One day in June 2008 both Obama and Clinton disappeared from the campaign trail. Their campaigns had no explanation for their absence. In fact they met at a rural Virginia hotel with David Rockefeller, who told Hillary that she would be dropping out. Two days later she did. This confirmed the conclusion of years before that by Gore Vidal that American political conventions were gatherings of the two American parties to choose presidential candidates from shortlists provided to them by David Rockefeller.

I can trace the effort of the American powers that be to control the political process in America back to the 1930s. Its control over everything in America has become tighter over the years. The goal is to make a few aristocratic families very wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Biden is part of this effort. What he says and what he does, mostly behind-the-scenes, are two different things. He cannot be unaware of the economic terror descending upon most Americans. And yet he dishes out pablum to them about the glories of Bidenomics.

Trump may have presided over a time when things got better for working people. He is certainly an outsider to the group I complain of. Nevertheless the Republican party is just as much a part of that group as the Democrats. Trump is a red herring.

Two great Americans have fought this system in my lifetime. They were brothers and respectively uncle and father of RFK Jr. who now follows in their footsteps. That is why he is so maligned by the spokespersons for the real American government: the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Bobby will bring economic security back for common Americans. I was too young to vote for President Kennedy. My vote for Bobby will be the most important one of my life. Please join me.

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Yes. I agree RFK is our only HOPE ——

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This short article touched my heart. I have no children of my own, but I cannot stomach what is being done to the youth of this country, to the future of our planet, to humanity all over the world. I find so many who own homes, educate their children and care nothing about those outside their nuclear family. We are here in this life to do more than work endless hours, be mindless consumers, visit “sick care” professionals, find ways to escape reality. I find comfort that I’m not alone, when I connect with other Kennedy supporters. Thank you for caring, for having a heart, and for supporting a man who stands for what’s valuable in life.

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You have another choice!

RFK Jr. has my vote. Kennedy is the remedy!

Kennedy 2024! ❤️


For a better USA,

Vote for R F K !

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Bobby, you got my vote.

Please, finally reveal all the lies we have been told for decades. Please finally reveal all truths that have been hidden from us. Just be brutally honest with all of us. People need to see what reality truly looks like. We all deserve the truth, no matter how much it will hurt to find out.

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Amen Louis! The milk I used to buy& want to buy suddenly costs over $9.59 a gallon! My kids see what’s going on and have little hope of attending the colleges they want to attend or buying homes.

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We NEED Bobby as our Next President! Kennedy 2024 and 2028👍👍❤️

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It's everywhere. In our part of southern Africa the politicians have destroyed the future for our youth.

Ideology doesn't put food on the table, create jobs, provide health and education services.

Kennedy gives us hope because an honest and straight US is good for us all.

We're looking to the US to get it right.

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I am sure she is one of thousands, but I feel a pull to give the young woman in the video and hand up. Is there a givesendgo or…? site to donate to help her out?

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