Ditch the DNC. You have a great chance to break the back of the two party Uniparty system! I bet tons of NeverTrumpers and tons of BidenBashers will vote for RFKJ. I will!!! But not if you’re not on the ballot ...!

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The two major political parties constitute a bipartisan dictatorship that is anchored by a shared guaranteed ballot access arrangement where both function as a controlled opposition for each other while preventing third parties from getting on the ballot to compete with both of them.

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Vonu: What is your argument?

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I don't need an argument. I'm stating facts. Turning the statement of facts into an argument creates a red herring.

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I am just delighted that Kennedy will be running as an Independent. We all want that. I have been a Kennedy fan for decades and think that this is JUST THE TICKET.


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If he doesn't earn the nomination of a party that is on enough state's ballots to win enough electoral college votes, he can't win. The LIbertarian Party is the largest third party, so it would be the logical choice of a third party, because it already has ballot access in most of the states.

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Maybe, but he's not a libertarian although like many of us share some of their views. I just don't know how the libertarians reconcile their relationship with Robert Kennedy. The folks at "Reason mag" hate him and Liz Wolfe did a brutal hit job on him. Additionally, libertarians seem to believe that any crazy shit that pops into your head should be a right. I can't imagine RFK j subscribes to any of that. The point about ballot access is well taken.

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I cancelled my subscription to Reason when they went from being libertarian to being republican.

It looks like you believe everything source tells you about libertarianism, but you picked the wrong single source. If you want a better single source for libertarian thought, you should rely on lewrockwell.com . If you don't know what RFK Jr. subscribes to, how can you know what he subscribes to?

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That's a fair point. I went to the site and will read up. Thanks

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Hold the presses.... just read a CNN article on Google where they didn't use the anti vaxer tag until the sixth paragraph. Wow things are changing quickly or they slipped up. We may be winning.

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They are just trying to make themselves viable again.

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I believe they will have to cover him by law to provide him equal access as a POTUS candidate.

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The Libertarian Party ceased to be more than such than in name after Republicans running from the neo-con takeover of their own party took it over to use an electoral vehicles. That said, RFK Jr. stated positions make him more of a libertarian than a contemporary democrat. This can be proven by taking the World's Smallest Political Quiz using the answers that his stated positions and provable political philosophies dictate.

I became a libertarian in the early 1980s and after being elected to the publications chair of the Colorado Libertarian Party at their convention in 1987, I became a ballot access petitioner for Dr. Ron Paul's campaign.

Under the current conditions, if RFK Jr, is on the ballot, he will win my vote.

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I was active in the L.P. back in the 1980s also, and I totally agree with this assessment. The Johnson/Weld ticket in 2016 was a lot further from a principled libertarianism than a RFK Jr./Gabbard ticket would be.

The real problem with RFK Jr. bolting to the L.P. is that many of his Democrat supporters would be turned off by any L.P. affiliation; the dilemma for RFK Jr. is that running as an independent or creating a new party from scratch instead poses a daunting challenge and enormous costs in terms of gaining ballot access. It will be interesting to see how he handles this.

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I doubt if RFK Jr. bolting to the LP would be any more revolting to Democrats of his type than having Gary Johnson misrepresent himself as a Libertarian was to Libertarians, at the time.

The last libertarian that I voted for in a presidential campaign was Harry Browne after having served the Dr. Ron Paul ballot access process in 1987 and voted for him in 1988.

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I just love the following comment in the linked article in sheKnows about RFK Jr's Vanity Fair article:

...it’s hard to see how his presidential campaign will recover following this intense interview.

Umm...how about because precious few voters read Vanity Fair? And even less have probably heard of sheKnows. Talk about self-important.

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Please don’t link to articles behind a paywall

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The word "Progressive" is simply another word for "Socialist" or "Nazi"; which already murdered 'Democracy' with their 'False Flag-Cheat Machine Elections'. Now, they're MURDERING THE CONSTITUTION already on 'Life Support' in the ICU.

