Terrific article, very informative.

The Democrat party won't allow RFK, Jr to win the nomination. I believe he will be forced to run as an independent.

Democrats don't want anyone with integrity, courage, truthfulness and incorruptibility like RFK, Jr. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris, Newsom and others like them.

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There certainly is a "club" of institutional Democrats manning the gates. Time for a change.

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The Democrats also rig the general election through censorship of stories like Hunters laptop and legal warfare on Trump. All part of the color revolution playbook: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution

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Plus shifting around the order of the primaries to exclude RFK, circulating petitions to "ban" him from the ballot, shadowbanning on social media... and outright banning, of course.

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Please - encourage Kennedy to run independently if the DNC plays dirty again, which they already are. I've heard him respond to questions as to why he didn't just run as an independent, and his answer makes sense - he would miss out on the primary process and all the coverage that comes with that.

But if he looses in the primary, and even if every vote is counted (doubtful), it still would not be fair because of the tsunami of media lies leading up to the primary, plus who knows what else like the stuff you cover in this article ...

If he looses, I hope he will persist.

The unfair obstacles and lies put in his direction may end up backfiring on the ruling class and giving him more support.

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Nah Ellen, no infinite amount of get out of jail free passes, NONE The party is _hit on a stick and RFK clearly knows this needing no encouragement. He knows and must have plan B without "us"

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and said another way that was massive election interference which is treason

Same for the Russian collusion hoax that very stupid un-discerning people parroted for 5 years!

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We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, etc. But really it's never the president doing those things, it's the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate.

Really if you look solely at the raw data of the US power structure around the world (where the weapons are going, where the resources are going, where the money is and isn't going, where the diplomats are and aren't going, etc), you can't tell from year to year when the White House is changing hands. You can't tell from that raw data what political party the current president belongs to or what platform he campaigned on, and you can't tell when he's replaced by someone from the other party with another platform. The raw data of the empire keeps moving in basically the same way without any meaningful interruption.

So it's not really true to say that Obama did this or Trump did that, they're just the face that happened to be on the operation when it was time to kill Gaddafi or begin the Pivot to Asia or sanction Venezuela or start arming Ukraine or whatever. They're not leaders leading the US government in various directions based on what they think the best policies are, they're empire managers who are responding to whatever the needs of the empire happen to be each day, using whatever justifications or partisan leverage they can muster in that moment.

And Americans don't get to vote on any of that stuff. They don't get to vote on what will need to be done to facilitate the needs of a globe-spanning empire, or if there should be a globe-spanning empire at all. The behavior of the empire is never on the ballot. The only things that are ever on the ballot are issues which stand no possibility of ever interfering in the operation of the empire, like whether or not the president will appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose abortion or support gun control. And the voting populace is continually kept at a 50/50 split on as many of those issues as possible to keep both sides tugging on the rope as hard as possible so they don't look up and notice that the real large-scale behavior of their government is completely unaffected by the back and forth gains and losses of the tug-o-war game.

Really the only reason to talk about US presidents in terms of Obama did this and Trump did that is to highlight this point. To highlight the fact that Obama continued and expanded all the most malignant policies of his predecessor, and that Trump continued and expanded all the most malignant policies of his. To disrupt all the dopey partisan narratives about things getting better under Biden or worse under Trump or that Obama was a progressive or Trump was a conservative. By pointing out the horrible things that happened under each administration, regardless of party affiliation or platform, the illusion that Americans are controlling the behavior of their government using their votes can be worn away.

And then the possibility for real change opens up. The longer Americans are convinced that they can vote their way out of problems they never voted their way into in the first place, the longer they can be dissuaded from using the power of their numbers to force real material changes by real material means.

The main misconception about US presidents is that they are proactive leaders when they're really reactive facilitators. They're not proactively leading the government in accordance with their vision and ideology, they're responding to and facilitating the various needs of the empire from year to year. That's what the empire managers in their administrations are doing with their daily intelligence and national security briefings: explaining to them what the needs of the empire are on that day and what must be done to facilitate those needs, using whatever language will make a given president receptive.

