I like RFKjr and is my favored candidate. But, how can you know and speak so much truth to everyone and NOT know that "climate change" "emergency" is a scam by the same oligarchs that he is opposing?
The scam isn't climate change, and the ones driving the actual scam love it when people say that it is. The actual scam is the one we've been fed for the last 50 years that the burden of saving the environment is ours while they went right on doing the serious damage that's left us with an atmosphere turned into a greenhouse roof, dead soil, poisoned water, toxic air and made us all feel guilty for their crimes.
This is an area we have to collectively flesh out. RFK Jr. has made clear he doesn't support the narrative of climate change pushed by the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, which is clearly a fabrication to usher in totalitarianism.
But that doesn't mean human activity is not negatively affecting the planet in specific ways, more alarmingly in ways that are directly affecting human health. This is what RFK Jr. has done for decades: stopping corporations from dumping waste into local waterways, removing toxic chemicals from products that wind up polluting our natural ecosystems, so on.
In other words, we need to parse out exactly what we're talking about in each instance, and not accept a broad deferral to "climate change". The term means nothing without specifics, and as you rightly point out, is a concept weaponized by the wealthy for ulterior motives.
Very good points and explanation. It was global cooling at first, then global warming and both were discounted. But the all encompassing term “climate change” is meant to obfuscate and allow them to name it without specific examples that totally support their position.
Our environment here on earth has been negatively affected by man’s actions and that’s where we begin. Like you say— name the issue. Then work like hell to eliminate or at least mitigate the situation we humans have caused.
exactly, though the earth is in fact in a cooling cycle
Obfuscation is deliberate and orchestrated once the Global Warming hoax was outed. That said rampant environmental destruction is and always has been a very serious issue. Look to the corporate pig, who refuses to leave the trough.
Accurate assessment but what does this have to do with the peace post?
RFK has apparently transitioned from a Global Warmer climate change endorser to realizing the true agenda is anything but green. What took him so long is of serous concern... and possibly disqualifying...
I'm in Seattle where the Blue Angels just spent 4 days strafing my neighborhood as part of Seafair -over the hydroplane race course with the planes flying so low that they set off multiple car alarms on my block with each pass. The tradition began years ago before our awareness of climate change and while the military-industrial complex was less pernicious or at least our awareness of it was. I live near a large meadow that was completely taken over by chain-link fences, enormous fast-food stands, port-a-potties, hydroplane support semis and temporary military recruitment offices for every branch of the service. The resources required to put on such an event are enormous and the mess they make befouls Lake Washington for weeks afterward. All of this for the glorification of war machines and those who pilot them and whatever is accomplished by hydro-racing (aside from wasting thousands of gallons of fuel). I don't think RFK Jr has all the answers for a society that is attached to this kind of nonsense, but at least he's a proponent of peace and protecting our environment and has ideas for how to move forward in these arenas. Just please... no more wars.
Sorry to hear of the personal assault to your turf. You rightly expose the glorification of the Military and the consistent waste of resources and fuel. I suspect if RFK has any answers he ought to spend more time (on any time) suggesting solutions as we all know the problems.
Thanks for your empathetic reply! I didn’t even mention that my father was a Navy pilot and we all grew up enchanted by the Blue Angels. But the time for that has passed.
At least RFK Jr is putting out lots of policy statements that suggest how he might approach things differently than we’ve seen for many years.
Lost me at, 'Only one candidate', since TRUMP sought peace and the world was at rest and relatively stable compared to last quarter century. The War Hawks; Killary and the OBaminations of the Techno-Feudal Fascist UNIPARTY immediately preceding Trump, loyal to the International Central Banker Family Mafia, SET THE WORLD ON FIRE at the orders from 'The Banker Family Mafia' ordering their 'Wars For Profit'.
People don't trust anybody associated with the nasty UNIPARTY ESTABLISHMENT owned by those out of 'The City of London', Basel, Switzerland, NYC or D.C.'s BANKER MAFIA or their owned Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions. THE SAME OLE, SAME OLE isn't going to be successful this time following the Mafia's Premeditated Mass Genocide, False Flags, Political Imprisonment and Lawsuits against Political Opposition, lack of accountability of UNIPARTY Criminals Against Humanity mostly defining themselves Democrats, Censorship and Surveillance of average/law abiding citizens, Tax-Money laundering, and Lying Psy-Ops; ALL OF WHICH CONTINUE.
