I wonder if it was planned to only allow Harris to run for a couple months, knowing she could not survive a full campaign cycle on a smile and no policies. Giving stumps speeches is a campaign skill, readily aided by speech coaches, not an indication of ability to govern. Which we never saw from VP Harris, either.

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This sounds reasonable, but can you imagine the backlash if the Democratic Party pulls yet another candidate swap?

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I believe its ALL planned.

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Good article. The media is really fascinated with Harris. I can't find a single thing from her on policy. So what are you voting for? A good smile and elite pick?

My question is are the polls right? Everyone I talk to are concerned that prices are up but wages are not. That usually gets the on incumbent voted out. Harris is the incumbent. Worse there was no vetting process. The elite just picked her.

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Great message and question. We have an article coming on how to spot a good poll! Stay tuned.

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The other thing I heard is polls are still using land lines. Or people with cell phones block the calls. So the poll is skewed.

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I agree! I haven’t had a landline in almost 2 decades. But I do get text invites to do a poll, but they only include the uniparties, never independent candidates.

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Looking forward to it! We Need a Good RELIABLE poll!

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They’re voting for a woman to become the first woman president sadly! #kennedy24

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how sad that they think the immutable characteristic is more important than actual substance. plenty of competent woman out there.

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It’s the Hard Left wing. The woke people!!

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The Fed chairman is a Republican, keeping interest rates higher than they need to be, just because he doesn't have to answer to anyone. (This is the big problem with banksters running our fiat monetary system.)

The recent stock market dip was due to Japan having to adjust their rates.

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CamelHair mania is simply the Fake News suggesting its true, NOTHING more.

There is mania however it has nothing to do with Camel.

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Saw our economy and the whole country humming along under Trump right up until the 'Medical Martial Law' was declared and camouflaged as 'Lockdowns'. Standard of Living was far improved over the OBastard's first two Administrations at almost 0 inflation.

Sometimes, don't grasp exactly where you people are coming from when it pertains to Trump. He wasn't perfect and even so; he was the best and ONLY President of the United States in my lifetime.

It's been clear...The other Presidents were NOT Presidents of the United States. All had hidden agenda's and took orders from another entity besides 'We The People'.

You are correct about Kackles...Completely CORRUPTED beyond any measure of incompetence.

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The economy went great because he printed money. That eventually turns you into Argentina. In the past a lot of the printed money was used as debt instruments for international. Which allowed US to print money and not have inflation completely out of control like Argentina. That is now coming to an end. We have hit an Apex of debt and BRICs will kill our foreign debt leverage we had in the past. If Trump or Harris win Rome might see it's end in five years.

Kennedy is the only candidate that has policies that address this. Trump doesn't. More printing money.

Also under Trump I didn't leave my house for two years. He was clearly incapable of managing the pandemic and Washington when the country is in crisis. I live in a red state and four years ago a lot of my neighbors had Trump signs. This go around not a lot of signs period. I question of the polling is accurate.

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Wow...Didn't hear about printing money until the PLANDEMIC the eugenicist Forth Reich determined to unleash which the OBastard's most certainly knew about. Their rage and fury at the loss of Hitlery concerned the delay with all the FUN we now endure. All happening in these last four years was actually planned for Hitlery to release and it is thus the endless squawking, screeching and harping was perpetrated. Without Trump...The U.S. would NOT exist right now. Though it wasn't intentional, at least he provided a fighting chance for this nation as much hidden at that time has been exposed and people know to fight...Or, at least many do.

Anybody choosing the 'Chief Joy Officer' of a Shloomoo Institute' as a billionaire resulting from divorce from a Treasonous Silicone Valley Agent loyal to China clearly didn't consider the ramifications of such a pick. Anybody opting for a WOKE JOKE is NOT anybody possible to take seriously as WOKE is merely a designation to mask TOTALITARIANISM of a novel sort unique to the U.S. Kennedy has also had numerous speeches and presentations out in Mainstream Outlets to know his general views on issues, many which have now changed, to be aligned with more moderate inclinations instead of with the Progressive/Communist Nut Jobs now claiming 'Democracy to be in danger' which is to say, 'MOB RULE IS IN DANGER.'