The main difference between US presidents is the narratives that the empire managers who they surround themselves with will use to explain why they need to advance the interests of the empire. Progressive president? You need to kill Syrians to advance human rights. Conservative president? You need to kill Syrians to protect national security. Presidents surround themselves with empire managers who understand how to keep the gears of the globe-spanning empire turning, and those empire managers explain what needs to be done in ways that the president will listen to.

This is a big part of what keeps the empire moving the same way from administration to administration. Every president is being "advised" (read: directed) by DC swamp monsters who all went to the same universities and moved through the same revolving door employment circles of government agencies and think tanks and party politics and military-industrial complex advising/lobbying and media punditry, who all understand what's required of the US president to facilitate the perpetuation of US unipolar planetary hegemony.

These swamp monsters are part of the permanent government structure that stays in place regardless of the comings and goings of electoral politics, and they're always balls deep in literally every presidential administration, no matter how rebellious or anti-establishment that president pretends to be. That permanent government structure is why the large-scale movements of the empire don't change when a president is replaced by a new president of an opposing ideology; America's official elected government may have changed, but its real government did not.

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Do you know about Article V of the Constitution? Are you familiar with the concept of calling a Convention of the States? This behemoth we call the federal government was never supposed to have mushroomed into what it is. And we could remedy it right now by putting most of the power back in the hands of each state. Impose term limits on Congressman and Senators, and immediately limit their funding.

Although it seems now that Barrack Obama really is governing from his basement from Zoom, while donning sweat pants, it was not really so much the case that a president was just a front man until now..

Obama's not really responsible for fundamentally transforming America...into a Godless gay pride parade? You know 4 days before leaving office Obama quietly added our election system to the list of national infrastructures that need to be monitored by the federal government. For the first time ever this gave the federal government remote access to our sacred elections at the precinct level - a rather significant move for one individual to take in terms of the control we have over our own elections.

Trump is not really behind answering the American mandate for border security and immigration enforcement? I've heard and commiserated with this mandate since I was old enough to start caring about politics. Our elected leaders never heard it though. Trump is the only individual in my lifetime who said he would fix it and did. And the Abraham Accords - this was an accomplishment of literal Biblical proportion, that no other individual in the past 60+ years even came close to accomplishing. And although Trump didn't overturn Roe v. Wade, he did have the forethought to appoint Justices who would agree, no where is it written in a list of God given rights that one of those includes killing your own child, and asking tax payers to pay for it.

Joe's not playing with a full deck anymore, he is literally the front man for the reviled Obama Administration. But even when Joe was in the Senate for 50 years he didn't possess the integrity, intelligence or moral fortitude to lead the nation. Is it true that John Kennedy Jr. sent Joe Biden a letter calling him a traitor? America would be very interested to know now why a Kennedy was calling Joe Biden out as a traitor, way back in the 90s, well before all the bribes and extortion Biden engaged in while VP, with foreign adversaries.

Trump was never given a shot to govern, as from the start Obama and Clinton were illegally spying on him. He had to contend with that as well as endlessly battle the corrupt viciously partisan MSM. Trump did make insulin dirt cheap, and the media ignored it. He also championed the right to try legislation. Trump did take a sizeable shot at Big Pharma, but he did so without the realization that our healthcare industry had already been socialized, even before Obamacare, when the Clinton's introduced AIDS as an epidemic (the beginning of endless scares and crises) and installed Dr. Fauci on his little throne. HIPAA was the toothless monstrosity that obliterated our formerly glorious healthcare industry. And the Clinton Administration snuck it in, really with an overly zealous concern for the privacy of a handful of alleged HIV patients. Rush Limbaugh was telling us at the time, if HIV really exists, the Clintons spread it all over the country by selling the tainted blood of inmates from the Arkansas penal system to blood banks. Ireland actually sued the U.S. because the Clinton administration sold them tainted blood that gave all its recipients hepatitis.

No, it's really the party. The Democrat party really is heinous to it's core. They have crossed the rubicon with this bioweapon they created and shuffled off to China. We can't reconcile with that. We can't make this unspeakable transgression go away by pretending they didn't do it and never speaking of it again, particularly while they are gearing up for part deux.