No need to candy coat it, it is simply false, as you have proven. So far RFK is pandering, how about some gravy on the potatoes? Trump will trounce, though there may be some wild card to be played soon. There is absolutely nothing redeeming left in the Dem party thought the RINO's are even worse. Once they toss RFK and likely Trump out of party lines it will get interesting.
No such thing as a 'RINO'. IT'S ALL UNIPARTY. Anybody trusting the current Fascists fraudulently placed in political office based upon a moniker/name alone displays POOR JUDGMENT and a total lack of respect for 'The Constitution', Republic and LEGAL CITIZENS...As well as morality/ethics.
THAT IS MY PRIMARY PROBLEM WITH KENNEDY...As, unlike Trump, I like him personally. Never liked Trump personally and still voted for him as I KNEW from prayer that he was to be the only choice for President. HE WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...And, NOT the International Central Banker Family Mafia.
TRUMP IS DEFINITELY THE ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY AND HIS, although he didn't know it until he was in the Oval Office. THE ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY IS OUR FRIEND...And, the friend has a bone to pick which defines him the best choice for President of the United States of America and NOT THE BANKRUPT CORPORATE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA once redefining Americans their ECONOMIC SLAVES to pay off the Civil War Debt. How many times has that debt been repaid after 160 years and allowing them to HIDE BEHIND OUR MILITARY IN THEIR ENDLESS 'WARS FOR PROFIT'?
That is a man made issue that should be addressed. Lots of people don’t care about their impact on their immediate environment. I do what I can to offset the actions of those type of people and obviously you do too.
Yes indeed and so far no one has a substantial plan much less a viable solution. Started using less, recycling everything, and being a producer over 40 years ago for all the right reasons. Others care not.
Thank you Daniel for an excellent article! I agree with your premise on WAR, ITS GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT THE PSYCHOPATHS IN POWER!!! THE PEOPLE SUFFER TERRIBLY IN SO MANY WAYS.
I do agree with a commenter that you can't be Anti-War and Pro-Zionist!!!
fail to see the excellence you reference. Echoing the point on being Anti War and Pro Zionist is something we all need to magnify. It is patently obvious
I’m gonna put it bluntly, as long as China isn’t involved in wars they will be the one and only winner, not because I say so but China has read the Sun Tzu, the art of warfare and winning, without ever going to war.
They return all strategies and tactics of the enemy against themselves, it’s like a mirror shadowfighting, China has no warfare program in the end all comes to Dady, the party.
I have practiced Chinese Martial Arts for decades and am a big fan of Lao Tsu. I understand bits and pieces of their culture and have respect for their humility and perseverance, not their government or ours for that matter.
You can't be anti-war and pro-Zionism. How to explain this contradiction in RFK Jr's policy statements? Check out the passenger list for Epstein's plane "Lolita Express" taking powerful men to rape teenage girls outside the U.S. According to Newsweek, Kennedy's name is on that list.
Thanks, I do recall RFK Jr being asked and he did reply giving an “ all inclusive “ answer like I’ll meet and talk with anyone. I’m curious what Cheryl Hines has said about it. We know how Melinda Gates feels 😵💫
" Governments can err, Presidents do make mistakes, but the immortal Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted in different scales.
Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. "
I will say that he and I agree on most things, and mostly the important things. Climate Change and a government cure is one, gun ownership is another.
One correction here on the history of China in war. According to my Uncle who fought in the Korean War as an infantryman, we fought the Chinese in that war and the Koreans. He said that they sent human waves with every other soldier had a rifle and ammo. You can guess the rest. He was a mess after that war seeing the piles of dead bodies and the disregard for human life. He said there was no retreat for them or they were shot by their own officers.
All and all he is a good man and I would bet a good President. I support both him and Trump, may the best man win.
