Reich has always been a shill. Part of the Trump Derangement Substack pack that includes Richardson, Rather, etc. RFK Derangement is part of their job to protect the establishment and destroy outsiders.


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eloquent and necessary. i’ve also appreciated RR’s work. his transformation into partisan chump is disappointing to say the least.

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Wonderfully written! Amazingly comprehensive defense of RFKJr. Thank you so much for being on the side of truth ♥️🤍💙

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If we continue on the current trajectory 50% of all kids will be autistic by 2032. Kennedy seems to be the only candidate alarmed by this.

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i disagree that it's unworthy of him. it's completely who he is. he and paul krugman have both been saying that inflation has nothing to do with government spending which flunks even economics 101. at this point, he's just saying whatever the government wants him to say, even if that's outright lying. his facebook posts about RFKjr are hideous. he's working overtime to install the puppet government that props up joe biden and he'll say anything. i lost all respect for him and he's lost all respect for himself like a too cheap whore.

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Excellent👍 Hope sleazy Reich reads it!

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Reich has never impressed me as intelligent or insightful, only political. (He certainly doesn't seem to understand economics!) But he is a great cheerleader and story-teller for his side.

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You are a great admirer of his "work" ???

Reich has always been a shill, wrong about everything important.

Kissing his _ss trying to put him on the path for truth?

Get real.

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THIS IS SO TRUE, and so well written Blake! Thank you!

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Reich doesn't deserve any praise for his past work. The last time he wrote anything that deserved a compliment was during the George W. Bush administration. He began to dishonor himself during the Obama administration and ramped up after Trump got elected.

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Please stop with the insulting graphics. It's beneath you. Uniting. That's our goal. Criticism is fair. Personal attacks are not.

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Thank You!

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Indeed Gail, though clueless snowflakes recently off the plantation like it candy coated.

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Appreciate this so much. Reich must know differently. Many of these folks - Reich, Jon Stewart, Sam Seder, etc knew Bobby, interviewed him over the years, agreed with him even on Vax issues in the past.. now they pretend he’s evil.

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He worse than odious. He’s a sociopath. Devoid of conscience. It didn’t occur overnight. One doesn’t become a sociopath. It’s hardwired. He’s no longer bothering to hide it. The entire Democrat Party has devolved into venal, feral savagery. The masks are gone ( no pun intended). They’re so heinous and avaricious.. so evil. The days of JFK, RFK, Pat Moynihan,Scoop Jackson,Lawton Chiles, Bob Graham, LaGuardia,Barbara Jordan, Ray Kelly,

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Yes Martin he is a shill and far worse, a lackey. Can you possibly mention 3 things he "got right" in order of importance?

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