I’m particularly grateful that Kennedy is addressing the addiction issue with his usual compassion, personal experience and intellect. It’s time to embrace all of humanity so that we can all recover and grow into our collective potential. We are not islands unto ourselves, but we each need to be able to make the best choices for ourselves. I think Kennedy can help make this happen.

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I have lost 2 nephews (brothers) to opiates. One in 2013 to OxyContin and his younger brother last November to fentanyl. I have 3 friends who have lost a total of 4 young men. My son overdosed in 2022. By the grace of God, naloxone, and CPR he is alive and in recovery today.

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This is issue #1. Border control is an aspect not to be downplayed, despite political interests. Just because it is Trump's issue, don't minimize it! I am very much looking forward to seeing "Recovering America."

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I watched it yesterday. Amazing. Inspiring. Hopeful. ♥️

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I read that AA has a tradition of being anonymous with press, radio and films because personalities that go public can say things that misrepresent the movement and if outsiders see their life, their opinions, their degree of progress or lack of it, that this is decidedly damaging.

It seems that mentioning recovery programs, Bobby's general experience, other guest's side references should be very light. I watched the live stream and felt that the participants went way too far in violation their own rule. I hope that what I see as an over extension in the broadcast, does not give an incomplete or repulsive reaction to anyone out there who needs AA.

It should be left to be a mystery to explore. I hope viewers do not think that this video or any other movie or TV show actually represents AA.

I haven't watched this version above in this post yet, but I think that the original stream should be considerably edited down and ideally, I would hide the faces, voices and identity of the speakers completely. Getting singled out personalities on screen is damaging to AA and perhaps also the campaign.

Thank you for hearing me. Here is some background>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rebQPlKib9A&list=PL3Q57n3av-LSIhHJvpcJQ41yxulJ4peg2&index=24

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We cannot overlook the cartels being given free rein in this country. The Mexican govt. stinks all the way to the top. Reports of infiltration in Arizona elections seems real. Bread or lead is real.

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What is the link for RFK Jr. wonderful election poster where he yields a giant sledgehammer? Does anybody know? Many thanks


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That’s why we need inspiration. Check out a better way of living life through better governance. marniekhaw.substack.com

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