I registered as a Democrat as soon as I was old enough to vote. I remained registered as a Democrat for over 40 years. The last Democrat I voted for was Obama. I became so disappointed with both him and the party that nominated him for a second term (he should have gone the way of LBJ), that was when I decided to drop my party membership and re-register as "unaffiliated." When faced with a choice between Hillary and Trump, I just voted for some third party candidate as my way of saying, "Neither of the above."

If Bobby decides to run as a "third party" candidate I will immediately register as a member of that party, but I will never again register as a Democrat. Three well known ex-Democrats whom I'm sure would be ready, willing and able to play leading roles in getting our new party off the ground would be Del Bigtree, Tulsi Gabbard and Naomi Wolf.

Getting an entire new party started (as opposed to just running as an Independent) is really important and urgent because by 2024 we will need to be also electing members of the same party to both the House and the Senate if President Kennedy is ever going to get anything done beyond what he can do with (yuck) "executive orders."

I suggest that one of the highest priorities of starting the new party should be to create a web site where "ordinary" party members such as myself can interact with each other and with party leaders in the process of deciding exactly what the official party platform ought to be. It might even be a good idea to create a system whereby rank-and-file members can directly elect their own party leaders so it can never fall under the self-serving control of some sort of "established elite" the way both the Democratic and Republican parties are today.

I keep hearing and reading that if we true Americans (and there are a lot of us) are ever going to retake control of our governments, we're probably going to need to do so starting primarily at the local and state levels. The national party, especially through it's website, could no doubt be very helpful in helping party members get in touch with each other and get organized at the local level to elect party members as mayors, council-members and sheriffs, and eventually as legislators and governors.

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In that regard, here's an excellent book on electing a Kennedy Congress! https://www.amazon.com/Electing-Kennedy-Congress-John-Rachel-ebook/dp/B0CHS9FXFQ?ref_=ast_author_dp

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Why do both parties and even people like Rogan ignore the elephant in the room when it comes to voting issues?

The electronic machines are proprietary, meaning that the company can manipulate the vote automatically as they have access to the coding.

No hacking needed, no mail in ballots needed... but hey let's think of new tricks instead?

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The one foreign policy issue which is most disturbing for a many people, who want RFK, Jr. to become president, including myself, is his stand on Israel. The video interview between Kim Iversen and Anya Parampil, once again fires up the fact that Israel's treatment of the Palestine problem must be considered. Maybe RFK, Jr. could call for non-conflict mediation and stay neutral.

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This is really an excellent newsletter. Very informative. I love the way you present a diversity of viewpoints. Very impressive coming from a political organization.

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If a person is raised as a strict, traditional Roman Catholic, as Kennedy was, it is understandable why he might use the formulation “blind faith In authority is religious" (and even anti-science.) But historically, defiance of of authority was precisely the mark of Protestantism, was it not?

So YIKES he just offended a lot of religious believers by employing such a sweeping and passé construction. Need I note that many people of faith are scientists & medical doctors and nurses. And often these people paid a price for their Covid dissent? The bravest and most persecuted being Dr. McCullough.

Not to be unkind or unfair to Catholics generally, but in contrast consider the record of [self-identified] Catholic Francis Collins who was cynically deployed to influence people of faith, weaponizing their belief in "love of neighbor" against them. Biden even sent in national security agents to spy and report on women's prayer groups -- this has been documented by a SECULAR SubStack writer, of all people.

If today you are still an active follower of Jesus Christ, esp one under 50 yo, you have likely given it some thought, as it is increasingly unpopular in Western culture. The evidence is plain to see.

RFK Jr could have said: the DNC functions like an authoritarian CULT that demands groupthink and worships at the altar of money and power.