In the first WW in the trenches in Flanders Fields, behind the soldiers who had to launch an attack and climb out the trenches, there was a special brigade behind these soldiers to shoot them in the back of the head, when they refused. More human?
Robert would not have okayed the assassination of General Soleimani I hope. That was Trump's worst
moment - to kill the folk hero of an entire nation - that already is being starved by sanctions just because they won't bow down and worship the great Satan - which is what Iran calls the US>
President Carter's strong message should be a guiding principle but instead, certain self-interested people just continue to push us all down the same path to world destruction. Unforgivable.
I support Mr. Kennedy and almost everything that he espouses. There is, it seems to me, and essential need for him to address, Chris Hedges, recent Substack regarding the Israel – Palestinian endless war. If he espouses peace then he needs to be consistent!!!
Not at all, there really are RINO's despite your assertion and this is a fact and not evidence of poor judgment. Neither is it meant to polarize. No one cares whether you like pres candidate or not, as you are not invited to have lunch with them any time soon. Shouting in all caps does not make your case stronger.
The Uniparty does exist though it is not particularly useful to shout about it. No idea about your assertion on Civil War debt as the current debacle is quite sufficient. Whatever you are suggesting about the Constitution is unclear, and the term legal misused. A far more accurate term is Lawful.
Trump needs no introductions, his acts and deeds are consistent, though I agree with your acclaim of his greatness.
I like RFKjr and is my favored candidate. But, how can you know and speak so much truth to everyone and NOT know that "climate change" "emergency" is a scam by the same oligarchs that he is opposing?
The scam isn't climate change, and the ones driving the actual scam love it when people say that it is. The actual scam is the one we've been fed for the last 50 years that the burden of saving the environment is ours while they went right on doing the serious damage that's left us with an atmosphere turned into a greenhouse roof, dead soil, poisoned water, toxic air and made us all feel guilty for their crimes.
This is an area we have to collectively flesh out. RFK Jr. has made clear he doesn't support the narrative of climate change pushed by the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, which is clearly a fabrication to usher in totalitarianism.
But that doesn't mean human activity is not negatively affecting the planet in specific ways, more alarmingly in ways that are directly affecting human health. This is what RFK Jr. has done for decades: stopping corporations from dumping waste into local waterways, removing toxic chemicals from products that wind up polluting our natural ecosystems, so on.
In other words, we need to parse out exactly what we're talking about in each instance, and not accept a broad deferral to "climate change". The term means nothing without specifics, and as you rightly point out, is a concept weaponized by the wealthy for ulterior motives.
Very good points and explanation. It was global cooling at first, then global warming and both were discounted. But the all encompassing term “climate change” is meant to obfuscate and allow them to name it without specific examples that totally support their position.
Our environment here on earth has been negatively affected by man’s actions and that’s where we begin. Like you say— name the issue. Then work like hell to eliminate or at least mitigate the situation we humans have caused.
exactly, though the earth is in fact in a cooling cycle
Obfuscation is deliberate and orchestrated once the Global Warming hoax was outed. That said rampant environmental destruction is and always has been a very serious issue. Look to the corporate pig, who refuses to leave the trough.
Accurate assessment but what does this have to do with the peace post?
RFK has apparently transitioned from a Global Warmer climate change endorser to realizing the true agenda is anything but green. What took him so long is of serous concern... and possibly disqualifying...
I'm in Seattle where the Blue Angels just spent 4 days strafing my neighborhood as part of Seafair -over the hydroplane race course with the planes flying so low that they set off multiple car alarms on my block with each pass. The tradition began years ago before our awareness of climate change and while the military-industrial complex was less pernicious or at least our awareness of it was. I live near a large meadow that was completely taken over by chain-link fences, enormous fast-food stands, port-a-potties, hydroplane support semis and temporary military recruitment offices for every branch of the service. The resources required to put on such an event are enormous and the mess they make befouls Lake Washington for weeks afterward. All of this for the glorification of war machines and those who pilot them and whatever is accomplished by hydro-racing (aside from wasting thousands of gallons of fuel). I don't think RFK Jr has all the answers for a society that is attached to this kind of nonsense, but at least he's a proponent of peace and protecting our environment and has ideas for how to move forward in these arenas. Just please... no more wars.
