Google and Facebook are evil indeed; but I would add to the list Wikipedia. All are run by the Deep State.

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I’ve de-googled every device I use. They are not to be trusted with anything.

The last time I had an Android phone, many years ago, it took a techie and myself an hour and a half to remove all the tracking crap that google had embedded in it.

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What we are really describing is the absolute necessity to abandon main stream media and find a viable Google, You Tube alternative. It is neither efficient of desirable to attempt to fix it from within. Irrespective of ones temporary political allegiance. RFK has trumpeted the importance of the candidate in light of the corruption of the "party". DJT has a growing # of Repub loyalists who have called out the RINO's. More foundational similarity than difference.

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You are on the right track here. What we need to do is start our own truth platform that hold sacred the tenants of freedom of speech.

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While good information here, this article misses the major point which is who decides on the Narrative. It it from big tech? big media? I doubt it. The narratives we have seem major censoring and information manipulation are on foreign policy like US support for the Israeli fascist, racist genocide, criticism of the US policy on Ukraine and the lies it promotes and holistic health care and questions particularly about vaccine safety. While not limited to these issues, controlling the public via controlling the narrative comes from the government and the financial goons that own it. Not calling this out leaves a big hole in this article.

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Correct. There is no "government" per se, of the people , by the people, for the people. There is this captured corporate entity that has run amock that we must do an end run around or otherwise bring to heal.

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Hmmmm. This rings a bell.

Oh yeah. That's how they created Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Bobby's in good company. Can Kennedy MAGA?

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Because he is a bought and paid for, Epstein/Mossad Blackmailed One World Order Puppet.

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How exactly is saying the simple words: “Israel has the right to defend itself after being brutally attacked” translate to, “genocide”? You do realize Israel was attacked first, right? And RFK censored nothing anywhere nor did he support ANY form of censorship at any university on any topic ever. You are blatantly here. What does this twisted comment (in all CAPS no less) even mean? You seem like a very broken person.

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Well put

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You are drinking the media kool-aid that this article is about! Wake up - your being fed lies of attack and hate - exactly what they want you to do!🙏🏼

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shouting this out is appropriate, though "we" are not privy to the knowledge a wealthy person has from one of the most potent political families in this country. Not making any excuses, though we many not see the entire scenario...

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Good question

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Great post! I learned an interesting lesson last week. I was debating with a "friend" on the Ukraine War and Bobby Kennedy as a US presidential candidate. He's been parroting the line that US military support for Ukraine is not so much money but more antiquated US equipment and he made the statement that was made by Peter Ziehan that "virtually $0 dollars have been sent ."

He also said that Bobby Kennedy was lying when he discussed Blackrock's involvement had incredible influence on US iews.

I asked him to specify exactly what Bobby said that was BS. Not surprisingly he could produce no credible reason for his belief.

I came to the stark realization that he is simply accepting what he reads in the BS media and takes it at face value without doing any of his own research. Wow! Unforuntately, the describes more than 80% of US and Canadians! who have been completely brainwashed by the administrative state!

If you doubt it, check out Mike Benz's site at https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/

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Just shovel junk at the wall. The last person I would ever support for the last 40 plus years of voting age is Biden and the 2nd to last is Trump so your lack of ability to discern at all is about 100%.

Did you research anything or are you a Zionist Bot? Your the gaslighter. So now you are in charge of how someone writes?

You are a Renegade, as you note? You attack those who say the TRUTH.

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Wow Andrew you sure are programmed. Having empathy for 50,000 Genocided mostly women and children and likely twice that maimed and wounded equals being a "broken person"? I can surmise from this that your definition of a non-broken person is: Someone who supports the continued Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Child Sacrifice and Apartheid of mostly Defenseless Women and children. Ok . . . good luck with that.

So Israel was "Brutally attacked"? It was a prison breakout by the Palestinians with little in the way of armaments, much of the deaths were done by the IDF, most all of the "brutality" has since been disproven. Israel does it all the time to Palestinians for decades and decades but that is fine? You don't even acknowledge this.

I capitalize when deemed necessary to make a clear point so what I write will be best understood. I hope that does not hurt your feelings - but it seems you only feel your slight uncomfortableness and NOT the INTENSE, UNLAWFUL SUFFERING OF OTHERS!

Kennedy supported Smut-Merchant Shmuley and the Zionist Lobby for the censorship of college students. Even you can figure this out in 5 minutes of research. Kennedy is a Coward and Bought and Paid for, Epstein-Mossad-CIA controlled One World Order Faker. His Campaign Manager, Daughter-in law is CIA. And No there is never ex-CIA, even you should know this.

Reality 101:

Israel is an illegal Occupier of Palestine. The Occupied (Palestinians) have a Right and a Duty to Fight the Occupiers. Just some examples so you may be able to understand what "Occupied" means:

The Occupier:

* Ilegally took the land (by Terrorism) read your history which you obviously don't know.

* Controls the supply of water, electricity, sewage, food, medicine etc. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT?

* For Decades Murders, Steals land, Imprisons, Beats, Burns, Destroy homes, Fills in wells, Sprays sewage into houses and on and on. Spend 30 minutes researching it from Jewish authors and maybe you'll understand a tiny bit.

