zero surprise that Haley is a proponent of the 'domino theory' (Russian will not stop at Ukraine, yada, yada, yada.) endless wars mean endless profit for her and her ilk in the military industrial complex. she is without a doubt one of the least qualified people to ever run for president (and that's probably saying a lot). she will be relegated to the garbage heap of history, along side other pandering dingbats like Sarah Palin.

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Maybe Haley should be promising to lower the age for Social Security, as life expectancy went down in the past few years.

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New conspiracy theory: Government is poisoning the population in order to lower life expectancy and thereby save on Social Security. Fantasy now. Probably in three months we'll find out it's true.

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In a situation as grave as the one we Americans face, fighting is inappropriate. What we need is for all of us to contribute to our ultimate victory in the most effective possible way.

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When the criminal H Clinton and the entire fake news suggested that DJT could not possible come within 1000 miles of the White House they and their voter theft algo grossly underestimated DJT.

These articles are more of the same, except now the people know and he is unstoppable, hence a pedo judge will convict him. Louis will write a gang up editorial, it will not matter, and will not work.

At some point the Beacon will implode possibly when RFK tips his hat to DJT?

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Good coaxed one out. Chiropolis is spinning fake news, and does not address the issues.

Support for Ukrainian war "for all the right reasons" direct quote from C-span. Support for the Israel genocide in Gaze. Wishy washy assertions for the Climate Hoax. Now the pedo from CDF. I suspect RFK has nothing to do with CHD at this point.

Polling is fake and an attempt to manufacture outcomes. Biden cannot be compared to DJT which is borderline stupid. The DemonRats have launched lawfare to stop Trump and it has failed miserably.

RFK has the honestly to disavow the charade unlike the Beaconites... Ramaswamy is a very very bright light and has exposed the RINO's. Interesting times for sure

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Israel facing charges of genocide is as laughable as the Allies facing charges of genocide for German citizens who were killed when the Allies took the Nazis down. Let's get real people. Throwing in this "tidbit" is a red herring ... why would the candidates mention such a laughable charge and why would you write about it?

The candidates also didn't discuss changing babies' diapers.

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Please listen to this incredibly important statement by Archbishop Viganò. RFK Jr. is fighting the same battle.


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I keep hoping (in vane) that Trump will participate in a debate to prove to voters that he can have an intelligent conversation about issues without insulting anyone.

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The GOP is a dumpster fire. Every candidate thinks they need to out-bully Trump in order to get an audience.

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Ron Unz has proven beyond any doubt in a recent major article on the Unz Review that the "Holocaust" is a hoax. Yet this is what the 75 year old Israeli genocide against the Palestinians is based on. Along with full-throated support of Israel and it's arming as a nuclear state. Not a single contemporary US politician has walked back this legacy of lies. Sooner or later the price must be paid for this denial. I am starting to think it will be sooner. See my new book "Our Country Then and Now", Clarity Press.

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Is there a way to block you?

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Block yourself. It's easy.

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A collaboration of non news.

Here is a punch line "While Haley and DeSantis are both longshot candidates for the Republican nomination, they have received extensive media coverage by participating in primary debates. Meanwhile, both the Democratic and the Republican frontrunners – Trump and Biden – have controversially refused to take part in any debates during this election cycle. Despite abstaining, their polling numbers remain high."

It is not even close to being true, the bit about Biden's polling fake news #'s. It competes for the worst journalistic efforts seen of late and the contestants are many. Any thinking person knows that DJT has more popularity that all the the rest of the contenders combined including Dems regardless of opinion.

Why would he "debate" when he has annihilated them and the "moderator" is a shill?

A real journalistic effort does not misreport, focuses on the most important topics and does not obfuscate. This piece fails all metrics.

Seems CHD has a pedo problem: https://twitter.com/DBrozeLiveFree/status/1745189149928194399

How did that happen? Is RFK and his CHD gone awol? Has it been infiltrated? He really needs to deal with this issue...

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The claims in this comment are simply false – Biden leads Democrats consistently in polls https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls/democratic/primaries

And Kennedy has much higher approval ratings than Biden and Trump, who both have similarly abysmal approval ratings https://news.gallup.com/poll/548138/american-presidential-candidates-2024-election-favorable-ratings.aspx

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