Good job. Aaron Good is one of the few commentators to trace the American imperial project back to machinations of the Council on Foreign Relations prior to the start of World War II. I discuss this extensively in my own book, "Our Country, Then and Now," just published by Clarity Press. Another interesting fact is that the individual who actually persuaded President Truman to set up the CIA per today's model was Rockefeller operative John J. McCloy, then assistant secretary of the army. Later McCloy became head of the World Bank, then director of the--you guessed it--Council on Foreign Relations. While serving in this post, McCloy was a member of the Warren Commission, the body responsible for the JFK assassination cover-up. McCloy was also reported to be present at the famous meeting at Clint Murchison's house outside Dallas the night before the assassination...Hm....lots of dots to connect here. Let's be thankful RFK, Jr., is on the case.
I just bought the Kindle version of your book. I'll read it after I finish "The Wuhan Cover-Up" by RFK Jr. I have read Fadi Lama's book "Why the West Can't Win" because it was recommended by Andrei Martyanov, whom I've been following for many years. I've read all 3 of his books and follow his blog and watch his YouTube videos. I trust his knowledge and opinions. We lost the arms race to the Russians long ago. We build junk weapons to make $. The Russian military is the strongest in the world and the weapons gap is widening.
Thank you Aaron, I appreciate your education, experience, and expertise on this subject. I value your time and effort in writing this article. It was through RFK,Jr’s podcast that triggered my interest in the history of Russia and Ukraine. Benjamin Abelow (sp) and Jeffrey Sachs. It sent me to Oliver Stones interviews with Putin and the Ukraine war.
Now there is another history I must study. Much more complicated it seems. But because I respect you as a writer and fellow human I will not digress from the article at hand. What I do know is that I trust RFK,Jr. His education, intelligence, integrity and his love and respect for all living things.
Your analysis and conclusions regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and how the war is going, are accurate.
The majority of American citizens are completely unaware of the historical origins and chain of events that led up to Russia's invasion, going back over 30 years - and the huge roles played by US and UK governments.
But this is typical of most Americans; most believe only what corrupt politicians and the equally corrupt news media tell them to think.
I agree with RFK, Jr. that the US shouldn't be engaged in this war. US involvement has NOTHING to do with "stopping Russian expansionist aggression" or "preserving democracy in Ukraine" (which doesn't even exist).
Thank you Aaron. If you would have any interest in reviewing my book, send me an email on, and I will send you a PDF. Richard.
If Kennedy campaigns hard and consistently on a promise to end the war on Russia in Ukraine and for an absolute cease fire in Gaza, he will win the election.
He's been excellent on Ukraine. However, he will need to construct a campaign that can withstand the fury of the Zionists so he is able to speak truth on that conflict as well. I know every politician in America is afraid of the Zionists and with good reason. They constantly demonstrate through their influence in media, politics and education how easily they can crush political opposition to their crimes, even that coming from the highest levels.
But, if Kennedy is serious about ushering in a new era without imperialist war (war for plunder, not defense) he will have to lock horns with the Zionists who, as the world can see, have grown so bold as to carry out the most racist, fascist act of genocide since the Nazis, before the eyes of the world for months now.
So, not only must Kennedy end the imperialist wars but he also has to reestablish America's independence from Zionism.
Big task, but if your descriptions of his attitude are true, he may be able to do it.
The history of empires throughout the world does not bode well.
Eventually, they all become decadent because of their early successes. The cycle then moves to having to project their reach ever further beyond the core. By this stage, the costs far exceed the benefits (if there are any left, after all their territories have been degraded).
I know I'm skipping a few steps here, but now we have the Biden administration proposing inviting people from other nations to become a homeland police force, while sending more Americans to fight their overseas misadventures. This is exactly what doomed the Roman Empire!
Either Mark Twain or George Santayana said, "History doesn't repeat. But it certainly rhymes." What part of that doesn't the Biden administration understand? And what part of history doesn't that senior Bush administration official understand?
So well written. Karl Rove was on public display ignoring the reality-based community when results were coming in from Ohio in the 2012 presidential election. Having said he’d accept Romney’s loss if Ohio were called for Obama, he then refused to do so when indeed it was. He will exhibit that same attitude when Ukraine surrenders.
Wonderful post but it lacks True Moral Character because of Kennedy's support of Zionist Racist Israel. Kennedy should use the same thinking and energy on Palestine.
Right on Pfff!
