Still no mention of Israel/Gaza? Come on, Bobby! How could anyone with such a knowledge of the inner workings of the MIC not include the present war of Israel against Gaza which we fund? Your failure to mention Israel/Gaza contradicts what you claim to believe. How many more Palestinians do they have to kill before you can speak truth to power? It’s time.

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You are right. His silence on Gaza is making me so angry and I feel like wasted money, emotional energy and time supporting him. I no longer do.

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Suspend support, pending a change, not give up.

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I agree but I don't see how he can back walk this. we'll have to wait and see.

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So who will you be voting for?? Trump? Or Biden???

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right now there are no good options

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How can you say that? Let us know if you find someone you completely agree with! We have a good chance to take down the oligarchs for once and I don’t think this chance will happen again. They’ll make sure of that!! #kennedy24

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how will he take down the oligarchs when they are deep in the Israeli lobby funding it's war machine with US dollars? Israel does the dirty work for the US in the Middle East, they are part of the problem as relates to our corrupted system.

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There will be three. Biden Trump and Bobby!

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What about the Israel-Gaza conflict. His position doesn’t make sense with everything he had previously said. He can talk about imperialism and forever wars and ignore what is happening in Gaza. Check out the ex IDF testimonies of people that actually perpetrated these acts @ “breaking the silence”

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the contradiction in his platform and his support of Israel is just bizarre and makes no sense. it looks like since Kucinich left the campaign he has lost it's way. RFK jr is pretty much silent on this middle east conflict, he's not saying much but we do know he has taken a side, that of Israel. How he can support Israel yet still act like his platform is the same comes across as hypocritical. How can he think he can pull this off, when his actions are in direct contradiction to his campaign platform and all the interviews and town halls he has held so far. This RFK jr I no longer support.

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I was so excited about many of the things RFK Jr said. I do think loosing Dennis Kucinich is a great lost. However, I will still vote for him because he’s way better than Trump or Biden, and does seem the only other viable choice, so we are back to the least harmful candidate. Very sad

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agree on having to choose the least harmful. we don't know yet if he will even succeed so that he'll be able to be on all the ballots come primary day. Before October 7th I'd say he'd had a pretty good chance of making it, i'm not so sure now. time will tell.

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He has a very good chance of making it!! Most Americans are worried about having food on their table, gas in their cars and paying rent! You don’t sound like you have a clue about what Bobby has been doing for the last 4 decades!! #kennedy24

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Precisely! What is posted above is excellent, but we have a "tyrannosaurus in the kitchen" problem. Bobby, we were right to insist you go Independent and we are right that you must denounce the terrorism exhibited on both sides. Be even handed! Berserk militarism currently being displayed in Gaza is utterly incompatible with your peace agenda.

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I actually opened the comment section on this piece for the sole purpose of asking about Israel-Hamas and forever wars. I don't get it. It's like this piece was written before October 7. Is there one mention of Israel, Hamas or Gaza among the many about Ukraine?

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His willingness to lie so egregiously about this issue and present himself so falsely on the military industrial complex and forever wars reflects horribly for his character and anything else he says he stands for and what he advocates. I was drawn to him largely because of his alleged stance on the war industry. I find some of his other positions, like his fear mongering on things like 5g, to be batty. His sanity is showing to be less and less clear as he continues to portray himself as the peace candidate while he supports the war industry’s number 1 lobby.

It seems he thought he was going to be able to posture himself as a peace candidate without addressing the Israel lobby, but than the Hamas attack happened, and he’s been shown for what he really is: just another lying politician in the pocket of the war industry.

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I sometimes think, oh well, another politician who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. However, I disagree about the 5G issue. It is harmful. It is being used to harm the environment, wildlife, and human life. Look into it more deeply. You may even have to confront "conspiracy theory".

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I have looked into it. And I have not come across any compelling evidence that it is meaningfully harmful.

