So what's happening here? Is he going to be on the ballot or not? I can tell you right now. NO ONE supporting Kennedy will be voting for Biden. NO ONE!!

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I might be no one...I support Kennedy, but might vote Biden to stop Trump.

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Just vote for Kennedy for Pete’s sake! How can you even still be in that deplorable party if you are?! Declare your independence. #kennedy24

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I've never been in any party.

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Joy I voted for Biden, but after 4 years of research regarding the covid jab[ reading a couple thousand research papers from around the world] I realized Biden's administration is completely involved in a Military grade Psyop on the G20 which includes America. The covid vaccine is nothing of the sort. It is in-fact a Slow Kill Bio Weapon created at GOF labs. The purpose of which is reduce human population on Earth by approximately 50%.. Mainstream media , especially in America won't touch this because Big Pharma[poison jab provider] OWNS them... Consequently most Americans have no idea about this Crime of the Century.. 90% of Democrats are on the Big Pharma payroll..

Any vote for a Democrat is a vote to continue the Slaughter of men, women, and children via the Plandemic vaccines... POISON JABS... They want you DEAD and everyone you know.. DEAD ...FACT

Our only Real shot at stopping this Global Slaughter is Kennedy-Trump...

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Sorry to disappoint but a Biden cannot stop Trump. No way no how.

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You might want to rethink that decision, especially if you have kids you don't want incinerated in the nuclear war Biden is dragging us into. kennedy and Trump are our only hope IMO.

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No kids.

No nukes.

No tRump.

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We are in a "civil war", just not the kind that the term "civil war" evokes. Put your guns away, this battle is going to be in the polls, courts, public speech, education and behavior of Americans.

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Well said.

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The DNC Deep state is EVIL!! They are scared of Bobby and doing everything to keep him of the ballot! But they Will Not Win!

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WTH! Every person should be allowed to run for ANY OFFICE AND NOT BE OF A PARTICULAR PARTY!

Let the citizens vote who THEY WANT!

Plus we deffinately need to have the popular vote! Not the electorate college!

An definitely not the control of any one deciding ! The popular vote needs enacted !

If we had this the people would make thier choice count! Other wise it’s not your vote that counts it’s who decides in certain states that makes the count! Not right

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As an outsider, none of this can be seen as anything but election rigging. I hope you guys in the US can find a fix for this as we in the UK can see this coming down the road for us. Good luck.

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That’s not a good outcome is it? Working “under Trump” and Republicans keeps RFK’s hands tied. Republicans are wrapped up in the corrupt merger of state and corporate power. He wouldn’t be able to go beyond the typical Republican strategies.

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“Secret Service deliberately failed to protect Trump” – Scott Ritter -- OUTSTANDING and fairly definitive !!

(ordered by “establishment” – which remember includes GOP RINOs which are majority Rs in both Senate and Congress)


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Can you include links to the pleadings? Is DNC arguing that independent candidates' names cannot be on the ballot?

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GA is the nidus of corruption as some of us learned in 2020.

The reason they are corraling Kennedy is because the criminal there have the election

rigging sewn up. In the case of RFK they know he is bleeding votes off the Dem base,

otherwise they would not bother...

DJT had the most popular RNC converntion in the history of this Republic. He will once again step into the Presidentcy. RFK knows this, and will do what he does best in Trumps cabinet.

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No! No surrender yet!

Ughh the slimy Georgian government and DNC

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Do not view it as surrender. Tis the best possible outcome.

In any case it is crystal clear that its happening.

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I suspect that the "leaked" phone call DJT made to RFK very recently is well known???

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I believe the "Shadow Men" have picked Trump. Perhaps the shooting was a warning to him.


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based on what?? Seems the evidence suggests the SS most definitely stood down.

They were aware of the goofy kid shooter, his ladder, the AR, the heavy rounds he supposedly carried one mile... We are witnessing theatre

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The "kid" a plant?.....

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the word patsy seems accurate

more that a few precedents

The idea is not my own, comes from multiple other critical thinkers

If you are interested, Jeff Childers sub is top of the tree.

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Right. I follow Jeff closely. I believe it was this morning that he had a reported that acoustic evidence now showed THREE shooters. Crooks may have been a plant to distract attention and sow confusion.

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