Excellent article on "Dark Brandon"

This morning I appeared on the RT show CrossTalk. Here's the segment on Biden's speech I had prepared for the show:

CrossTalk Question #3: Were you surprised Biden led with Ukraine in his State of the Union address?

Richard C. Cook:

Biden’s speech was an example of the “Two-Minute Hate” from the book 1984. Biden is delusional, but he and his speechwriters really seem to think that all he has to do is mention Russia and Putin and the American masses will march in lockstep and vote to send billions of more dollars to the US-installed fascists ruling Ukraine.

Conjuring up hate for an enemy largely manufactured by the government and controlled media is a trick older than the hills. The US did it with Saddam Hussein and with Osama bin Laden and even with the American Indians, but the best example is how the Anglo-American media conjured up hatred against the German “Hun” to launch World War I, followed soon after by World War II when the same was done against Germany again, along with Japan. Now it’s the periodic cry, “The Russians are Coming.”

There was a great song in the American musical South Pacific. “You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear; you’ve got to be taught from year to year; it’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear; you’ve got to be carefully taught.” Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and their ilk sing that song night and day.

The number one job of the leaders of the Western so-called democracies is to get the voting public to hate the enemy de jour.

German spiritual writer Bô Yin Râ pointed out that until we learn to hold hatred itself in contempt as unworthy of human beings, war will not end. See his major work, The Book on the Living God, the chapter on “War and Peace.”

Also see our website for the American Geopolitical Institute:


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Richard C. 👏👏


Democracies indeed.

Only the Truth can set us free. And Jesus said it WILL.

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Spot on and remember, the strategy they are pursuing has nothing to do with what they speak about in public. Power and control are paramount and getting the masses to vote for them is the whole game in such a speech. As an example, behind the program to flood democratic voting strongholds with human bodies from south of the border - North as well - is to increases census and get more house seats. They do not give a rats ass about the human cost, they seek power and control. They use the military as a tool, and they will do and say anything to keep this power.

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The puppet president was hateful and divisive ! He was speaking to His supporters!Joe Scarborough is a fawning Idiot!! As are the Comedy talk show hosts like Colbert,Kimmel etc !! Bobby’s speech in contrast was Refreshing! And makes you want to vote for him❤️Kennedy2024👍OUR NEXT President. Robert F Kennedy Jr❤️❤️

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"Tax and spend, again and again"

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The State of the Union speech was more of a campaign speech than an actual state of the union. His themes were more familiar to him than the truth

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Great post, Lou. He is more cogent and focused when in an angered state. Sadly, I have seen this with dementia patients. His handlers must have advised him to stay angry. And they pumped him full of amphetamines just to make sure he did not forget where he was.

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my 91 yr old father has occasional fits of anger. he's quite deaf and we literally have to shout at him in order for him to hear a word. then he gets angry because we are 'yelling' at him. watching Ol' Joe is like imagining my shuffling, elderly father, (who also will eat an entire carton of ice cream in one day,) as president. thank goodness MY DAD is not the 'leader of the free (sort of) world', but heck, if he had handlers to dress him up in fancy suits and tell him what to say, he wouldn't be much different. scary but true.

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Biden is "feisty". Or we could describe him as "angry" and "tyrannical". The tone of his speeches may imply "vigor" but his brain isn't connected! Nothing is more dangerous than an idiotic tyrant. His "State of the Union" was nothing more than a campaign speech full of promises that sound good and false claims.

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Most Americans have legitimate anger with our crummy government and we're tempted to use biting humor now and then.

However, I was bothered by the Biden portrait in a gold braided dictator outfit with Google and Raytheon logos. If I shared your post with my liberal friends, that would just close their ears the important issues we want them to consider.

Sarcasm doesn’t bring people together except in prisons or authoritarian nations. There are good reasons to emulate one of RFK Jr's most admirable traits: he is sincere. He points out our shared interests, which is ethical, effective government, care for children’s health, etc. etc.

I have never heard him make fun of another candidate (or anyone, for that matter) or call names.

Sure, in a close circle of friends, sarcasm and satire can be funny, tho' they get rather close to bullying (the big clue is if someone says, "Lighten up, I was just kidding!"

How will we get from 34% support to at least 51% support except by finding common ground? Sometimes the school marm attitude is best: Be nice. (And bring the facts that reveal why government is so terrible now.)

Think about it-- aren't put downs a key part of the Elite's strategy of divide and conquer? We don’t need put downs because we have the truth on our side.

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"We don't need the put downs because we have the truth on our side."

Amen. I enjoy Louie Conte's articles very much.

But I have to agree. I'm

not comfortable with "Dark Brandon" and it almost put me off reading the article

(most of which was very good).

RFK JR has set the bar high. Let's keep it there.

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Dark Brandon's rant was one of the scariest I ever witnessed from the supposed "leader of the free world".

I have witnessed over 50 State of the Union speeches; this was probably the worst. The entire shouting match was aimed as a campaign speech against his most prominent political rival for the upcoming election. The irony was he wanted to avoid at all costs mentioning the Name That Shall Not Be Mentioned, yet anyone witnessing this rant of rage knew who his target was.

In that regard, I thought there was a law against the use of official government buildings to stage political commentary like this. Or maybe that law only applies to underlings like the Press Secretary.

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Love the brilliant cartoon! And first-rate article!

I'm so grateful to the many principled Americans who are using their talents to support Kennedy!

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TC Uncensored – FULL 30 minutes: Jacob Chansley --

"January 6th was a Deep State set up and a Deep State psyop... This is what the propaganda in the mockingbird media does. They dehumanize people, they caricaturize people to fit their narrative, and that's psyop 101."


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Well said!

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Best speech ever!!!!

Media apparatchiks

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(TO BE READ WITH A LOUD EXHUBERANT VOICE)-Lou, you outdid yourself with this one. Sounds too good to be true. Therefore it must be true. Thanks,Maurine

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