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Well then I'm completely convinced that you looked into and have not come across any compelling evidence that it is meaningfully harmful. I'll rest easy tonight. ;-))

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Maybe you should do your own research on 5G and you’ll see there’s nothing good about it! You have any idea of all the good he has done for people and our environment for the last 45 years?! He’s highly intelligent and I’m sick of people bashing him! #kennedy24

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I have looked into it. And I have not come across any compelling evidence that it is meaningfully harmful.

He has done some good for some people and the environment, but he has also lobbied some bullshit. He is a skilled lawyer, but being a skilled lawyer doesn’t make a person skilled with regard to scientific analysis. He clearly lacks integrity, as his stance on Israel demonstrates, and that is also possibly reflected in some of his legal advocacy. Either a lack of integrity or a lack of skill in scientific analysis blemishes his work.

He has on numerous occasions expressed unjustified confidence in spurious correlations as if they were strong proof of causation. He makes primitive mistakes in empirical reasoning. That is not a sign of being “highly intelligent.”

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"RFK Jr. has also spoken firmly in favor of a negotiated solution for Ukraine ... and has bravely pointed out the extensive responsibilities of the US and the West in provoking the conflict – something virtually no one in the Democratic Party will do." But, what about Gaza?

. . .

On Nov 3rd, RFK Jr. tweeted thanking Jeffery Sach's for tweeting, 'By coming out for urgent diplomacy and peace in Israel and Ukraine, RFK, Jr will do the right thing and win the election, hands down.' Thanks Jeff!”

Unfortunately, the previous day, on Nov 2nd, a few hours after Jeremy Sach's thoughtful article, "Israel’s Chance to Turn Carnage into Peace," was posted onto the “Kennedy Beacon” it was deleted.

Sachs concluded by writing: "If Israel swallows Netanyahu’s poison ... Israel will isolate itself from the rest of the world and pay a devastating price. ... Israel’s friends, starting with the U.S., must help it choose diplomacy over war. Friends do not let friends commit crimes against humanity, much less provide them with the finances and arms to do so."

P.S. Last night, Jeremey Sachs was interviewed on Glenn Greenwald's "System Update" show #181 on Rumble.

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P.S. If anyone's interested, Dennis Kucinich's similar thoughts on Gaza can be found at his new Substack, "The Kucinich Report"

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How can RFK, Jr. be so clear in helping resolve the conflict of U.S. support for the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and be so insensitive to the ongoing crises in Palestine and Israel? Following is a link to an impressive Edward Curtin article, "An Epistle to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr." https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/11/edward-curtin/an-epistle-to-robert-f-kennedy-jr/

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It's bizarre, isn't it. Does he really think supporters aren't noticing this contradiction? he lost my support

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I was ready to donate, collect signatures to help get him on the ballot, and more.. He lost my support in that way, too. However of those with a chance to win, and overcoming the monopoly of the corrupt two-Party system, I still might vote for him as the better of the horrible choices we may have in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. I have been compromising this way for a long time. We do need ranked-choice-voting so we can vote for a top choice first, and then perhaps have a better system. We also need to rid ourselves of the Electoral College system that pushes politics into the mix over democracy. I hope candidates running for Office will support the National Popular Vote - https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/

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How can you square this with Kennedy calling Israel our "aircraft carrier in the Middle East"? The very language is off, coming from a man of such depth and eloquence. What kind of calculation would make someone condone the suffering in Gaza for US political ends?

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You are so right, he is tone deaf on this one. makes me wonder just what the hell is going on with him and within his campaign. How does he think he can pull this off. Does he think his supporters are equally as tone deaf and can't see through the absurdity of the stance he has taken on Israel. Something seems off since Kucinich left, feels like the campaign had lost energy and is just rehashing the same stuff over and over again and is not effectively dealing with the elephant in the room--Gaza! People are being slaughtered in Gaza with no food water, medicine and the most basic human needs and he is silent for over a month now. It feels like the campaign has lost momentum. Taking sides on the Israeli/Palestinian issue was really misguided. I think he shot himself in the foot.