I think rather than preserve the Democrat Party, Robert Kennedy could revamp it and/or put it to rest. For at least half of America is really has become synonymous with Hitler's Nazis. I'm here to tell you, for a good many Americans, we have identified direct links between American Progressives and their German Nazi compatriots of the 1920s and 30s.

Trump could turn the Grand Old Party into the Grand New Party, and replace the cumbersome elephant with a lion. Mr. Kennedy, please choose a new stately name for your party. But euthanize the wild ass, and please let the new animal be something other than a unicorn or a gray alien.

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Well, give this guy a big robe and call him Elijah. Because you called that one for sure.

As an Alt-Right Libertarian, I never had any problem discerning the duplicity of the DNC, but I know it's a tougher row to hoe for a real believer. If it weren't for the fact that the other side doesn't own or understand the media like the Democrats do, the RNC would be just as bad.

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almost certainly accurate, question is with whom? The answer may not be for everyone, though the reveals coming now at light speed

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So many people want to see RFK as President that running as an independent may be truer to his base than trying to change this Democratic Party, so altered from the Kennedy Democratic party we all remember and love.

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I think it's likely harder to run as an independent than people think, as nice an idea as it sounds. Not quite as hard as starting a new party, but still tough and questionable in terms of practicability.

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It’s certainly a tremendously difficult challenge but it’s really the only way to change things in this country. Every election it doesn’t happen & more time, energy & $ is wasted on Dem or Rep party, is just further serving the narrative that an Independent can’t win.

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that actually is irrelevant, there is another plan or RFK is a fools fool and we know that he is not

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Independents can vote in the primary in most states. Don't wait for the general election, reach out to them in the primary.

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It would be very valuable for someone to put together a guide for how to vote in your state primaries, including info on which allow independent voters. Perhaps something for us to consider on The Kennedy Beacon!

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Open Primaries is a great resource. I used to join their meetings frequently. https://www.openprimaries.org/

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Sweet, thank you Kelley!

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Exactly 💯agree!

SoOooo obvious that these "Democratic" primaries are going to be blatantly rigged! I believe there will be plenty of folks (who do not following MSM!🤦) will realize the same ol' same ol' rerun 😴 is happening all over again.... hopefully sooner than later Bobby will declare he's going to run as an Independent

🙌😃👍💥 DemExit --> Zero --> 60 mph! RFKJrzoom! 🚗...Center Stage

🇺🇸 The Idependent party!

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truer? what part of Democrat is true? I am listening! The party is gone, flushed

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It is a sad commentary of our election system. Thank you for sharing that.

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Very valuable insight from Niko, indeed!

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Primaries are not part of any formal or legal or constitutional election system. Parties are private corporations who can select their nominee however they want. See my comment below for further explication.

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The DNC is so crooked they have to screw their socks on.

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wow, that’s about the best description i have heard in years of the overall political (and also can add medical) process, thank you , will borrow and share

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I "stole" this line from the late, great folksinger and storyteller Utah Phillips. Somewhere or other he also quoted this pithy saying from Lucy Parsons (if you don't know who she was, look her up): "Never be deceived that the rich will permit you to vote away their wealth."

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Well said!

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Aug 10, 2023
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Back in 2000 I came up with what I thought would have been a brilliant campaign slogan for Al Gore to use, "Read my lips. No new Texans." I even sent it to his campaign; so far as I recollect, they never used it. And the rest is history <smile>.

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Al was a liar, climate hysteria promoter, who heated two Olympic size pools year round

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Yes, that seems to be a problem with a lot of climate activists. They talk and talk real well, but don't do so well at walking the walk. Still, I think he would have been preferable to the doofus we wound up with.

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hard to make the case of which do do stinks less, they are all puppets

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True enough!

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I never looked at Bernie the same way after he just laid down and kissed the ring.

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many of us drank the Bernie kool aid, it speaks volumes for US that we were so clueless

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The DNC and all democrats have to lie and cheat to win. There is no way for them to be honest about their true beliefs and ever win elections. I feel sorry for the author who had their true beliefs shattered by the system that only cares about power and will do anything to achieve it. Come over to the other side where hope and reality rule. Help get RFK Jr elected president

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Something tells me that's why Niko is here!

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this sounds like excusing the lie, excuse me there is no place for lieing period

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Agreed. Truth and honesty are the only way forward.

