Giving low interest loans won't fix the pricing issue.

House prices shot up because of low interest, which favors flipping houses.

What rfk Jr needs to do is promote higher property taxes for second and third homes, which will reduce speculation.

He should talk to https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/

Or Michael Hudson

Or Webster Tarpley

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I worked as private housekeeper in summer houses to a globe trotting financier -big time Dem donor- guests were Senators, UK T Blair, former Prez and Senator wife, Volkner, Geitner etc ad nauseum. Dude has ten global houses minimum. 2 London, 2 NYC, 3 Upstate., Canada, Argentina etc. Heck yes, Bobby, Tax this shit. Its all just tax write off loopholes to these rigging financial game players. Bring it back to the American people. Still want to ask Max B if Mr globe trotter Davos/Bilderberg/Trilateral is really into arms... vomit. Thought just pirate into dismantling twinkies and small size bathroom reading mags industries. We all must get RFK elected to lead fight in this class war then deprogram his brain to be fair and honest on Palestinians.

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Yes or even the "investment" groups that buy up tons of houses to sit on and drive up the price.

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There may be more to RFK's housing ideas than he can present in a brief pitch. I'd love it if he consults with Hudson. I understand Hudson to recommend more property tax to reduce the cost of housing--but that sounds like a sure loser for an election.

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Yeah, sadly even if the tax was only on the speculation, people think that business shouldn't be restricted.

Sad because high taxes didn't stop big corporations do well in the 50s and 60s.

It actually incentivized reinvestment in the companies, which gets counted as expenses and is not taxed.

This financial capitalism is unsustainable! The Charles blog puts it even better than Hudson etc... https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/

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Thanks for the link. I hadn't heard of him, and Hudson is often hard for me to understand.

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Same here. Hudson is still stuck in his bubble... heck he still falls for the covid thing ugh.

Webster Tarpley was more like Charles... Common sense logic.

Richard Wolff is also good but he does mostly videos

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One problem: Uncle Sam is not rich.

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Uncle Sam prints the money; he's as rich as he needs to be. Then he taxes the money in circulation to balance the books and prevent inflation. The problem is that for the last 40 years the people at the top of the income ladder have been allowed to hoard their share, which is the real reason for that "deficit" the government and the politicians and the media love to haul out to terrify everyone with the myth the federal government can default on its bills.

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While we can all find fault in any solution offered, the last thing we need is more of the same. I think everyone can agree on that. Time for a big change.

Let’s all offer solutions and debate them without censorship and the best ideas will prevail.

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What nonsense! San Franciscos situation is a result of altruism on steroids and it's decent into madness. It's acceptance of debauchery like kink fest and supporting the legislative insanity of state senator Scott Weiner will continue regardless of which democrat scams their way into power. No democrat has any intention of fixing the housing issue and we know this because they (progressives/liberals) always vote NO when there is a proposition on the ballot that increases density in THEIR neighborhoods. The democrats have nothing but disdain for the working class and it's time for RFK j to get away from this bunch.

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Then there is this:


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Thank you so much. I am not familiar with Charles Mackay and the title through me off as I read the Douglas Murray book "The Madness of Crowds". But now I have to order the Mackay book. I wonder if crowd psychology is more dangerous today then in 1841. I must have been a player in the popular delusion which makes me complicit in the madness. That's a tough pill to swallow.

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A wise man has said, "Nothing is more destructive than criticism" A big difference between

debate, conversation, offering solutions, and just a natering nabob of criticism.

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Thank you !!! Also:

Why the 2024 US election will be decided by Google | Should Trudeau Stand Down as Canadian PM?

https://www.patreon.com/posts/why-2024-us-will-89967207 -- OUTSTANDING !!

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I said this before but I'll say it again. It was giving mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay them that caused the financial crisis of 2008. The banks then sold those "bad mortages" in bunches to other banks and anybody who would buy the bunches.

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Great piece David!

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I'm glad you confronted that billionaire. Talking to their paid stooges in the democratic and Republican party is worthless. Every major city should organize a town hall. They can put all the billionaires on stage to answer the public's questions and address their concerns. If they won't come, the people's bailiffs could issue subpoenas with the threat of jail time if they are ignored. That would be a good first step to righting the ship.

