Yes, if anyone can untangle that Flint Michigan water debacle, it is RFK, Jr !!!

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Unfortunately the deliberate poisoning is well understood. It was Trump who actually went there with untainted water he passed out for free.

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Bottled water? Paper towels? How does that solve a problem?

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Yes. Democrats play dirty as this article mentions, and the current Biden machine won on trickery. Some was outright voter fraud. Other was a huge paid army gathering valid ballots. And other was big tech silencing opposition and hiding the truth. When the fruits of your victories are based in lies and trickery, many bad things happen. Hence, the opening for an honest man. I pray Kennedy gets on the ballot in every state.

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All that you mention is not only fraudulent it is treasonous. It was not a "win" or a "victory"

it was voter suppression and election theft. Suggesting honesty? We now have climate change hui, support on CSPAN for Ukranian "conflict" and support for Genocide in Gaza.

Other that those little details it's all good yeah?

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Cynthia Haynes is wise, and knows that meeting Bobby is a powerful thing. Sending love to Cynthia and her community to turn the tide.

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Indeed turning the tide with sentiments is useful. But wait, someone NEVER was in the evil tide and they are clearly winning.

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You have a thorn in your paw and you want to bleed all over others. Go support your candidate if it's not RFK.

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Thank you!

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The Democrat party is now the party of censorship, totalitarianism, fascism, election fraud and banana-republic tactics to block all viable opponents.

They want RFK, Jr and Trump out of the running, and they'll lie, cheat, steal and anything else possible to make that happen.

I want to see RFK, Jr. get onto all 50 state ballots. I want clean, accurate, honest elections. If these things occur (I wouldn't bet on the second), RFK, Jr. has an excellent chance to win the presidency.

Tens of millions of Americans are looking for a good alternative, independent candidate.

But Democrats WILL cheat as much as they can away with, to block RFK, Jr. The challenge is catching them in the act.

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It's going to take a lot of volunteers and lots of signatures.

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"Haynes said ...“the Arabic community I’ve talked to said they’re going independent. It’s either Kennedy or Trump, but they are not sure.”


Really? There's a large Arab population in Dearborn, etc. I can't believe they will vote for Kennedy once they listen/watch his cringe interviews full of Israeli propaganda talking points voicing his strong support for the Gaza Genocide going on with US bombs and our taxpayer money. I would bet most Arabs, given the choice of Biden, Trump, or Kennedy, will sit out this election. Or, vote for Green party candidate Jill Stein or independent Cornel West who have strongly spoken out against the Gaza Genocide.

Personally, if the election looks close in MI, I'll vote for Kennedy as the lesser of three evils. If not, I'll vote for Jill so they can get to 5% for ballot access.

P.S. I was once among Kennedy's strongest supporters in MI. First contributed last March. Went to his Boston announcement. Volunteered at his 1st MI appearance on Oct 5th. I knocked on over 1,000 doors for Bernie. But, ... Genocide is my red line. It's mind-boggling, that Kennedy, who is right on so many issues, has gotten this one so wrong.

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Yup, the Gaza issue is not going to go away. His position is out of character with what he puts forth and it raises a lot of questions about how Kennedy will meet reality. Sorry, but it's true.

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Hardly the only issue. Promoting the Climate Change hui, CO2 stupidity renders him unfit for dog catcher. Then there is the Ukranian CSPAN endorsement of Ukrainian WAR. Foolish peeps suggest "give him a chance" This man has destroyed what was left of the DemonRat party. He has exposed the Big P vaccine genocide. Those accomplishments are stellar...

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I find it funny when people question this highly respected environmental lawyer when it comes to the environment like you love to do! What’s your background that makes you know better?!#kennedy24

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I totally agree. If Kennedy thinks he can support the Gaza genocide and get the Black-- let alone Arab-- vote, he understands little about either Blacks or Arabs. Why would they support someone in favor of repression, persecution, murder of innocent people in Gaza? Giving Israel the weapons it needs to accomplish genocide makes the U.S. an accomplice in that genocide .Kennedy on one hand says to get the U.S. out of the MIddle East and on the other has no problem with the horror of collective punishment which has been banned by the civilized world in the Geneva Convention. Blacks in America identify with the oppressed, not the oppressor, being themselves still repressed. The idea that Arab Americans would vote for genocide of their own kind is lunacy. If he is the alternative candidate who is actually in favor of peace, then as Martin Buber said, "If not us, who? And if not now, when?"

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RFK himself, "I am pro-palestinian and anti-hamas". You don't believe there are Arabs who see the problem being Hamas? What about Mosab Hassan Yousef? Do you really think UNWRA is helping Palestinians? Who is aiding in the repression, persecution, and murder of Palestinians aside from Israel? When did RFK give weapons to Israel?