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Do you have any thoughts about why Bernie tolerates the DNC?

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He’s been bribed or threatened? He didn’t used to be a a pro-war senator…

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Bernie always was in it for the money, and as soon as he got a new house or car, he bailed.

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yes, he is a crook, part of the swamp It really is that simple

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Much appreciation for this article.

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And thank you for reading!

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Jul 25, 2016 — Just one day before the Democratic convention was set to begin, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation in reaction to fraud exposed by WikiLeaks emails.. good reminder why Julian Assange is still jailed & prosecuted as a terrorist while DSW sits in Congress attacking RFK for opposing the censorship machine corrupt politics requites.

OBSERVER - Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

20,000 freshly leaked emails reveal resentful disdain toward Sanders, as party favored Clinton long before any votes were cast By Michael Sainato • 07/22/16


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A good reminder for why RFK Jr. should continue to highlight Assange's ongoing persecution!

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for sure, further distancing him from the party line

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Abso-frigging-lutely Julian has been a top worry for me since 2012 so I'm plugged into networks of supporters w notable speakers. Any Julian related issue folks want to do just ping me for good guest or source to go to or who does know.

My Flickr also has pics of events in support of Julian & whistleblowers back to Occupy... mostly NYC w lots of panel things for Julian.. sporadically DC events & Reality Winner in Georgia outside her jail.. to the point pics are free to share w most acts of resistance including hactivists & journalists & Medical Freedom RFK Jr Times Sq so you know where to look!

Sept 17 - 2011


Covidian era albums https://www.flickr.com/photos/pameladrew/albums/page2

Lots of fab shots of Bobby w crowds and zoom in but this is my favorite from that day! :~)


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Niko I commend your Courage and Integrity for Amazing article and all it revealed!

I suspected it and you made it clear. So much for Transparency!

Thank you,


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I can’t say that I am the least bit surprised. Appalling.

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Hearing the firsthand details is something else!

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Where is Dew now? The power of these stories is lessened if we don't follow the radioactive isotope an article like this attaches to these cancerous people as they metastasize through our institutions. Where are they now?

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Aug 10, 2023
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Amen! Would be very interesting to see how her career advanced.

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I'm not a journalist. Just a deplorable.

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For this reason. Kennedy needs circumvention strategies. On such strategy would be to highlight non profit charities. Think about "homes for our Troops" that builds and gifts houses to veterans that have been injured in war. Or Ctholic Relief Srevices. That spends over a billion dollars on infrastructure and agriculture in impoverished countries. By doing short one minute videos introducing these charities. He picks up dupport from yhese charities donors and followers. Do three videos a week. And trust me. Many of the charities will forward these introductions. The image that will be created for Mr. Kennedy will not be matched by the other candidates.

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It doesn’t matter in the least what his strategy is: Democrat leaders won’t nominate him. Primaries simply are beauty contests, binding on no one.

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Long Term View, I appreciate your call to distribute & decentralize the Election Process, with less on Bobby's Shoulders & agree reach-out is valuable for us all.

HOWEVER, the problem with most so-called 'NON-PROFITS or CHARITIES' as mini or major institutions is, as JFKJr has clearly pointed out, that of ORGANIZATIONAL CAPTURE. Oligarch money looks for these kinds of feel-good organizations in order to exploit for Oligarch dominant power-over agendas. Non-Profits & Charities with offices, equipment, heating, extraordinary accounting requirements & staff to support & without inherent sales, products or community revenues as well as most often diminishing the strengths & capacities of the people they are meant to serve, are VERY hungry for cash.

Often individuals, blinded by a mission, have not properly taken care of themselves, families or community, nor really taken the time to question the integrity of the means by which they are attempting to achieve their ends. I speak from experience as a Specialized Educator for 45 years with folks labelled as intellectually handicapped in residences, group-homes, hospitals & at home. Institutional care is quite abusive in warehousing people with differences. There really is no such thing as intellectual handicap as a sole indicator, when one factors-in the-diverse-&-complementary-intelligence-of-life-itself-within-each-person-&-community. I've similar experiences contributing in institutional: Social-work, Politics, Natural Foods, Pollution-Control, Health & Safety, all prone & mostly captured.