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Again We do not have choices! So take your pick !

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Hey Mr. Naysayer…his campaign hasn’t lost any momentum and he’s doing great out here!! I’m sure you’re not following along since YOU have decided to let him go. Go away and pls. stop trying to take him down! Thx. #kennedy24

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Yep, like many other citizens, aching for substantive change in Washington, your silence at the decimation of the Palestinian people and your boasting support of Israel, regardless of the genocidal collateral damage to the culture, is your weakest argument for running for president. It may well be your undoing. I pray not.

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How I wish this article was True. All the Empathetic, Intelligent, and Discerning Comments so far call out Kennedy's Hypocrisy which is clear for all to see. A Huge Disappointment. There is no viable reason for it except Kennedy is not who he pretends to be.

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Not necessarily. Back in May, when nothing was going on in Israel/Palestine, I speculate he took a hard-line position in support of Israel to try to avoid being smeared as an "anti-semite" again. At the time it didn't matter that much. Now, it's the top story. But, perhaps now he feels stuck in his position.

Still, couldn't he just say he strongly supports Israel, but doesn't support genocide and call for diplomacy? I just don't get the campaign's reasoning. Perhaps, Fox & RFK Jr feel that they'll lose more votes by coming out for peace than they would gain? And, take a bunch of media smears and lose big doners cash? Perhaps he feels he needs to compromise on this issue because he wants to win, and feels he needs to do so to win. No one is perfect.

But, I think he is de-motivating some of his most enthusiastic supporters and volunteers in the process. Personally, I'll certainly vote for him, but today, I just can't bring myself to volunteer anymore of my time and money. Maybe later.

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One of the things I admired about him is his fearlessness in the face of all kinds of fuckery. But in this situation with the war in the ME, his silence is deafening. Someone must have found his achilles... AIPAC?

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Or he's being blackmailed.

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Right or threatened. But then he is not the Courageous Noble Warrior we hoped he was!

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"What could explain this mostly unflinching and unexamined backing of Israel among Republicans and Democrats alike? [and Independents?] ... supporting anything short of the full AIPAC line — which currently equates to unwavering support of Israel’s siege — means that, in your next election, you may just be spent into the ground."

-- "How The Israel Lobby Silenced Democratic Dissent -- After AIPAC targeted a Jewish Democratic congressman, most Dem lawmakers won’t risk pressing Israel to stop its war.

(11/14/23, "The Lever" https://www.levernews.com/how-the-israel-lobby-silenced-democratic-dissent/

For an eye-opening look at the influence the Israel lobby has on our government & politics, take a look at Jame's Bamford's recent book "SpyFail". And, years ago I saw the documentary that was censored and later leaked out: "The Lobby - USA" https://electronicintifada.net/content/watch-film-israel-lobby-didnt-want-you-see/25876

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Realistically the world stands at the fork in the road whereby world war will be fought between good (and I take this moment to remind everybody Australia has never been defeated in war ever. We are the goodies and the goodies always win......) and terrorist states. I know the media likes to call Russia a terrorist state but the fact remains we have the opportunity to get China and Russia on our side if we play our cards right. I have introduced the concept of Russia's self-implosion and subsequent rescue by the West in every world war to Putin (long story, short version. I got bored one day and asked Putin to be my friend on social media. He tried to kill me a few times but now we have seemed to settle into what passes as a friendship so now I am trying to get Russia on our side.) and pointed out Australia does not hold any American hostages whatsoever and never has. We will always have wars, but what we should be reaching for is an actual united front against actual terrorist states. Arabs holding Russian hostages is not the sign of a good ally and I think we can capitalise on that distrust felt by Russia towards their allies as sown by Operation Barbarossa. In short, I am making a grab for the powerplay of the 21st Century and I think it is very achievable to have Russia counted as a world war ally against terrorist states once we get a change in the American presidency.

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