Sorry to hear of the personal assault to your turf. You rightly expose the glorification of the Military and the consistent waste of resources and fuel. I suspect if RFK has any answers he ought to spend more time (on any time) suggesting solutions as we all know the problems.
Thanks for your empathetic reply! I didn’t even mention that my father was a Navy pilot and we all grew up enchanted by the Blue Angels. But the time for that has passed.
At least RFK Jr is putting out lots of policy statements that suggest how he might approach things differently than we’ve seen for many years.
Lost me at, 'Only one candidate', since TRUMP sought peace and the world was at rest and relatively stable compared to last quarter century. The War Hawks; Killary and the OBaminations of the Techno-Feudal Fascist UNIPARTY immediately preceding Trump, loyal to the International Central Banker Family Mafia, SET THE WORLD ON FIRE at the orders from 'The Banker Family Mafia' ordering their 'Wars For Profit'.
People don't trust anybody associated with the nasty UNIPARTY ESTABLISHMENT owned by those out of 'The City of London', Basel, Switzerland, NYC or D.C.'s BANKER MAFIA or their owned Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions. THE SAME OLE, SAME OLE isn't going to be successful this time following the Mafia's Premeditated Mass Genocide, False Flags, Political Imprisonment and Lawsuits against Political Opposition, lack of accountability of UNIPARTY Criminals Against Humanity mostly defining themselves Democrats, Censorship and Surveillance of average/law abiding citizens, Tax-Money laundering, and Lying Psy-Ops; ALL OF WHICH CONTINUE.
No need to candy coat it, it is simply false, as you have proven. So far RFK is pandering, how about some gravy on the potatoes? Trump will trounce, though there may be some wild card to be played soon. There is absolutely nothing redeeming left in the Dem party thought the RINO's are even worse. Once they toss RFK and likely Trump out of party lines it will get interesting.
No such thing as a 'RINO'. IT'S ALL UNIPARTY. Anybody trusting the current Fascists fraudulently placed in political office based upon a moniker/name alone displays POOR JUDGMENT and a total lack of respect for 'The Constitution', Republic and LEGAL CITIZENS...As well as morality/ethics.
THAT IS MY PRIMARY PROBLEM WITH KENNEDY...As, unlike Trump, I like him personally. Never liked Trump personally and still voted for him as I KNEW from prayer that he was to be the only choice for President. HE WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...And, NOT the International Central Banker Family Mafia.
TRUMP IS DEFINITELY THE ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY AND HIS, although he didn't know it until he was in the Oval Office. THE ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY IS OUR FRIEND...And, the friend has a bone to pick which defines him the best choice for President of the United States of America and NOT THE BANKRUPT CORPORATE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA once redefining Americans their ECONOMIC SLAVES to pay off the Civil War Debt. How many times has that debt been repaid after 160 years and allowing them to HIDE BEHIND OUR MILITARY IN THEIR ENDLESS 'WARS FOR PROFIT'?
You lost me at climate change
Thank you!!!! I was just about to write the same thing!!
There is no such thing as anthropogenic climate change. The climate changes on its own as it has and will for as long as the earth is around.
What about loss of habitat and biodiversity?
That is a man made issue that should be addressed. Lots of people don’t care about their impact on their immediate environment. I do what I can to offset the actions of those type of people and obviously you do too.
I agree, it's sorely neglected. I feel like RFK would have more focus on that than most politicians, given all the work he's done.
Agreed. He does care. I really hope he gets the chance.
Yes indeed and so far no one has a substantial plan much less a viable solution. Started using less, recycling everything, and being a producer over 40 years ago for all the right reasons. Others care not.
indeed it exists, but it ain't due to the climate hoax
Thank you Daniel for an excellent article! I agree with your premise on WAR, ITS GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT THE PSYCHOPATHS IN POWER!!! THE PEOPLE SUFFER TERRIBLY IN SO MANY WAYS.
I do agree with a commenter that you can't be Anti-War and Pro-Zionist!!!
fail to see the excellence you reference. Echoing the point on being Anti War and Pro Zionist is something we all need to magnify. It is patently obvious
I’m gonna put it bluntly, as long as China isn’t involved in wars they will be the one and only winner, not because I say so but China has read the Sun Tzu, the art of warfare and winning, without ever going to war.