As I'm involved the last 35 years more in intergenerational Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) extended family home-care, I'm more impressed to the First Nation peoples, worldwide our ancestral 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') & particularly what the 70% of populations & extended-families living in Multihomes are contributing in Mutual-Aid. The average size of Multihome is 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of Multhome-Dwellers are extended-families living intentionally with privacy & in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Loving, intimate, reciprocal, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, ~100 (50-150) person critical-mass, economies-of-scale collaboration provide the most individually appropriate, continuous, longitudinal-relations, goods, services, sharing & caring. Per year Multihome-extended-families contribute trillions of $$ to the N. American economy as its largest essential service network, albeit unrecognized, unappreciated & unsupported by Non-profits, Charities, Institutions, Government & Education.

The crucial difference between 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') inappropriately scaled institutional services & 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') Cultural services is the careful attention & valorization given to accounting & empowerment of all individuals at the appropriate intimate ~100 person level 'Fractal' ('Fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') Multihome.

ECONOMIC-INCLUSION, WELCOME & LIFE: We can all be focused on what we’re doing to support life, babies in the womb, elders, handicapped, injured, ill, homeless in our own lives. All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, peoples & 1st Nation people on Turtle-Island/N. America focused upon loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) Circular 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture').70% of people today live in multihomes with an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. Within the Multihome humanity's indigenous ancestors, knowing each other & inter-dependent in strong local Circular Economies were renowned & prided themselves on their individual & collective cultural capacity to WELCOME & INCLUDE the stranger, the new child & all to within their midst. Imagine ~100 people with diverse specialized talents, all recognized, accounted-for & included as a powerful force of love & welcome. 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute trillions of $ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. Extended (really diverse-&-mixed) families form the heart of cultural inclusion for even the unrelated & indeed the whole community. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are is a web-based Community-Economy software enabling those 70% of all populations still culturally connected in the Multihome as well as those in neighbourhood to:

A) CATALOGUE local individual & business for: talents, goods, services, resources & dreams. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership

B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames

C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published dialogues for reaching formal agreement together as well as conflict-resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information! And is why this video from Kim Iverson and Bret Weinstein is so important (begins at 7:15). https://rumble.com/v32v6kw-the-deterioration-of-our-nation-and-how-to-stop-it-a-conversation-with-bret.html Obviously a lot can happen between now and February, but this chilling report on how the primary rigging is actually done leaves me to wonder if it is even possible for Bobby to win the nomination. Knowing that he is a master chess player, I'm sure he has a wise plan in mind, given all of this. I find the suggestions and analysis made by Bret, in the above mentioned video, make sense to me. Every dirty trick played by the DNC is sending support Bobby's way. If he does decide to make another choice in the future, I expect that support will follow him.

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The speaks volumes to how the DNC and the GOP work today! What we are experiencing in the 2024 Primary months prior to the midterm elections it’s lockstep with what happened in 2020. Americans aren’t fooled with, we see what’s going on. we aren’t dumb sheep as both of the DNC and the GOP think we are, we see what the DNC is doing to RFK Jr. and, of course, everyone knows what’s happening to President Trump. Both parties I fear are digging their own grave Americans will get to Primary out the RINOS and we are determined to have free and fair elections. This will not continue. The grassroots are awake now .

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If the grassroots were awake they’d figure out a different way to nominate their candidate. Primaries are binding on no one.

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I don't see how the Democratic party can be turned around either. I would like to hear how Bobby sees a path to do this.

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Neither party can be “turned around.” Both need to be replaced, as the GOP replaced the Whigs. It’s unfortunate RFK is so tribally-locked to a party that no longer exists: a Democrat party that is pro-America, pro-family, and pro-working class. If he opens his eyes and runs as 3P, he’ll get lotsa worker votes, millions of Trump voters, and likely be able to change the entire rotten dynamic of our uniparty system.

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Bingo!! excepting the Trump change of votes assertion unless of course he got endorsed

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Aug 10, 2023
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the roaches have already scurried, the evidence is pervasive, and you may consider removing the c from crat. Light pushes out darkness that is why the rats have scurried

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there is zero possibility of that happening and even if it were possible completely undesirable

RFK must have another plan, he is seasoned and smart

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