Thanks so much Robb. I have had a lot of good exchanges with Fadi Lama. He's a brilliant analyst. Please let me know what you think of my book. You can write me on
Do I have to “vote” for anyone? It’s all pretty much a sham. I had some renewed hope with rfkj at first, but his blind support of the absolutely vile and evil israhell is beyond the pale.
No, it's NOT the same as voting business as usual. That is total b.s., nothing but fear-mongering. Congrats for succumbing to that! The "blob" is so proud of you!.
I never stated anywhere that I will definitively not be voting. You decided that on your own. You then went on to decide some OTHER things about me, this person you've never met, this person with whom you've had an online exchange of a few lines. Whoo boy! You must have a crystal ball to have come up with your ridiculous assessment of me. How do we know YOU'RE not fake?
How about this: you have your opinions and thoughts on a subject, I'll have mine, and we can agree to disagree. Or is that too much for your closed mind to grasp?
P.S. wannna know another one of the control methods of the "blob"? Creating chaos and division amongst we, the people, so that people like you are angry and hating on people like me who dare to have different thoughts and opinions. Congrats again! The "blob" wins!
I actually have a very effective crystal ball, a Thorium oxide doped model from Zeiss, gives a really sharp high def picture. I've got quite a good image of you up right now- And all I can say is, GEEZE, you OWN an iron, would it kill you to use it once in a while?!
Israel not being repudiated early & often by RFK jr. should make a nice wedge issue, I've certainly noticed that plenty of commenters ignore whatever OP was about to throw this idea up over and over.
Question: Biden and Trump both are/have been backing Israel since day 1 of their administrations. So this issue is a push... All the likely candidates actions or stances are equally unacceptable to you. So what OTHER policy statements (or lack of statements!) by ALL the likely candidates matter to you?
Yes, others can spam the same post or meme over and over again too...
Good job. Aaron Good is one of the few commentators to trace the American imperial project back to machinations of the Council on Foreign Relations prior to the start of World War II. I discuss this extensively in my own book, "Our Country, Then and Now," just published by Clarity Press. Another interesting fact is that the individual who actually persuaded President Truman to set up the CIA per today's model was Rockefeller operative John J. McCloy, then assistant secretary of the army. Later McCloy became head of the World Bank, then director of the--you guessed it--Council on Foreign Relations. While serving in this post, McCloy was a member of the Warren Commission, the body responsible for the JFK assassination cover-up. McCloy was also reported to be present at the famous meeting at Clint Murchison's house outside Dallas the night before the assassination...Hm....lots of dots to connect here. Let's be thankful RFK, Jr., is on the case.
I just bought the Kindle version of your book. I'll read it after I finish "The Wuhan Cover-Up" by RFK Jr. I have read Fadi Lama's book "Why the West Can't Win" because it was recommended by Andrei Martyanov, whom I've been following for many years. I've read all 3 of his books and follow his blog and watch his YouTube videos. I trust his knowledge and opinions. We lost the arms race to the Russians long ago. We build junk weapons to make $. The Russian military is the strongest in the world and the weapons gap is widening.
Thank you Aaron, I appreciate your education, experience, and expertise on this subject. I value your time and effort in writing this article. It was through RFK,Jr’s podcast that triggered my interest in the history of Russia and Ukraine. Benjamin Abelow (sp) and Jeffrey Sachs. It sent me to Oliver Stones interviews with Putin and the Ukraine war.
Now there is another history I must study. Much more complicated it seems. But because I respect you as a writer and fellow human I will not digress from the article at hand. What I do know is that I trust RFK,Jr. His education, intelligence, integrity and his love and respect for all living things.
Very enlightening and beautifully written, thank you!
Your analysis and conclusions regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and how the war is going, are accurate.
The majority of American citizens are completely unaware of the historical origins and chain of events that led up to Russia's invasion, going back over 30 years - and the huge roles played by US and UK governments.
But this is typical of most Americans; most believe only what corrupt politicians and the equally corrupt news media tell them to think.
I agree with RFK, Jr. that the US shouldn't be engaged in this war. US involvement has NOTHING to do with "stopping Russian expansionist aggression" or "preserving democracy in Ukraine" (which doesn't even exist).
Truth is the Truth and there's nothing they can do but repeat the same old lies just like every other fool.
Thank you Aaron. If you would have any interest in reviewing my book, send me an email on, and I will send you a PDF. Richard.