* Bombs civilians or as the Israeli Officials calls it: "Mowing the Lawn".

* The Psychotic Netanyahu and his Ministers Openly call for the Destruction, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Every Man, Woman, Child and Animal.

Just start there, then read Finkelstein and Pappe (both Jewish) books and listen to their podcasts.

Or continue to support the Psychotics Murdering Defenseless (No: Air Force, Navy, Army or Iron Dome) Civilians. Great choice you made.

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I listen and read most everything every day he says-for decades. His love for Palestine? Its like a wife beater saying he loves his wife. Talk is cheap. Meanwhile keep Genociding and the pampered Palestinians are wrong to Fight against their Occupiers. See his more recent interview with Dan Smith, who is Jewish, and takes Kennedy to task and Kennedy FAILED HORRIBLY!

I was all for him instead of the corrupt and idiotic biden and trump but Kennedy is even more Dangerous as he purports to be Fighter For Truth but FAILS MISERABLY WHEN PUT TO THE TEST. HE IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR AND LIKELY BLACKMAILED BY MOSSAD/EPSTEIN. DISGUSTING!

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Who is the one that is bought and paid for here?? I say it’s you. 🫵 my guess is, the Biden administration or someone close to them has you trolling and spamming good quality journalist post like this on their behalf. This is all textbook gaslighting and distraction, language here, plus the ALL CAPS immaturity is a dead giveaway. But I could be wrong. But I doubt it! 🤔

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You are deluded. I loved the man until he Exposed himself for what he truly is:

Here is the Best Synopsis of it:

Finally, there is Robert F. Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr) who initially did a good job in fooling potential voters into thinking he was a man of peace, but he turned all John McCain after he blundered by praising Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters. Israel’s friends and partisans quickly informed him that Waters was on their enemies list because of his openly expressed support for the Palestinian cause.

Kennedy immediately deleted his praise of Waters and declared him to be a “vicious anti-Semite.” He also claimed falsely that the Palestinian Authority has offered to pay a bounty to any Palestinians who “kill a Jew anywhere in the world” while also claiming that Palestinian children are all “being raised as serial killers.” He approves of the demolitions of Palestinians’ homes and argues that in Gaza “Israel is doing more right now to protect human life” while he also praises the IDF’s “unique moral approach” to war.

Kennedy also issued a detailed statement online and has become one of the Jewish state’s most outspoken supporters. He posted on X:

This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind. I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.”

Kennedy’s inability to separate fact from fiction is evident in his referral to “Palestinian settlements within Israel,” when describing Palestinians living in what is left of their former land that is now under Israeli occupation and subject to constant settlement expansion, as though the Palestinians are the ones colonizing the Israelis. Kennedy is now running as an independent but has lost many of his staffers because of his position on Gaza. Many anti war Americans were initially thrilled when Kennedy announced that he would be against Joe Biden in this year’s primaries and that he’d hired former Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich, an antiwar progressive, to be his campaign manager. But Kucinich quit in the middle of October.

In November, Kennedy’s field team, headed by former California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s wife Rhonda, also quit. In December, his foreign policy and veteran’s affairs adviser James R. Webb, Marine Corps veteran of Iraq War II and son of the former senator from Virginia, also submitted his resignation. Webb revealed that his resignation was in disgust over Kennedy’s stance on Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip and Kennedys’ claim that “collective punishment” of civilians is justified.

One might add that there is another interesting more-or-less independent in the race, namely Jill Stein who will be seeking the nomination of the Green Party. She is a genuine anti-war person whom I have known for eight years and she has criticized the “endless war machine” as well as what is going on in Ukraine and in Gaza, where she has called for an immediate cease fire. Alas, she has no chance of getting more than a couple percentage points of the votes cast.

Other fringe candidates include Cornel West, an independent, and two Democrats who will continue to appear on the primary ballots going ahead. They are Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson. So, there you have it folks. To paraphrase the immortal Donald Trump, peace on earth is for losers!

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You need to keep up! In a radio interview on 1-26 he came out for his love for Palestinians.

Kucinich quit when he announced he was leaving the dem party!

Too bad Stein (who I voted for in 2020) is running in the party that supports mandatory jabs! The GP has lost their way.

Kennedy is an highly intelligent man and knows how our government works and will get things done unlike the other 4-6 people you mentioned and he actually can win! Those others don’t have a chance! Cheers. #kennedy24

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Spot on. This guys comments above are the height of delusion. ⬆️

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You are officially lost in space pal. Literally, nothing you’ve written here is true or accurate…. 🤦‍♂️

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This is such a huge power control from so many rich entities that have actually taken over, so how does anyone stop or change this steam roller of lies and global take o er agenda? I cannot see how they would even let RFK win the election. This reality is too scary for many people, especially my older generation! Feel like we have become Star Wars with the slim awareness of rebellion against the powerful controlling Empire - we need the Force! Let’s wake up & use the Force of love and peace or there will be no chance to stop it!! Go Kennedy!!!

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Maybe negative attention is at least something? Ignoring is even more effective. Netherlands: no news about RFKjr. in MSM.

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