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RFk has expressed support for the current approach Israel is taking in Gaza, and he has expressed he thinks US should support it. It doesn’t matter that he personally hasn’t given any weapons to Israel / Likud, he supports it. There are no political substantial Arabs who think that the current plausible genocide of Palestinians is justified by what Hamas has ever done. A person can be anti Hamas, and pro palestinian, but they cannot be “pro Palestinian” while simultaneously supporting funding the Likud party and providing them weapons and thus morally supporting a plausible genocide of Palestinians. RFK thinks he can lie his way to gaining support from people who are actually anti the war-establishment.

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Hopeless, you can be pro-Palestine and anti-Hamas. He doesn’t support Likud and he’s not lying. He just has a different perspective than you and you're obviously having a hard time accepting it. Don’t vote for him. Peace. ☮️

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I stated a person could be pro Palestine and anti-Hamas. Reading difficulties?

If a person says they don’t support Likud but they support the US government sending them weapons and money, the person is either lying or stupid. I don’t suspect he is the latter, thus he is lying. He does have a different perspective than me; his perspective is that the us government should fund the genocide of Palestinians. And I certainly don’t accept that detestable perspective. Fuk your genocidal peace.

And yah, I probably won’t be voting for him if he keeps advocating the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

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So killing banies and women and children is being pro-Palestinian?

IWhat is pro-Palestinian?

Israeli persecution of Palestinians is nothing new and to attempt to justify what they are doing is unconscionable.

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No one side in any relationship is all correct or all wrong. No one is justifying violence.

Babies die everyday all over the world from violence. I know I’ve treated them.

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I bet that isn’t what you were saying to Israelis after October 7th

Fuking disgusting bigotry.

Babies don’t die everyday all over the world because a government is wantonly bombing and starving a population that is financially supported by the US government, with the approval of RFk. The genocide being carried out is all wrong. There is no side in which it is correct. To argue otherwise is degenerate, not enlightened.

And there are certainly relationships which one side is totally wrong. To say otherwise is extremely ignorant or evil. Take your pick. Do you need examples?

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Absolutely right.

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How lovely that you treat babies and yet somehow excuse their deliberate and methodical extermination .

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Shame on you. You're angry, hurtful and closed minded, that's why war exists. I entered my comments in good faith because you're here on a Kennedy substack. You and Jeffrey can have your nasty comments with each other I'm off the thread.

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Kennedy came out against what’s happening in Gaza in a radio interview on 1-26! He said he loves the Palestinian people and has a good friend living there. #kennedy24

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A person cannot claim to love the Palestinian people and continue to support financing their ongoing plausible genocide and not be a fraud. Kennedy is simply employing the standard politicians habit of speaking out of his ass at the same time he speaks out of his mouth. Apparently regardless of his supposed friend that he supports bombing, the friends he has in Israel are paying or threatening him sufficiently that he is unwilling to be consistent on his anti establishment peace claims. What his contradiction demonstrates is not love of the “Palestinian people”, but rather the typical bullshit deceptions that politicians spout.

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I have heard the same many times. The people of Palestine will never be free with Hamas controlling the area. UNWRA is the newest information I’ve been studying and in a nutshell Hamas is abusing those UN funds like every other. The Palestinians are being abused by their “own”. I don’t take a side in an issue that is complex and not for the US to solve. RFK is not for genocide and those that claim that are emotionally triggered. I do trust him to do what nobody can decipher from his position. It is subtle but clear this man has the intelligence and resources to do the best job possible.

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If it is not for the U.S. to solve, then why are they giving money and weapons to Israel? This war would be stopped quickly if the U.S. were to cut off aid .The excuse that it is a "complex issue" means you are too uninformed to have an opinion on the matter? You leave it to the leaders to decide for you because it is too complex? You must have a very low opinion of your intellectual ability to reason in spite of the many experts in the field who have endless articles and books on the matter available to you. Furthermore, for you to make a judgement that anyone who thinks that if a candidate for president has not spoken out against arming and supporting financially the ones who are conducting genocidal acts is acquiescing by their silence is "emotionally triggered" , then that makes you part of the problem. You "trust him to do what nobody can decipher from his position". What are you talking about? He speaks in code?

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The US government is funding the genocide against Palestinians. Which means your tax money is going toward that. If you think the genocide of Palestinians by racist religious zealots in the Israeli government who seek a “Greater Israel” is too complicated to make a moral judgement about you should not be voting at all. Join a monastery and leave the world, because you apparently don’t have the maturity to live in it.

