National Propaganda Radio

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National Pravda Radio

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National Psocialist Radio

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During NYC Medical Freedom events a popular sign "Media is the Virus "

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that's catchy!

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My candidate of choice RFK Jr is fighting an uphill battle. He identifies as a Democrat so the massive maga crowd opposes him and he doesn’t fit the story line of the woke left and their covid hoax. This makes getting his message out very difficult. It’s up to us that support the truth of what he says about the all powerful big pharmaceuticals and the military industrial complex by sharing his message with friends and family. This is a grassroots movement that I pray snowballs into win for peace.

Where are all the old hippies that wanted peace and the Vietnam war to end? Since then we’ve had nothing but war and finally we have a candidate that speaks peace. WTC woke is not healthy, peace is.


Censorship is Totalitarianism !!

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Sadly the 'hippies' IMHO have been propagandized overwhelmingly by corporate owned/operated mainstream media (ever notice the "brought to you by Pfizer" on the Sunday morning MSM "news" shows?) and they have been massively discouraged from reading/researching for themselves about health care and are told to 'follow the experts" unquestioningly. Anyone is ridiculed and threatened if they question the so-called 'experts.'

Unfortunately, I think many, of all ages, have also suffered brain damage by the endless vaxes and numerous other drugs not necessary for health care.

Also US food is heavily processed and covered with pesticides and chemicals.

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I disagree about him not being heard and admired by the MAGA crowd. Maybe not by all of them but a sizable number. Just read the comments on any article or video with him and you’ll see what I mean.

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You are right. I was conservative but changed my mind.

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I admire and respect Kennedy because he is sincere and cares about Americans. I would not vote for him because he has Socialist tendencies.

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The Rinos like the McFailre clan are as much socialist as Kennedy. Plus they are all aligned with the war machine. Trump signed off on operation warp speed and hasn’t accepted it was a bad idea. Plus the cabal will never let him even get on the ballot. Can he get enough write in votes to stop the left? My opinion is it’s better to get RFK Jr as the democrat nominee and at least stop the Pelosi/Obama traitors

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True that. Although I don't know if they are Socialists, but they are corrupt and they will vote for anything that will increase their power and personal wealth.

Yeah, Trump never admits he is wrong about anything. And he can't control his mouth.

It would be funny and great if Kennedy won the presidential race as an Independent. He is probably the only one who could.

Of course they'll kill him before he could take office. Or they will officially start WWIII and suspend elections, like Zelenskyyy did. The Uniparty will do anything to keep from losing power again. Republicans 'take care of' Trump and Democrats 'take care of' Kennedy. And they all will be together again pretending they are different.

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Astute comment

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There is nothing, nothing, that NPR broadcasts worth listening to. Unabashed putrid statist

effluvium. NPR is a propagandist's hellhole where truth has gone to die.

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It should be consolation that NPR does the same thing to all non-woke subjects of its reportage.

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And one wonders of the collusion of the press against Kennedy is a RICO or Election interference violation.

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NPR and PBS have zero integrity.. nothing but a division of the Ministry of Propaganda

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As every bombardier knows, when you start taking serious flak, you know you're over the target. Da?

Roger T

The Occupied South

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Why does NPR even exist? Generally I will listen to radical left broadcasts for entertainment, but NPR inexplicably gets on my nerves, even if I catch just a fragment of it as background noise. At times it sounds like a parody of itself.

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I think NPR went downhill when they stopped allowing comments on its platform.

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“it sounds like a parody of itself”

ha! always a bad sign

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I used to listen to NPR all the time, but it has become intolerable over the last few years. Much like the Democratic Party.

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So many of us used to be mesmerized by the soft tone, intellectual progressive ramblings of NPR, PBS and the rest of lefty crowd. How little did we know we were being led into a trance by some very clever sociopaths (Soros etc) who know how easy it is to sell ignorant arrogant people a world that looks good on the surface but is actually very fake.

RFK Jr should take their attacks as a good sign. They thought they could crush him with lies but all this is doing is making more people stop and listen. I guess they give themselves a lot more credibility than anyone else.

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In spite of federal funds, NPR is Mainstream Media. Has certainly been consistent since Covid 19.

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I’ve watched dozens of RFK interviews, I’m reading his book now. The Real Fauchi , mind blowing to say the least. I would have a tough time voting D. He’s naive to think he can reform the party, they are insane.

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I don't think RFKjr is naive; he just believes he must keep trying to bring the party back to what it was. I admire him for that and his optimism in the people. Despite the massive propaganda and censorship.

My example... I went to Hunter College (NYC city college; my father was a public h.s. teacher, war veteran; we lived in Brooklyn)-no tuition; they even gave me money for books - in the 1960s. It was most diverse education I ever had; and the teachers made a living wage I believe; the teachers also really cared. I also lived in a rent-controlled (6 flight walkup) in NYC - near Hunter) for $100/month. Food was affordable; public transportation was also inexpensive and available. I worked for room and board, during the year and summers. One could do that back then. The exconomy now only supports the very rich and endless war.

As George Carlin said back awhile this US empire is crumbling, faster and faster, circling the drain, and I just watch and wait for the asteroid - or in this case world war III orchestrated daily by the insanity (I will not call them leaders) in DC who think there will be winners in a nuclear war. I'm not as optimistic as RFK,jr but he offers hope. I wonder what George Carlin would have said these days? Would we know?

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Pelosi, etc, are not 60s kennedy democrats, no way will he get the D go ahead. He should be (I) he would do better. I’m following this closely. He’s the only one talking about. Pharma and Military I C. Amazing life and speaker. Dems would not even put him in cabinet. Best hope is rep wins and put him in as high ranking official, maybe attorney general like his dad.

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George Carlin was a pretty straight arrow. I like to think he would lighten up a little and just make people laugh at the absurdity of it all.

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Excellent description of what is happening

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Wonderfully written article, such hypocrisy at play here.

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NPR has been a POS for a very long time. This is news??

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