The United States Of America is NOT a Democracy!!!

The United States Of America is a Constitutional Republic!!!

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Aug 11, 2023
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Indeed. It's a bit of an oversimplified debate, though I don't fault people for having it. Democracy does not equal majority rule. America is both a Democracy, and a Republic.

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May I speak with you about: original jurisdiction found in the de jure Constitutional republican form of government as juxtaposed to the de facto, color of law, incorporated governance that you are part of: the de facto United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. the benevolent or malevolent form of martial law/Lieber code/FEMA being served up to their subdivisions such as the State of Oregon's Salem oligarchy in the current social democrat era.

www.orsja.org All of us On Oregon implemented ex parte Milligan nullified martial law with our Civilian Court of record. Which in turn led us to our Grand Jury on Oregon as ARTICLE I Section 1 social compact, Oregon's provisional de jure government. A government with an Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII lawfully and legally on Oregon in 2022. Accomplished by the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka ARTICLE I Section 1. signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service properly, then published www.orsja.org. These were acquiesced to by: USDOJ, USMS, FBI, USMC, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON's executive, legislative, judiciary, 36 sheriffs and 38 prosecutors, Provost Marshal and JAG; defaulted to many times over.

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I met Trump and his hellraiser crew in NYC in 1986 at a hellraiser prerelease movie party, I escaped severely assaulted and I saw kids local to NYC get murdered in a Satanist sacrifice. I have photos and evidence and I have been trying to report this from Texas for years and years.

The etymology of the word kovvid comes from the hellraiser movie and ancient Torah in reverse. Dybbok means demon possessed item, in ancient Hebrew the bb is a vv and the y is an I Dybbok-divvok. It is well documented by fbi that Satanist reverse everything dybbok divvok kovvid hellraiser vaccine.

So with operation warp speed, Trump Fauci gates and Klaus swaubb, the screaming baby eaters club I escaped from at the hellraiser prerelease movie party, deliberately Vax injured Biden and the world with a hellraiser vaccine, now Biden is so brain washed he is pinhead the Vax demon mandator pushing leibinsraum in Ukraine for the Satanist world order owned by Trump and Klaus swaubb.

I know I sound crazy but I am not crazy, I can't help it if the truth sounds crazy.

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