If Kennedy campaigns hard and consistently on a promise to end the war on Russia in Ukraine and for an absolute cease fire in Gaza, he will win the election.
He's been excellent on Ukraine. However, he will need to construct a campaign that can withstand the fury of the Zionists so he is able to speak truth on that conflict as well. I know every politician in America is afraid of the Zionists and with good reason. They constantly demonstrate through their influence in media, politics and education how easily they can crush political opposition to their crimes, even that coming from the highest levels.
But, if Kennedy is serious about ushering in a new era without imperialist war (war for plunder, not defense) he will have to lock horns with the Zionists who, as the world can see, have grown so bold as to carry out the most racist, fascist act of genocide since the Nazis, before the eyes of the world for months now.
So, not only must Kennedy end the imperialist wars but he also has to reestablish America's independence from Zionism.
Big task, but if your descriptions of his attitude are true, he may be able to do it.
The history of empires throughout the world does not bode well.
Eventually, they all become decadent because of their early successes. The cycle then moves to having to project their reach ever further beyond the core. By this stage, the costs far exceed the benefits (if there are any left, after all their territories have been degraded).
I know I'm skipping a few steps here, but now we have the Biden administration proposing inviting people from other nations to become a homeland police force, while sending more Americans to fight their overseas misadventures. This is exactly what doomed the Roman Empire!
Either Mark Twain or George Santayana said, "History doesn't repeat. But it certainly rhymes." What part of that doesn't the Biden administration understand? And what part of history doesn't that senior Bush administration official understand?
So well written. Karl Rove was on public display ignoring the reality-based community when results were coming in from Ohio in the 2012 presidential election. Having said he’d accept Romney’s loss if Ohio were called for Obama, he then refused to do so when indeed it was. He will exhibit that same attitude when Ukraine surrenders.
We have a constant set of trolls here.
Wonderful post but it lacks True Moral Character because of Kennedy's support of Zionist Racist Israel. Kennedy should use the same thinking and energy on Palestine.
Right on Pfff!
Thanks so much Robb. I have had a lot of good exchanges with Fadi Lama. He's a brilliant analyst. Please let me know what you think of my book. You can write me on
Richard Cook
What a disappointment RFKJ has turned out to be - so right on many important issues, so wrong on Gaza.
So, who are you voting for instead, Trump or Biden?
Do I have to “vote” for anyone? It’s all pretty much a sham. I had some renewed hope with rfkj at first, but his blind support of the absolutely vile and evil israhell is beyond the pale.
You DO realize that bailing in disgust is quite literally the same as voting for "business as usual"?
And that DELIBERATELY disgusting the electorate to that point is one of the "blob" control methods?
If you're not going to vote, what are you going to do INSTEAD? Or is it just "I'm taking my ball and going home".
I mean, assuming you're a real person at all. Most of the single issue commenters of your flavor I've checked out are fake as fuck.
No, it's NOT the same as voting business as usual. That is total b.s., nothing but fear-mongering. Congrats for succumbing to that! The "blob" is so proud of you!.
I never stated anywhere that I will definitively not be voting. You decided that on your own. You then went on to decide some OTHER things about me, this person you've never met, this person with whom you've had an online exchange of a few lines. Whoo boy! You must have a crystal ball to have come up with your ridiculous assessment of me. How do we know YOU'RE not fake?
How about this: you have your opinions and thoughts on a subject, I'll have mine, and we can agree to disagree. Or is that too much for your closed mind to grasp?
P.S. wannna know another one of the control methods of the "blob"? Creating chaos and division amongst we, the people, so that people like you are angry and hating on people like me who dare to have different thoughts and opinions. Congrats again! The "blob" wins!
I actually have a very effective crystal ball, a Thorium oxide doped model from Zeiss, gives a really sharp high def picture. I've got quite a good image of you up right now- And all I can say is, GEEZE, you OWN an iron, would it kill you to use it once in a while?!
You've only got the image in your twisted imagination. Again, you're clearly OWNED by the "blob". Good work!
Israel not being repudiated early & often by RFK jr. should make a nice wedge issue, I've certainly noticed that plenty of commenters ignore whatever OP was about to throw this idea up over and over.
Question: Biden and Trump both are/have been backing Israel since day 1 of their administrations. So this issue is a push... All the likely candidates actions or stances are equally unacceptable to you. So what OTHER policy statements (or lack of statements!) by ALL the likely candidates matter to you?
Yes, others can spam the same post or meme over and over again too...