RFK, Jr. had no choice but to become an Independent. The Democrat party today isn't the party he grew up in. The party has been completely subverted and corrupted by global oligarchs.

Democrats don't want anyone with integrity, courage and independent, constitutional thinking like RFK, Jr. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris, H. Clinton, Newsom, Kerry and so on.

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Thank you. Burns' career is a blatant example of the deep systemic corruption of the warmongering Democratic Party where it's all about the money, all the time.


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Expressing truth backed by evidence with vigour and precision. Boom.

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Thanks Erl!

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Great article! This comes after reading what Trump has done to the Republican Party - installed hand-picked leasers, etc. A journalist for yahoo figuratively described it as a 'bloodbath.' So the party of Lincoln and tradition that my parents and grandparents worked for no longer exists. There are times in American history when the two major political parties change: for instance, the Republican Party wasn't always around. I think RFK Jr is just the person to be elected president - historically, presidents are a snap shot of what was happening in America during the times, and Bobby Kennedy is definitely a reflection of what is going on in the country right now. People are leaving traditional political parties, sometimes forced out, but not abandoning traditional American values. We may be temporarily displaced, but it's just temporary. We're Americans - we'll land on our feet. Being "quit" by the political party you've worked supported for years is another reason why I identify with RFK JR's campaign: I can see me. RFK JR 2024!

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Thank you for this no-nonsense factual accounting of Mr. Burns’ career which sheds light on his history and character.

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Burns is a Vile corrupt and very Jealous person! He is Mean to the core and hateful just like what the Democratic Party has become!ugh!!

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Terrifically stinging rebuke of the Democrat's attempt to discredit Robert F Kennedy, Jr. They're pissing in the wind and it's going to blow back in their faces...

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Both Parties Democratic and Republican have sold their soul to follow the money, not the people. They both betrayed us and lied to us. RFK Jr and his independent party is our only chance to make America proud again and restore our dignity at home and around the world!

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The Democratic Party hasn't changed- this is who they have always been despite Camelot fables and historical delusions

The Democratic Party has ALWAYS betrayed the aspirations of ordinary people while pursuing an agenda favorable to Wall Street and U.S. imperial ambitions.

The Democrats’ record of backing the rich and breaking promises to its voting base is not a recent departure from an otherwise laudable past, but results from its role as one of two parties serving the interests of the U.S. establishment.

The mistake most make is in seeing the Dems and Repubs as separate and oppositional entities.

If either Party disintegrated tomorrow, the US would be revealed for what it really is and has always been -- a One-Party state ruled by a narrow alliance of business interests. Both party's true function is largely theatrical. They don't exist to fight for change, but only to create the illusion that one fine distant day they might possibly bestir themselves to fight for change.

As long as the two parties exist, most Americans will believe we have a "democracy" and a "choice" in how we are ruled. They will not despair, and will not revolt, as long as they have this hope for "change within the system."

From the system's point of view, this mechanism serves as the ultimate safety valve -- it insures against a despairing populace, thus eliminates the threat of rebellion; yet guarantees that no serious change to the system will be mounted. Neither Party is the "lesser evil;" they are auxiliary subdivisions of the same evil.

To understand the political system, one must step back and regard its operation as an integrated whole. The system can't be properly understood if one's study of it begins with an uncritical acceptance of the 2-party system, and the conventional characterizations of the two parties.

The overall function of the system is not to fight for everyday people, but to participate in this ever shifting totalitarian process. Just as the Harlem Globetrotters need their Washington Generals to make their basketball games properly entertaining, Republicans and Democrats need each other for effective staging of the political show.

For the Democrats to become the "party of the people" it would require an unprecedented departure from the party's character. To understand this, one must first recognize that the sole Dem claim to being "for the people" is rooted almost entirely in the New Deal, itself a response to a unique crisis in American history. FDR recognized that to avert the very real threat of massive social unrest and instability, significant concessions had to be made to the working class by the ruling class. Government could act to defend the weak, and to some extent to rein in the strong, but this was all in the long term interests of defending the existing social order.

Before FDR, the Dem Party had no worthwhile record whatsoever; and after FDR, though the New Deal coalition survived until the mid-1960's, it did so with a record of achievement that was restrained compared to the 1930's.

After passing Medicare in 1965 the party reverted to its long-term pattern, and since then, there has again been no worthwhile record to speak of. The party's meager social reforms were concentrated mostly in the 1930's, with some residual momentum lasting until the mid 60's which was an exception to the longer term pattern and a response to a unique crisis and has in any case been dead for over 60 years.

For the Democratic Party to even begin to serve as a vehicle for opposing the absolute rule of capital, it would at a minimum have to be capable of acknowledging the conflict that exists between the interests of capital and the rest of the population; and of expressing a principled determination to take the side of the population in this conflict.

A party whose controlling elements are millionaires, lobbyists, fund-raisers, careerist apparatchiks, consultants, and corporate lawyers is not likely to take that position.

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I read a story years ago about the guy who invented fire. The priests had him killed, stole his fire making tools & hung them behind the alter, then said they revered the man, and would carry on his legacy (without ever making fire). I think that’s the Government and JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcom X. The DNC pretends to honor and dignify the legacy … but they were part of the cabal that had the man who created fire killed.

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Yes. Good explanation that more people need to see.

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The idea that there was some sort of golden era of the Party of Slavery is an obscene fiction. The Democratic Party has valued power more than anything else since its inception and before it fought its war to preserve slavery. That has never changed. The Democratic Party should have been abolished after the civil war. He should be proud of shedding loyalty to the Democratic Party. It’s a shame he still speaks about it with nostalgia.

But it goes a long way of explaining why he is a fraud when it comes to his presentation of himself as a “peace” candidate—his support of funding the genocidal regime of Likud. He clearly gets that vice of duplicity from the Democratic Party.


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You're a damn good American, Liam.

...which is impressive for a Canadian. Consider "American" in this context to therefore be a well-deserved honorary title, or an expansion from its colloquial national usage to its underutilized continental form (which would in this context thereby be a well-deserved honorary adjustment from American vernacular nonetheless).

Thanks always for your excellent work, and God bless

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It's "toe"the line, not "tow" It's a military command, which you perhaps don't understand. It means "put your toes on the line", while lining up, shoulder to shoulder.

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