Subsidize regenerative farming not Monsanto corn and soy.

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Thank you for this enlightening article on a topic of great concern. I live in rural New Hampshire and have long supported local farming. We need to change the government support that favors large scale production and I appreciate having the information you propose toward changes in the US farm bill. BTW, I too suffered from long term fibromyalgia resulting from undiagnosed Lyme disease some 30 years ago. A related health issue was heavy metal toxicity and the removal/replacement of all my amalgam fillings held dramatic results that set me on the path to recovery.

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amalgam fillings have been overlooked for far too long. I have a strong suspicion that mine played a significant role in my son's autism. I mean come on, mercury is arguable one of the most (if not THE most) toxic substances on the planet yet in this country we are STILL allowing dentists to put this shit in the mouths of children. its banned in third world countries but nope, they still use it for people on Medicaid here in the good ol' US cuz its cheap.

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this is such a vitally important issue. the fact that its deliberately not talked about in the corporate media means that average citizens are being kept unaware and that is to the detriment of all. Dr Meryl Nass and her organization Door To Freedom has done some fantastic work in this area. those interested in more detail can watch the series on CHD TV called 'The Attack On Food and Farming'.

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Thank you for this excellent article! Do you know Dr. Robert Malone? I believe he’ll be very interested in reading this too.

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How about just making raw milk fully legal again, & stop paying state bureaucrats fat salaries to pretend they're protecting the public. This would leave that public more cash wherewith to buy directly from their neighbors.

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To all farmers: Chime in! (Love that you're gathering real information from the people and real farmers!)

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It's nice to hear that he "practices what he preaches." I often hear people tell others to know their farmer or buy local, but the truth is, we need more people to BE farmers, or at least to adopt more of a homesteader lifestyle, knowing how to grow some of their own food.

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Thank you for this common sense solution to this monumental problem.

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Please give this a listen.....it's eye opening how Agenda 2030 is upon the farmer to regulate them. Not Big Ag, just the little guy!!


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The Farm Bill is written by lobbyists. They have zero interest in reform.

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This is articulated so well and I feel so excited that this is being addressed. Keep going!

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Fantastic article. Many thanks.

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This is one of the biggest worst problems with this country. We let big business take over too much and the quality isn’t just bad, it’s deadly. You are so on track RFK. GOD BLESS

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