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I can already hear people in my solid Dem social/family circle saying that a vote for RFK jr as an independent in general election will be the same as a vote for Trump. well tough shit, I will reply. as far as I'm concerned, the sickening DNC and Biden's handlers will have only themselves to blame. at this point, ANYTHING will be better than moving forward with giving our country over to the globalist agenda, as Biden et al pretty much have already begun to do. ugh. its scary how many people are so completely mesmerized by the pseudo-liberal propaganda that they refuse to see the massive deterioration of our Constitution and our traditional values.

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Thank you !!! Also:

Origin of Covid & Whistleblowing w/Jeffrey Sachs -- VERY good but with idiot Napolitano


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What language is this supposed to be - our local clown !

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Like you don’t say that multiple times every night…glug glug glug…hiccup! ;)

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Are your paid-troll ears hurting?

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Life long Republican voting Bobby this time around. The only time I didn't vote R for president was Perot. Another truth teller who was demonized because he shook up the corrupt cabal.

PS tired of folks saying Bobby's position on Israel is a losing one. Many of us don't think so.

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I stand by my comments to RFK’s campaign. I disagree with the distinction you’ve drawn. Since you resorted to attacking my character without knowing me, I’m not inclined to say more to you. spend more yime with youThe answers are out there for everyone.

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RFK Jr must address the Israel issue. His statement that Israel is not apartheid is simply wrong. He needs to meet (in private) with informed individuals like Miko Peled, Anya and Max Blumenthal and Roger Waters to educate himself. Then go to Palestine and see for himself. Once better informed, he can consider this issue from a more educated position.

No one expects an immediate, complete reversal but demonstrating at least an improved understanding at this point would be great. My enthusiasm for his campaign stems first and foremost from his compassion and integrity. The injustice in Palestine can't be ignored.

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Like Max and Anya and all the rest Israel haters you are distorting reality. RFK j is stating the facts but should do a better job in distinguishing between the actual State of Israel and the occupied disputed territories. In the State of Israel all Israeli citizens including Arab and Christians can vote, own property, be a supreme court justices, be a police officer, be an officer in the IDF, be free to live as a gay or lesbian and the list goes on. Come on Mary, you can't point out any flaws in the governance of the PLO or Hamas? Hypocrite!

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Correct, which is why Congresswoman Tlaib wants a single state solution in order to destroy Israel from within by giving Palestinians a majority.

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I watched many of his interviews where the issue of Israel came up. He understands the history and the facts. Kim Iversen, Matt Blumenthal, and most on the extreme left will never acknowledge the history and are obsessed with this one issue. When Jimmy Dore interviewed RFK j HE brought up the Israel-Palestine conflict. When Robert stated historical well documented facts Jimmy freaked out and started whining like an infant admitting he's not well versed in the issue and pleaded for Max Blumenthal's help. So, Jimmy brings up a position he's obsessed with and can't defend it? This was one of Roberts points that Israel is held to a different standard. Israel is far from perfect, and they have made some tragic and cruel decisions relative to the Palestinian people but there is NO democracy on the planet faced with such aggression with a better human rights record. I live on the border and would hope our government would not tolerate a barrage of missiles constantly being shot out of Tijuana into my town. You will never hear any critique of the PLO and its treatment of its own people from the left. Their president is in his 17th year of a 4 year term. Their human rights record is deplorable. Kim Iversen and that bunch will NEVER be satisfied with any response from RFK j that doesn't include the humiliation and the destruction of the state of Israel. I hope Robert doesn't capitulate to that mob and stands with the truth. Finally, the vast majority of working- and middle-class Americans could give a shit about a middle east dispute. They're trying pay bills and eat. I hope that will remain a top priority for RFK j and not get wrapped up with the deranged rantings of an LA podcaster.

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Those Bond comments are clearly bot s. Everybody knows George Lazenby is the worst Bond by far. And I say that with no reservations even though he hails from a town just up the road from me (and quite close to Ambassador Caroline Kennedy's embassy). The Big Merino and Supermax of Ivan Milat infamy pale in comparison to the performance of George in that film. (I'm a Sean Connery Bond but Pierce does have a good swarmy spy-like facial expression so he gets to be a distant second)

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Great news

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