Exactly, they use another form of warfare to take over and control. It is still a power and conquest game with different rules and tactics.
They return all strategies and tactics of the enemy against themselves, it’s like a mirror shadowfighting, China has no warfare program in the end all comes to Dady, the party.
I have practiced Chinese Martial Arts for decades and am a big fan of Lao Tsu. I understand bits and pieces of their culture and have respect for their humility and perseverance, not their government or ours for that matter.
Agreed, and it seems to be working for them. They control more in America than we will ever know before it is too late.
You can't be anti-war and pro-Zionism. How to explain this contradiction in RFK Jr's policy statements? Check out the passenger list for Epstein's plane "Lolita Express" taking powerful men to rape teenage girls outside the U.S. According to Newsweek, Kennedy's name is on that list.
Lisa, if you’re going to infer such a troubling thing, provide the link for us to read in context.
Here is where I saw it, on Sabby Sabs video segment: https://youtu.be/K_txeu3_C4Y?t=1789
But her source can be found online here: https://www.newsweek.com/who-flew-jeffrey-epstein-lolita-express-plane-full-list-people-named-1654827
Newsweek is the fake news, so we must do better. I am happy to track this one down...
Here's the alleged flight manifest. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html
Thanks, I do recall RFK Jr being asked and he did reply giving an “ all inclusive “ answer like I’ll meet and talk with anyone. I’m curious what Cheryl Hines has said about it. We know how Melinda Gates feels 😵💫
Tbf Sabby Sabs is very anti-RFK and rants about him a lot.
bring the receipts
If that is true, it must come out as verifyible evidence and most definitely not assertion!!
I hope Newsweek is wrong about that, but who knows?
" Governments can err, Presidents do make mistakes, but the immortal Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted in different scales.
Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. "
FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT ( July 27, 1936 )
I will say that he and I agree on most things, and mostly the important things. Climate Change and a government cure is one, gun ownership is another.
One correction here on the history of China in war. According to my Uncle who fought in the Korean War as an infantryman, we fought the Chinese in that war and the Koreans. He said that they sent human waves with every other soldier had a rifle and ammo. You can guess the rest. He was a mess after that war seeing the piles of dead bodies and the disregard for human life. He said there was no retreat for them or they were shot by their own officers.
All and all he is a good man and I would bet a good President. I support both him and Trump, may the best man win.
In the first WW in the trenches in Flanders Fields, behind the soldiers who had to launch an attack and climb out the trenches, there was a special brigade behind these soldiers to shoot them in the back of the head, when they refused. More human?
Not judging just relaying what I was told.
Robert would not have okayed the assassination of General Soleimani I hope. That was Trump's worst
moment - to kill the folk hero of an entire nation - that already is being starved by sanctions just because they won't bow down and worship the great Satan - which is what Iran calls the US>
wow - that's too much info for me to even take in. why did he go to the biolab ?
Climate change is a scam. Follow the science.
President Carter's strong message should be a guiding principle but instead, certain self-interested people just continue to push us all down the same path to world destruction. Unforgivable.
I support Mr. Kennedy and almost everything that he espouses. There is, it seems to me, and essential need for him to address, Chris Hedges, recent Substack regarding the Israel – Palestinian endless war. If he espouses peace then he needs to be consistent!!!
I like how the Russians call everything Sputnik.
needs editing. cut out 4/5 of the text.
Not at all, there really are RINO's despite your assertion and this is a fact and not evidence of poor judgment. Neither is it meant to polarize. No one cares whether you like pres candidate or not, as you are not invited to have lunch with them any time soon. Shouting in all caps does not make your case stronger.
The Uniparty does exist though it is not particularly useful to shout about it. No idea about your assertion on Civil War debt as the current debacle is quite sufficient. Whatever you are suggesting about the Constitution is unclear, and the term legal misused. A far more accurate term is Lawful.
Trump needs no introductions, his acts and deeds are consistent, though I agree with your acclaim of his greatness.