Kennedy-24 !!!

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Let’s gooo!! Kennedy’s courage to go after the Deep State is inspiring!

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Sep 8, 2023
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Yeah b/c DT has no spine, no integrity & can be easily bought - He’s all about ratings & getting attention. From all I’ve seen, RFK Jr has INTEGRITY.

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What’s not to love & engage in with Bobby.

He’s a gem of a human being. We are blessed he is willing to put himself into the limelight as a candidate for President. I am filled with gratitude, hope & most of all faith. He’s doing the good ! God knows & we know we need the good to prevail.

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What, only 2 smear pieces to report...that’s very encouraging, maybe they are beginning to see the light! Americans are too smart to be fooled by the DNC’s power grab of democratic rights. I live in NH, people here want a debate, want Kennedy and Williamson on the ballot. We want our right to hear good debate, opposing views and our right to decide. Keep pushing RFK Jr.

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Yay for you, Loafergirl! Yay for all of us!

Yes to actual debates!! Kennedy and Williamson need to be on the ballot! Cow Hampshire! Lived there many years... raised our three littles there, too.

RFK Jr. is sooo authentic and qualified which is why they're terrified of him and what he brings!! Turning on the LIGHTS!! :D

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RFK Jr needs to think with his head, not his sentimental heart. I hope he sees the light soon enough. We really need his bravery, intelligence, and his willingness to realize this: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (DNC is a corporation that hates you), courage to change the things I can (they don't care about you or us), and the wisdom to know the difference. Run, Bobby. Run away. We will follow you.

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My thoughts: Regarding you opening quote from Kennedy... And running as a Democrat will continue this. The idea that you can fight this from the inside seems to me absurd, making one question is it possible that Kennedy is another plant like Obama? His statement/quote requires a candidate wishing to destabilize the system, crush the Democratic party, and replace it with a party that actually represents the people.

The situation is too far gone to imagine that one can repair the Democrats, or the country, from inside the two-party system, without eliminating the Democratic Party. Kennedy should be advocating progressive National strikes and disruption of the system to make the American people aware what they're up against. As he described in your opening quote-statement... Otherwise it is only noise.

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RFK Jr isn't fighting this from the inside. He is trying to build a populist movement.

Trump showed clearly that a party can be taken over by someone who is seen as authentic, and for the same reason, RFK Jr. can do the same with the Democrats. Having a President who can lead by using the bully pulpit rather than by spewing poll-tested nonsense would be a welcome relief.

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I like your word "plant." Obama said no red, no blue, he was going to unite. Nope. More American people are starting to wake up to what has been going on for a long, long time. The Rich Men don't care what we think or what We The People choose. It's right before our lyin' eyes right now: no debates, no press conferences, no Secret Service protection for RFK. I sadly agree that it is beyond repair from the inside. Who is RFK trying to please by staying in as a Democrat?

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That is why, while I like what he says I am skeptical. I also liked what Obama said, and then he sold out everyone who elected him. Listen to michael Hudson (a brief segment) on this. https://youtu.be/Og34eyAHCQ4?si=UniCg0AcX84ET8bW If you are not familiar with Hudson, I consider him a genius and I highly recommend his essays, https://michael-hudson.com/ his videos, and his many books, starting with Superimperialism. In my opinion, a must-read book for everyone who believes they are educated. There is a link to a free pdf of the 2nd edition of this in the group Celebrate Facebook Freedom, in the top banner. There is also an audio book of the third edition (the most recent) on You tube. His recent books on the history of Debt, were eye opening for me. He is also on Patreon.

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Thank you; I just watched a couple of Dr. Hudson's talks. He is clearly brilliant, but I am far from thinking myself educated in economics. I would be unable to distinguish what he says from an equally articulate speaker saying just the opposite. (Important to know what we don't know!) One thing I think I do know is that the status quo is unsustainable; something has got to give.

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I was going to donate to RFK Jr's campaign, but the donation wouldn't be accepted unless I provided my telephone number. I don't think that's necessary. It discourages those of us who have privacy concerns.

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Agree. No phone numbers! Also... we don't want DNC stepping in and taking the donations as they did with Bernie's incredible fundraising from small donors like us. We will donate to RFK Jr's superpac when we donate again. No grubby DNC mitts in it.

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I thank God for Kennedy helping us . We need someone that values us not obscene profits at our expense . I am tired of living in fear of these people. I was vaccine injured in 2006 and this has been a horror show for people like me to watch the numbers of severely injured by these vaccines and they absolutely do not care or even acknowledge them. It’s terrifying.

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What's RFK Jr. or any of the candidates going to do with The Committee of 300 centered in The City of London? THAT'S THE SHADOW GOVT. of the U.S. since his Uncle's assassination and the actual group behind the assassination as well as all the TWIN DEEP STATE AGENCIES OF THE U.K. and U.S.

Is any candidate loyal to The Constitution, Republic and Legal Citizens instead of the Rothschilds, Central Banker Families and their Capo Corporatists, Philanthropaths and Propaganda Instruments?

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Sep 8, 2023
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They're all connected!!!

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The main person that (the perfectly named elite) Mr O’Toole, is impressed with is himself. I say this with sadness for what has become of Ireland & Irish media, esp O’Toole’s Irish Times.

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Keep crushing it!!!

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Probably, when Pres. Biden drops out of the race Democrats will chose between you and Gavin Newsom. He just sent me an email about the need for a 28th amendment to the Constitution for gun control. I signed it. I wish you would, too.

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Kennedy v DeSantis. DeSantis will get past his Italian shakedown because there isnt much point having an Italian shakedown if the shakedown grounds the candidate. There is a suggestion that China is behind his wife but he doesn't actually win so it doesnt matter as far as I can see.

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Dear Louis Conte, you raise about "truth" the same ad Mr. Kennedy, because of which almost three months I am following him and tried to reach at least to his groups (teams) by verifying them about the recent vaccines, to arm Mr. Kennedy the real facts about the vaccines. But none of his team member responded me. Can you, please?

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Please reach out to Pollt Tommey at CHD - that would be the best choice.

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