Excellent piece!!! You rock, Adam, thank you!!!

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One thing I've learned as I became a Kennedy Democrat. You have to read into the details on anything and question power. Good article. I'll do more research at the next poll.

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Sorry Adam, especially after 2016 I don't trust *any* poll.

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You mean since they don't account for the foreign interference factor?

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No, that has nothing to do with my opinion.

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Words do matter!!! // "In other words, there’s no meaningful takeaway from this poll except that it’s misleading. The spun narrative is that Harris is beating Trump in key swing states. She is not."

The takeaway is that polls are ELECTION meddling. H Clinton was "polling" so far ahead of DJT

that the DemonRats asssued her victory before he pummeled her at the ballot box. The Fake News Echo Chamber did their absolute best to manufacture the outcome. "Polls" are a useless contrivance to influence elections nothing more or less...

Pay them NO attention, ever.

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The Zogby poll is an example of accurate polling methodology. Currently the only poll I trust.

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Like medical clinical trials, seems like polls can be designed to get whatever results they want, then the media just repeats the press release over and over ... like when they #FollowTheScience ...

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After you stop laughing at the idea of an accurate political poll, you realize it's futile to attempt to find such a thing.

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The Zogby poll is actually very accurate.

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In other words, there’s no meaningful takeaway from this poll except that it’s misleading. The spun narrative is that Harris is beating Trump in key swing states. She is not.

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Most import is the breakdown of Dem, Republican and Independents. Currently 51% of voters are Independent, yet the polls only represent 20-30% Independents. RFK is winning among Independents, which is probably why they are undercounted. There are 101 ways to rig a poll that props up the duopoly.

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A good poll is one that shows your guy ahead.

Anyone can buy one like that anywhere, any time.

Therefore, polls are just so much Amish exhaust.

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Though I am planning to vote for Robert F. kennedy, Jr. , I think for full disclosure you should mention that Mr. kennedy commissioned the Zogby poll.

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Actually Zogby did the poll which brought him into the race without his knowledge.

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That is accurate. RFK has told the story about how Zogby contacted him after he did the poll. It was not commissioned by RFK.

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Excellent article! There's a precise science behind the objectivity of data collection method, which takes time, so the result is accurate. Many usually don't do this: they don't invest the time. Media: So what if the poll is inaccurate? The goal is to fill empty air time.

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Quite a few people say you can't trust any polls, since it's just a snapshot of the moment.

Professor Lichtman has correctly predicted the last 10 presidential races using his "13 keys". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3O_f-SrvPU

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a poll rigged to show a candidate to be a strong contender when he/she really doesn't stand a ghost of a chance

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