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Don’t forget the cities in the south run by Republicans. They need help too. Lots of help.

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Things are moving fast; whereas polling has indicated for a decade or more that 60%+ of Americans want a new party, the time has never been more ripe than now, as RFK Jr. has been associated with rumors of an independent or even Libertarian Party run.

Tulsi Gabbard's attendance at an RFK fundraiser last week sparked more speculation.

My personal opinion (and I am an evolving, social democratic-minded person) is that the problem is much more grave than merely "corporate" Democrats and their donors and unelected, deep state allies.

The Democrats' denialism and willingness to throw the baby out with the bathwater- the baby being the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights - has culminating in not a single, but multiple Constitutional crises, all on a convergence path.

The Founders condemned political parties, and freedom and prosperity loving Americans should do all they can to destroy the Democrats and their mass psychosis and narcissism.

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Great Article with Keen Insights!

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Sorry Sir, it was NOT the corporate DemoRats, but just a few committed evil doers with a specific agenda as laid out here with some dot connecting.

My note on this subject!!

For those that may be thinking that the collective events in the country are just random occurrences, Open Border, high fuel prices, etc,

PLEASE read these articles on how this is planned, orchestrated, and executed with the specific intents of malicious malice aforethought to achieve the end that was laid out for Obama when he was being indoctrinated in Chicago and why Soros chose him, groomed and financed him, to do what is being done today in Obama's third term using the Demented One from the stolen election.

It is not just me, a nothing nobody from nowhere. Glenn Beck has been onto Soros for years.

The Cloward Piven / Saul Alinsky / Obama strategy to destroy the country. Full on NOW. A primer.

Obama has Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Victoria Nuland in Biden's control group, for what is now obvious to be Obama’s third term!! MUST SEE the photos in here!!


More detailed information.


Alinsky reviewed it at some length.


Alinsky lays out to take the country down.


A fresh review of keen interest.


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I like RFK in general, but these solutions sound like more centralized power that can be taken away if someone gets into office who is determined to crush all dissent. I also don't like his stance on Israel and Palestine. He is the only person I would bother to vote for though.

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San Fran is just another poster boy for ALL the DemoRats run cities.

Go down the list. Chicago, Baltimore, New York and no doubt a few others that do not come to mind at the moment.

How is that Defund the Police working out for them?

Pas a law that shoplifting theft will not be punished over $950! So the feral criminals would go into loot the stores with pocket calculators then. Now no more pocket calculators just get all you can carry.

The liberal left and the Lefty Loons to the max seem to believe in Unicorns and Tooth Faries, and ignore the base nature of the criminal elements.

The rot from the top for the open border catastrophe is part of the plan to destroy the country from Obama's third term and his owner, Soros.

Cry for the country.

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See the fiscal charging method for vital services or goods that created the freedoms in New England colonies and had peace with the Algonquins for 50 years until the Puritan roundheads and Scot fighters arrived with it as immigration finance of 1-million outcompeting indentured servitude and slavery in a generation PAYEing for passage across the sea, tools, and a grubstake for a family for the first year.

The Algonquins thought it up and told the merchant-adventurers in 1617: Percentage As You Earn %PAYEment Finance and %AYE Finansurance of Humane Investments (HI).

See PAYEhome.org/tool-kit



Also All competitive judicial, medical, subscription defense services were PAYEd for and was used by 792 investor owned privately armed warships called privateers to capture over 3,100 Brit vessels in the Revolutionary War to defend these practical freedoms for all who used it.

It is a Volitional Science key to moving past mini-archism to a voliety.

We at Deep Green Futures, Inc. DeepGreenFutures.com

the FreedomTVnetworks.com

New Island Creation Consortium NICCOnauts

and Pahvant Water And Land Development Consortium PahvantWALDC.com are about to build Environmental Prototype Intentional Communities (EPIC)s with it.

If you’d like to go beyond talking and be an actionary, say hello on those websites.

You do not need stolen money to transform homeless from Rigid Installment Payments RIPs and despair addiction, into homeowners. Be wiser.

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