting 911 properly investigated and naming the culprits and bringing them to justice? You see, all your points sound very, VERY good Mr. Kennedy, but if you are a Zionist, or a Zionist supporter, then you have already betrayed those that put their hopes in you. So far not a word has been said on the terrorism foreign and domestic created by Zionism, and for anyone knowledgeable on geopolitical affairs and global terrorism, this is a major red flag!

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Infiltration? Probably more accurate to say total control.

Clarity and Transparency is lacking...

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Touché! You nailed it and this has caused me to stop supporting him. Major red flag, indeed.

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To me it is 100% clear now: NOTHING good will ever again come out of Washington, London or Brussel if we fail to eradicate the Rothschilds. The Fed, which is a private bank owned by the Rothschilds (Zionism), and all central banks owned by the Zionists are sucking us dry as we speak! The complete war of terror, from beginning to the end, is a Zionist stratagem to rule the Middle East and rob everyone there from all their resources. The Zionists have twisted events and history to their suiting, and it is literally time to get rid of these vermin for all times! Kennedy supports Zionism, and sadly he's a fraud just like Obama. Both seem the knights in shinning armor, yet they are wolves in sheep's clothes. American and EU politics is evil, corrupt and genocidal.

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The military budget must be slashed. Its currently absurd what we spend on this single expenditure. The advertisement of pharmaceuticals has to end. By allowing this grotesque form of control we allow Big Pharma to buy media and propagate whatever pseudo information they wish.

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Both industries should be nationalized, & funded strictly via taxes on THE RICH.

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Great vision that restores hope and practices to build a great middle class: time for practical solutions that rapidly bring up the spending power of the middle class and make the ultra-rich pay their fare share and not get away with corruption and tax loopholes. It is not sustainable nor good for democracy that the rich get richer and the middle class and poor get poorer. Plenty of ultra-rich and rich people, opportunity and freedom here in Sweden but much more help for the middle class and lower classes. A country is not greater than it´s level of care for the broken, poor and disadvantaged.

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All this is very good. However, there is a mammoth in the kitchen that needs to be removed:


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Great list of proposals to start. As a peace activist starting with Vietnam, I agree with both the criticism and also the campaign for not making a case that Mr Kennedy is not in a position at this time to alter in any way. Just to have this candidate, with the words and pledges coming out of his mouth, is going to lead to peace everywhere. I believe he is a smart and thoughtful man who will come to the currect conclusion even if he has to change his opinion. Listen to what he says about the runaway military and the defense of our country, he will not be funding or backing foreign military when he wins. We may even have a Department of Peace rather than war. Let's back Mr Kennedy, he is our ONLY choice at this time for peace on earth.

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This is excellent, thank you!

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Kennedy has no idea, it seems, how many on the left stopped supporting him because of his

attitudes toward Israel, and who would support him again if he would just be reasonable about Israel and what they are doing to the Palestinians. So many of my friends turned on to him, but turned off again when they realized he was supporting Israel's mis-treatment of the Palestinians. He wins, and then he loses large numbers on the Left—far larger numbers than the Jews he might

lose if he is just realistic about Israel and their long term, unfair, inexcusable treatment of, war against, expelling and mass murder of the Palestinians! I hope he will take warning before it's

too late. I was a very strong supporter until recently, but no more. I think he could have many

more supporters on the Left than the Jews he might lose saying we must have fair treatment

of the Palestinians.

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He is from one of the most powerful and political families on earth. He knows exactly what he is doing. Question is why???

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agree, i stopped supporting him. who is controlling him? israel or his super pack donors?

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You will agree that Trump and Biden are Zionists. And strongly support Israel !!!

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Because of his silence on this issue, RFK Jr signals he a Zionist, only the lesser of three evils. He will not win with that, probably will not even getting on the ballot. A majority of Jews don't support the Zionist genocide. He could support Israel and Jewish people but make a stand to defeat the Zionist genocide. We would all come back to him as our next President. Time is running out.

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No, that is the error of equivalency.

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Yea some of this would help...some would make things worse. About the only thing I agree with...that Trump hadn’t already started on was the Military. I agree it needs to be severely downsized ...but doubt that will happen..no matter who is in the chair. Higher minimum wage, free college, lower interest rates, free child care...that hurts us who are on fixed incomes since all will continue the out of control inflation we now have.

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Taxation in the US is WAY too regressive. 90% of all U.S. wealth is owned by 2% of its population--so why aren't THEY paying all the taxes, at EVERY level of gov't? The rest of us hardly own anything. (I bet that if that 2% had to pay ALL the taxes, that money wouldn't be squandered on proxy wars in Ukraine, Israel, or anywhere else.)

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Thanks for pointing out that the list of fixes is incredibly expensive. And the list ignores the biggest fix needed - Social Security and Medicare. If elected for two terms, RFK Jr's second term will end just as SS benefits will have to be slashed by over 20%, if no action is taken. How does RFK Jr propose to pay for the programs outlined? An amorphous "the rich will pay"? This is why I cannot vote for him, although I admire him.

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Common with talking point proposals. He is vacillating wildly. Clueless people are just fine with that as they simply want to move to a different plantation. SS is broke and Medicare is coverage by the genocidal Medical Cartel. There is no fix, there is only dissolution and rebuilding...

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No, not "the rich will pay." The money saved by shrinking the Defense budget in half will pay.

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Our national debt is in excess of $33 trillion. RFK Jr wants to add numerous programs to help the lower and middle classes. Cutting the defense budget in half is a start, but won't fill the enormous hole that is, and will be, our budget deficit and debt. Don't misunderstand me, no other candidate has addressed this, either. I may not vote at all (for president) because of this.

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He has described how he will use capitalism to fund many of this programs. For example, the first-time home buyers 3 percent mortgage will be financed by selling tax-free U.S. Treasury bonds. He's got a great team of economists working on these problems and coming up with solutions that won't push the country further into debt. Stopping industry capture of the regulatory agencies will also do things like lower the cost of pharmaceuticals. I like his solutions. They are rational and doable.

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I knew about the tax free bonds. Good idea to try to rid pharma's grip over agencies, but what about lobbyists and campaign contributions? Free childcare, free college? I'll continue to listen, but color me skeptical. Thanks for engaging with me.

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You bet. Have you checked out any of his long form interviews? Or the campaign page? There's a lot of specifics here - https://www.kennedy24.com/

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Here JFK Jr. is spouting Marxist dogma. Contrary to Marxist dogma, lowering the tax rate does not reduce tax revenue but rather increases it. Conversely, raising the tax rate does not increase tax revenue but rather decreases it. Thus, if people without college degrees want greater prosperity, the way for them to accomplish this is for them to support Donald Trump's candidacy for POTUS rather than RFK Jr's.

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Be as sorry as you like, it is on CSpan interview. What about vacillating do you not understand.

You can search as easy as I... It is old news

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I strongly suspect he has zero intentions of taking the helm. He has blown a huge hole in the Dem Ship. The ship is listing and soon to rest on the bottom irrecoverable. That is a very very good thing.

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I sincerely hope he wakes up before it's too late and rethinks, refeels. Yes, maybe some big AIPAC

money is supporting him?? I feel sad about this, and about American politics in general.

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With a swish of his magic wand!

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Too little, way too late. I'm sure he means well, but what does he know? He's never been poor, or even middle class. Why save JUST the middle class? What about THE POOR--is that impossible? This is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, but 3/4 of its ppl are living either IN poverty or right on the brink. It didn't get that way just because of the moral intransigence of 3/4 of its population. https://daviddegraw.org/peak-inequality-the-01-and-the-impoverishment-of-society/

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