The US has the power to dramatically alter the course of the events simply by not financially and militarily supporting a regime that is committing genocide. You should take the side of not apologizing for a candidate who calls himself the peace candidate while simultaneously supporting the funding and arms transfer to a genocidal government. Without US weapons, Likud cannot carry out its genocide.

People *should* be “emotionally triggered” by a candidate who supports our tax money funding Likud. You should not be apologizing for a politician whose position needs to be “deciphered” differently than what he has expressed — that he supports US government funds and weapons going to the Likud led Israeli government.

Kennedy cannot possibly sustain is campaign without support of people like you, and he would more likely change his stance if less of his supporters were willing to compromise on this issue. That is what he is counting on, just like Biden. They are counting on voters to vote for them regardless of their support for genocide of Palestinians because they find other issues more important, like climate and 5g phobia. It’s what the establishment does: give everyone one choice when it comes to voting for wars, but give people a choice between other things that are fundamentally actually less important; but as you demonstrate, people think are easier to understand and more relevant to their lives. Right now, no other political topic is currently as important as the US government capture by the genocidal interests of religious fanatics of a foreign government. It touches at the root of the sociopathic corruption of the establishment. And it demonstrates the hollowness of Rfks supposed campaign against the establishment. He is, right now, nothing more than controlled opposition. You vote for Kennedy as he stands right now, you just vote for the monster with many faces.

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Yes. I've heard that, but it amounts to blaming the victim. It's no excuse for the mass murder of civilians and horrific treatment of survivors. It's a cop-out. No one is arguing Hamas is acceptable. It is the defacto Israeli treatment of all Palestinians as combatants that is the problem. I've donated to Bobby's campaign and I lean towards him, but facts are facts. Denying reality helps no one.

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Incompatible with what I've heard.

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Completely compatible with what I’ve heard.

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Please, share your special insight that no one else has noticed.

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So Guy, you were Donkeyed by Bernie and Kennedy. No kidding.

I must admit I also registered DemonRat simply to vote for Bernie. They were visibly cheating at that primary. When I arrive there was a line to register. Every single person was asking how they unregister "if" they threw Bernie under the bus, myself included.

Everyone I knew was a Burner, never listen to these fools again... and fully admit I was also a fool.

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The Arabic vote and many Democrats would like to see peace in the Middle East and the end of the horrid actions in Gaza by Israel funded by the U.S. I wrote to our candidate on this,. but have gotten no reply. The interview with Dave Smith was revealing, and I appreciate this interview show how people can disagree responsibly. However with more than 30,000 innocent people in Gaza murdered, there is no excuse not to place all emphasis on negotiations and a plan for peace, which would free the innocent hostages now being murdered too by Israel's assault in that region. From my blog: Write to RFK, Jr. in Support of the POTUS Campaign" https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2023/12/14/write-to-rfk-jr-in-support-of-the-potus-campaign/

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You need more bandwidth, simply refusing to drool like "supporters" while acknowledging the stron points. Now gang on, will serve you lunch...

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never said it solved problem! It was a humanitarian effort, and the People, definitely were appreciative. Meanwhile the installed dolt never even came for a year!!!!!

Wake up

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The Michigan Dems do not have grip had in 2020 or 2022. Gretchen "won" because the MIGOP was dysfunctional and frankly lacked to fund their candidate Tudor Dixon - and Dixon was a novice candidate.

2024 is a different breed. No one but the Groupthinking Kool Aid drinkers are listening to the Michigan Dems. The Kennedy Campaign does need to connect quickly into the Citizens for Local Choice ballot initiative seeking to gain 550,000 signatures by May 2023 to be placed on the ballot in November. In fact, if he speaks on this issue when he visits Michigan (Grand Rapids) on Saturday 2/10, that would be an excellent thing.

Find out more about the Citizens for Local Choice Ballot Initiative here:


Next, African-American and Arabic voters in Michigan are moving away from the party. Kennedy only need to chew off 20-25% of this vote in Michigan to win the State and that is doable in Michigan.

Yes, the Michigan Dems are dirty but they have seriously overplayed their hands, power and have ran from far left in the Michigan Legislature. Remember, Michigan is the state that Voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Primary and Trump won by 13,000 votes in that same General Election. Michigan is Purple on any given day.


(Life long Michigan resident, with over 20+ years of on-the-ground Michigan Politics experience, former Democrat & MIDems State Committee Member, left the party in 2020 and well knowledgeable on this State.)

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May 2024 -- Correction. Thanks!

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Goodbye and good riddance.

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Praying my guts out and contributing more than I ever have for a candidate that RFK Jr gets on the ballot of every state + DC!! I think he’ll do it!

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Well, I was being polite I suppose. Yes, not a win, but in actual fact, theft. However my thought is the same - a "win" by ill gotten means does not bode well for the future, as thieves do not make good leaders.

