"Artificial Stupidity" (and censorship / bias) strikes again! When will people realize there is nothing "intelligent" about AI?

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I don't understand why anybody pays any attention to it, it's rediculous!

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My college tech kids take this serious as in bettering their lives by making it easier for them rather than searching on their own or having to write their own thoughts they will be using AI probably more & more in their daily lives, relying on it to manage for them - it’s the future for the computer generated youth! We must help to standardize and regulate this very huge thing or it will take over & control lives!

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A vey distressing view of the future

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I agree

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It's an amusing toy. Only foolish people would look to AI for information. In theory, in the future, IF it wasn't trained with bias, then it might potentially be valuable. Currently it's too stupid to know that a human can't WALK across the English Channel.

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I am sure people are already believing it

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Because some people simply don’t get it- or can’t

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But it spews perfect propaganda!🤣

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This is very scary and has to be stopped. It’s like a bad cartoon & all the bad guys are finally winning world domination, and we are just stuck in the matrix allowing and some even blindly helping it happen!

How can we fight against this? How can we stop this mind control? My adult intelligent tech kids working at home believe in this stuff and are happy to just not worry or make waves. They get upset if I complain of issues because their lives are good, they say “ don’t rock the boat” as others are drowning, this is insanity! Who decides what’s true and what’s the narrative? This is a very slippery slope, in which we are moving into a very controlled & could be evil future! I believe RFK may be our last hope - he needs a strong team to rise above this, a revolution! We need the loving spirit of the Creator to move this dial! Let’s do this!

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Nice comment, wise observations. You might take a look at the Global Union of Scientists for Peace website. Interesting stuff...and a lot of compelling research to back it up. The general theorem is that in order to have peaceful societies and nations the collective consciousness needs to be more coherent. And there are numerous studies that show the impact of concrete, practical programs to do just that.

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run for office?

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Great piece, Nikos. Fight the Post-Human future!

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Garbage in, garbage out.

Unfortunately, regular people are being conditioned to think that AI is some sort of magic.

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One of the most horrifying articles I’ve ever read.

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This is horrifying news! They are tightening the noose. As will surely increase as the weeks go by. While we may not know the full effect of AI potential in this campaign, not for a minute should we doubt that it could run dangerously amuck.

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It was was so much simpler and warmer for Herr Doktor Josef Goebbels.

But just as the advanced Zyklon B arrived as a significantly more efficient method of inventory management, Google AI represents a game-changing technological advance for the means of production that not even SS Oberst Hans Kammler could have imagined.

Sandals to jackboots to Testoni loafers, history marches on.

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I'd be delighted to check with reputable news sources. Anybody know of any?

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AI, as with Big Pharma, the chronic disease epidemic, the war industry control, the corrupt media, and other such problems which seem almost irresolvable must be dealt with in a way that challenges the current paradigms. You might take a look at the Global Union of Scientists for Peace website. GUSP.org... Interesting stuff...and a lot of compelling research to back it up. The general theorem is that in order to have peaceful, free, harmonious and evolutionary societies and nations the collective consciousness needs to be more coherent. And there are numerous studies that show the impact of concrete, practical programs to do just that.

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I keep trying to tell people how evil AI is. It’s evil. As detailed in this article, there is zero objectivity…not even close.

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Makes me think of Dr. Frankenstein who created

a stupid and dangerous monster 😱

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Almost none of these issues are inference-AI issues. It will deliver what it's training set says 90% of the time...if it is trained from the global Internet (as most of these tools are) it will deliver reasonably balanced views. The problem is NOT the AI (irrespective of the fact that it has many limitations -- those limitations are not broached in this article) -- The problem is that HUMANS, totally outside the AI, are skewing the results. In the case of Gemini, Google does this by inserting other search terms that you do not see. They also do this for regular, non-AI searches -- it is why when you ask about RFKJR you get garbage...because it takes (for example) your query to "Tell me good things about RFKJR" and appends to that "but emphasizing that everything he believes is bad and most people consider him evil" and then it submits your query -- whether to the search engine or to Bard/Gemini.

Gemini was tested for a year before being released by thousands of queries. You can be sure that the humans making it answer that way knew exactly what it would answer AND BELIEVE THAT IS THE RIGHT ANSWER. That is the real problem.

So the problem being identified here is not inference AI (which for the record is not intelligent and has numerous issues). The problem is deliberate human (read Google) distortion of "truth" to make sure that no matter what you seek, you get the answers THEY (not the AI or the search engine) think you should have.

Your starting place should be never using either the Google search engine or Gemini. (Use Brave or metager or whatever -- even Bing is better.) You will find that the farther away from the rigged search results you get, the more balanced the responses.

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What? The robot servant of liars and pandering piglets is a liar and pandering piglet? Say it ain't so!

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GIGO! (Garbage in, garbage out). All computer programmers have heard of GIGO but unfortunately many in the masses have not.

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If they can program AI against one, they can program AI against many

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This is very dangerous! I think this is being done with the awful WEF!!

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