THAT MEME/NARRATIVE IS UTTERLY INCORRECT as the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic and it's The Constitution of the United States in actual danger of PERMANENT NULLIFICATION. Right now, regulations have rendered The Constitution to be SUSPENDED...And the ENEMIES are just chomping at the bit, as the Monarch's/Peers of the Fabians in Britain, to do away with The U.S. Constitution and it's protection of Unalienable/Civil Rights.

It's all actually very sad as I like Kennedy on a personal level. He's bright and quite humorous; polished and filled with common sense. Really wished to vote for him and was a tiny bit undecided until the announcement of the Chief Joy Officer. It was about 'wishful thinking' as in the end I doubt I could vote for Kennedy as he supported and still supports Murder of Babies in the Womb too far into pregnancy. Murder of any kind is not a Right nor any opinion. Murder is a life destroyed; a HUMAN SACRIFICE TO WORSHIP DEMONS as certain as virgins thrown into volcano's, Aztec's slicing the still-beating-hearts out of victims with their bloody obsidian knives on pyramids or the torturing, raping murderers of the babies and children used as sexual slaves or Ritual Slayings as worship to demons for their Adrenochrome fix. In the end, THAT alone negated any possible vote for Bobby.

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I agree completely. You put it much more eloquently than I could have.

The plandemic changed the entire structure of our country and ruined the lives of millions of hard working entrepreneurs who didn’t have the financial wherewithal to weather the lock down storm.

And caused some policy decisions that now, in hindsight,

exacerbated the situation rather than alleviating its impact.

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Honestly, I think JFK was the first president that didn’t take orders from some other entity, and look at what happened to him. They took him out.

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From studying JFK, would have to agree with you. The Presidents between Lincoln and JFK were oddballs and one wonders about the loyalty of those leading the Nation with a few exceptions from 1864 to 1954. JFK wasn't a President of my life...So, it's dishonest to claim him to have been one.

It's said The Black Nobility to be the origin of ALL Presidential assassinations and attempted assassinations in the U.S which would indicate Theodore Roosevelt to have been loyal to the U.S. and disobedient to the Fabian Totalitarians loyal to Imperialism as the Pagan Demon Worshipers delusional in believing in some privileged mandate to RULE OVER THE PEOPLE whom they view slaves called 'serfs/peasants'. The assassinations and Social Upheavals as beginning in 1954 had their origin in The Black Nobility's Round Table out of Oxford. Often, the assassinations are staged out of Canada.


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excellent cartoon. Anne Gibbons is brilliant.

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something in the back of my mind has me thinking that the PTB actually wouldn't mind another Trump presidency. when the economy crashes, then they can blame him. I have even heard some with TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) blaming the prospect of Trump in the Oval Office again, making their investments go down. yeah, right. that makes a lot of sense (not).

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"Dump the Hump" we used to chant at Hubert Humphrey and his shills when he stepped in to carry on our war against Vietnam after LBJ dropped out of the 1968 race. Is there something as catchy for Kamala for the same shame?

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Well said, though it falls on deaf ears.

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Or just "Stupid."

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consistently stupid is actually stupid programming

One does not become a seasoned attorney without writing andspeaking skills.

We are being gamed and trained to accept stupid.

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I have a “feeling” that ever since she started trying to move her way up, her motto has been,

“Fake it, till you make it”.

And now that she is almost to the pinnacle of success, I’m sure she has added a few more tricks, such as, always take the offensive, and laugh at certain questions to dismiss the questioner as being


Then put together sentences like a tossed salad with all the right ingredients, but no order, just tossed. So if the questioner doesn’t understand her answer then he appears “lesser”!

So on to the next question.

Policy questions, well of course, there will be talks with foreign leaders. And, of course, there will be advisors, pretty much the same advisors as always, and the same lobbyists, and the same military complex.

Oh, you supporters expected change — an improved world, an easier life, a better economy, less guilt about all the death in the world.

Sorry, there’s only one candidate that will risk his life to do any of that, and it is not her! And her debater has already shown what he will do. So there is only one left — do we have the courage to believe????

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We Humans have very short memory spans (DNA?)! We also like to ignore history! I think that’s why people are divided and don’t learn from past economic and political failures?? The wealthy think they are “immune” to geopolitical chaos, because they’re protected! Come November everybody in America will know our Country’s outcome for the “Future”?? Happy trails Team Kennedy, you have my heart and soul..HANDLE WITH CARE!

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RFKJR must denounce Israel and recognize the genocide.

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