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Let's summarize. Trump has Michigan, no question about it. The DemonRats are finished in that and other states largely due to RFK who is not even on the ballot in any significant way.

Is there an opening? No there is not and RFK must know this...

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The bigger question is whether Kennedy can get on the ballot in Michigan. Then we can talk about whether there are opportunities for him there. To that question, I think there are opportunities for him there, but he remains very vulnerable on Gaza and Israel. Considering Joe Biden's handling so far, it is only likely to fester further, and the blow-back will get much worse. If Kennedy will persist in his views, which I expect he will, then he needs to shift to smarter answers. Examples are below.

Israel is a long-time ally and the US doesn't/shouldn't abandon allies in difficult times.

He must, nevertheless, take a position on the humanity of Palestinian and the validity of their claims.

Decide on whether he supports a two state solution and if not, why not?

If he doesn't support a two-state solution, then how does he propose to end the apartheid conditions that Israel currently imposes on Palestinians?

What does he propose to do about Israeli "settlers"?

What does he propose to do about the Israel lobby and why they are treated differently from other foreign agents?

Personally, I think Biden greatest mistake was not stopping the Israelis as soon as they imposed a siege on Gaza, cutting food, water and electricity. Second, was his not insisting that Netanyahu step down, as he is a tainted partner. He is under corruption investigation. He tried to subvert their Supreme Court to protect himself. And now, he wages this war to protect himself.

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Israel has caused the US more harm than it has helped. It is not an ally. Israel is a greater threat to US security than Russia is. Israel stole nuclear secrets and material from the US. It, and its supporters, led the US into multiple worthless wars that cost the US trillions of dollars. Israel is a burden that has simply captured our government through bribery, extortion, and deceptive propaganda.

Israel was acquired through coordinated ethnic cleansing 80 years ago and is currently an ethno-religious supremacist apartheid state. It should have no legitimacy in the eyes of the US.

The US should support a one state solution. Palestine -a constitutional republic where no race nor Judaism or Islam has special rights or privileges funded by taxes. Between the sea and Jordan.

“Between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.”

-Manachem Begin, Jewish terrorist and Israeli Prime Minister

America needs to be no less cognizant of Jewish terrorism than Islamic terrorism. The former has in fact led to much more harm to the US than the latter, even though the former is taboo to speak about in both major political parties while the latter is a primary source of demagoguery in the Republican Party.

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RFK has answered many of those questions in interviews, more than a couple times in the last week.

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Yeah, I thought so, but I'm busy researching for myself not others.

Putting in RFK on youtube search is easy enough.

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So confident and then it all went away. Everything I've read and watched has been consistent with unwavering support for Israel and inability to address the obvious moral dilemmas. It's not going to get better!

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I don't read it that way. This moral dilemma has gone on for centuries. On Glenn Tamir interview, and in the first comment, was a podcast link regarding UNWRA. It was very eye opening. Hamas has taken the role of the victim for it's citizens. Hamas is on the Mediterranean coast, imagine what could be done there. Why hasn't it happened? Blame it all on Israel? That's a victim mentality. So they get more and more relief. All the relief is taken by the Hamas leaders who live in Jordan, etc. They spend on their religious ideology (to exterminate the Jews) and not to help it's people. I am by no means saying Israel is without blame.

RFK does have friends in Palestine, he worked in that region with Waterkeepers. He does not agree with Netanyahu or Lakut, he's said it many times. He wants a 2 state solution. Do you think Israel should disappear? Look at the country they have built ... (David Smith YouTube).

Peace comes from within, then we see it outside of ourselves. I am not triggered by an issue I can't control or even wrap my brain around, (although I've tried by studying the history from the time of Moses until now).

I have treated children who were victims of a terrorist bombing right here in the US. I'm a pacifist, but I know this is not an enlightened planet and war exists. I want someone in office who doesn't just say they want peace but understands the complexities while believing in peace. RFK has that above any other candidate in my opinion.

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Can I get a recommendation of a video of RFK speaking on international policy. No more than 10 minutes. This is for an older relative who voted for JFK but knows nothing about Bobbie because he watches legacy media. He has agreed to watch something short. Is there a resource curated specifically for sharing with older Americans? Thank you.

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Go to his campaign pages

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Bobby isn't brief. That said, his bitcoin keynote speech was excellent! It's about 25 minutes (Edit: it's actually closer to 20 minutes--the other five is commentary.). Tell them to listen for 10 minutes and see if they can stop. The older relative will also be brought up to speed--a little--on digital currency and global politics.


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Any on his YouTube channel or website are titled according to the issue/ policy.

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