Will NOT support any kind of 'Progressive' anything as it is REGRESSION into the evil, bad old days of the Middle/Dark Ages in Europe with slavery euphemistically defined 'Serfs/Peasants' ruled by psycho/sociopathic Predators called Kings/Queens, now defined 'Dictators' with their support sycophantism in the Peerage.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Totally concur with your information about 'WORD CHOICES' when speaking about issues. Enemies of 'The People' use language to COVER for the enemies so people don't become righteously upset and remove them from the social discourse and power.

He defines himself 'Progressive' which is 'Regressive'; socialistic/Naziism. He also refuses to place 'The Wall' along the southern border which is the ONLY way to end the babies and small children being trafficked by our own Govt. to provide laundered U.S. Taxpayer $$ to The City of London through the Cartels and also a TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT for the Pedophiles and Ritual Torturer/Murderers as well as the Adrenochrome Harvesters.

Simply, it's impossible to take babies and children over a Wall as Trump was placing along the border...And, evil was forced to a Legal Port of Entry where the little innocents are rescued. Even one little innocent is worth the whole wall and those allowing this horror tyranny of Illegal Occupation with the Invasion of those RECRUITED and FUNDED to come here by the Bush/Clinton/OBastard Crime Families with laundered U.S. Taxpayer $$$ is worth 'The Wall'.

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Any party would be baggage to him, but they would be very lucky to have him.

He's so much better off standing on his own two feet...looking strong...no party bringing him down. If ever there was a man that needs the freedom to stick to his fine principles, it is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I really believe we have the chance to vote for the very best Kennedy. Someone please tell him how brilliant he is and how he embodies the finest leadership qualities this country has ever seen.

Never have I NOT grown more cynical with a candidate, as I learn more about them. Not him though. He's the real MF deal. I have never said those words about any politician. I don't have to agree with him on every issue because he's REASONABLE even where I disagree with him.

Oh, I just really, really like him.

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Shout out about the fundraising deadline tonight (9/30.) I donated. And then signed up to volunteer, even though I am not immediately available. It is great to follow the campaign and discuss issues but giving of time, talent and/or treasure is important too, if you able.

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Progressivism is tantamount to communism and, as a public policy, communism has an unbroken record of failure!!!

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I was just checking out the People's party platform, and there's a many elements on that platform that would send my Republican friends running for the hills. Their own polling shows that independent is a far more favorable label than socialist, but their platform is actually quite socialist. Including free college, wiping out all college debt, and Medicare for all. I think it's OK if he accepts their endorsement, but I think it would be a bad move to run under their banner. With a caveat. If you're going to wipe out all college debt, you also have to wipe out all similar debts accrued by those who didn't go to college, such as small business debt. As for Medicare for all, I don't think people with no health care or crappy healthcare are going to have a major objection to that unless their taxes go up. Speaking of taxes, I do like the shift from an income tax to a VAT.

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I'm going to expand on my own point here. I think a lot of people who are in debt for other reasons like credit card, payday loans, or struggling to run a business in the face of corporate oligarchy can understand that they are being similarly screwed as those who have accrued massive college debt. If this can be presented as debt relief for all by tying together the corporate cronyism that produces all of this debt, that could be a winning issue. With regard to free college, again, I think you need to throw a corresponding bone to those who choose a path other than college. The fact is that there are still many skilled jobs out there that do not require a college and are best learned through things like apprenticeship or through having a dream and starting a business. If you're going to offer free college, you need to offer a corresponding free opportunities to those who perform other jobs than so-called knowledge work.

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I will vote for RFK Jr. No matter what party.

I got it wrong all these years. Maybe we all did? We should be voting for the best qualified person, the most honest person, the person who will focus on us - the people. Who cares about what party it is?

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I wish in the future you would drop the Ford Foundation from any mention concerning RFK Jr. Henry Ford would visit Adolf Hitler on Adolf's birthday to personally give him his cash birthday present. Hitler had a life sized portrait of Henry Ford in his office in Munich. Corporate Nazi?

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I was unhappy as well to see the Ford Foundation mentioned. Whatever that foundation once was or pretended to be, it is openly woke to the core. At the very least, people are sick to death of that agenda. At worst, it is an endorsement of your enemy. I doubt the FF has any use for this campaign.

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