I hope that before too much longer the American people will be demanding publicly funded elections. Our government has been privatized by big Pharma, the defense industry, the banks, legacy media and now AIPAC among others. It's no wonder that the draft may be coming back. What we have now is indefensible.

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small donors make up most of the war chests, last I checked that is public funding

One guy, yeah that guy, has astronomical fund raising simple because the American People have spoken

If you want gazillionaire to be prevented from huge donations, say so

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I said in a previous comment about this debate that it is a “debate” between Trump and CNN/Biden. I would like to see a debate with Trump, Kennedy and Biden, just not with CNN as the host. Trump and Kennedy should set one up and invite Biden, who would not get the questions in advance in a neutral setting.

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and I opined that if each candidate was to provide 4 questions immediately prior to the "debate" handed to the moderator who would then put them up for all to see

That would be a fair and equal playing field. I have no doubt that the Bidenistas were given the questions days in advance. The dementia jacked up dotard still fumbled. It's pathetic...

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MSM is dead it died because it lied. The death will be drug out for several decades but it will never recover from the fatal blow it received from lying endlessly about Trump and Republicans.

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And MSM’s lying continues unabated, with no accountability. And yet millions still believe their drivel.

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True he had his chance to reach across the political divide and he failed to do it. I really like what he is saying about freedom and democracy and the deep state.

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I suspect the fall will be precipitous and fast, soon

CNN is down 80%, the donors will only be willing to prop it up for a short time

People already know that Subs and Tgram are where all the action is

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I applaud Bobby’s efforts and his stance on vaccines but I would never vote for him, he’s still a progressive dem!!!

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Labels like that are meaningless. They all have viewpoints that you might agree with or disagree with. You have to look at the big picture of what the two who have been in office did already versus what the new guy is proposing.

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Well said, Joy.

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Somewhere you said the the Dementia patient would be fine during the debate.

Brilliant Joy. You could not have been more wrong. They shut out RFK and tried to pump up dementia Joe and failed miserably, as even the fake news admits and reports.

Now what??? As maintained its DJT for the landslide. The People have spoken...

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no, they are an accurate assessment

Seeing the big picture requires this thing called knowledge.

Cannot by pass knowledge on you way to Wisdom.

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Even if I didn’t like Kennedy, I would vote for him because of how hard they are working to stop him just to spite them! You keep voting for the duopoly and see where that gets you!! We won’t get this chance again. #kennedy24

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A self-fulfilling prophecy!

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a meaningless response

RFK might take a position in DJT's cabinet, that would honor his accomplishments

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You are so ridiculous! After that debacle of a debate tonight, neither one of those 2 will make it to the WH for a second term! Americans are so lucky! You must think Americans are really stupid. Before the debate, Dr. Phil’s one on one interview recorded earlier w/Kennedy was on and is being repeated many times in the next 3 days. It’s over for the man-baby!! #kennedy24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIf8atKfXNw

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Thank you Cindy, debacle of a debate, yup,

What exactly did DJT say that was not true?? or are you content to toss word salad as if you said something?? No need to attempt a redirect to Dr. Phil

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it is your choice, as a Dem refugee off the plantation you many need a wasted vote cycle to awaken. In that gray zone, you might learn to accurately assess, though it requires knowledge.

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duopoly is a false inaccurate assessment

Indeed we will see "where it gets us"

Once the damage from the istalleed puppet Bidenista is undone

the simple reality is that DJT is the most hated person that is in the cross hairs of

the Uniparty and is nothing like your characterization

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although "progressive" and Democrat are somewhat synonomous it is a very accurate use of the words. It is not a "label" it is a fact. Words matter.

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a solid assessment, based on waffling on very important positions

the terms are synonymous but fitting

Countless others agree.

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It's all about the New World Order & the people who want it are passing out fiat money like it's candy.

Operation Mockingbird where the CIA infiltrated the media was exposed by the Church Committee in 1976. Exposed doesn't mean it ever ended - it didn't.

The same people who control Biden control that media.

"How I Learned To Love The New World Order" Biden, Wall Street Journal, 1992


Once the public finally grasps this, they will exclaim, "Oh, I get it now!"

"The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House" Madsen, 2012


Who was his VP for 8 years? Same CIA installed fake president you've got in the WH now!

And the LAST thing the CIA wants is a Kennedy in the WH!

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Wow -- thanks for links !!

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the trail of evidence is long

what you have reported on with evidence is true and accurate even prescient

the closing statement is an assertion and I believe inaccurate

The last person they want is DJT who just happens to be the front runner by well over 110 million voters. He was close friends with at least one disappeared Kennedy, and his uncle best friends with Tesla... There is history

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that last statement is false

The last thing they want is DJT who cannot be stopped

That is why he is the most hated person on their list.

RFK is not any where close to that stature.

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No, it's not even close to false. RFK has a personal motive to finish the job JFK started, DJT doesn't or he would have done it himself.

"Robert Kennedy Jr. sees ‘overwhelming evidence’ CIA involved in JFK assassination"


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motive is not Presidential OD

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incorrect, the swamp is a wee bit deeper than anticipated

JFK was not assassinated on the grassy knoll

Twas a deep fake, you been donkeyed

In any case your idea that "he would have done it himself" assumes that the job cannot be finished. It can and will be.

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I don't mind you talking to me as long as you can at least make some kind of sense. I sent Trump evidence of why the CIA needed to be shut down before he was even nominated - 4 times. I'm not into hero worship; either get the job done or make room for someone who will.

"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." Pres. Harry Truman, (exactly one month after JFK's assassination.)


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the problem with false beliefs is that the holder quadruples down regardless of the false belief. Personally created a "we been lied to file"

decades ago, it is now a small library

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You are assuming DJT did not know alot more that you.

Your Truman quote is not evidence of your assertion.

JFK was not assassinated it was a psyop. There is modern zoom camera evidence. Do not pretend you did not see that.

Someone is not making sense.

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I'm not assuming anything. Like I said, take care of business or get out of the way for someone who will. JFK fired Dulles, Dulles was on the Warren Commission. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. The CIA was never national security, that was a fake label to place them above the law. They were boots on the ground for the Globalists & they still are.

Jack Ruby to the Warren Commission;

"Consequently, a whole new form of government is

going to take over our country, and I know I won’t live to see you another time." Page 210


Ruby knew about the Globalist agenda & he never made it to the court room.

It needs to be done & I don't care how god damn hard it is. Call this perfect sense.

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HERE is the OPEN link to Matt Taibbi- Tucker Carlson:

TC -- Matt Taibbi, one of the last working journalists in the west. – FULL length & OPEN


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Am looking forward to seeing how the Kennedy campaign abuses legacy media tonight.

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and what Jerome did you discover???

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If CNN is in it to sell eyes, RFKJr should buy advertising time and use it to invite folks to an hour on X after the debate to allow him to respond. What’s wrong?!?! Don’t know how to play hardball?

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that is not a comment, nor is it intelligent

has nothing to do with Q

How about looking at the evidence??

or quadruple down on false belief as others

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CNN is the fake news. Why then is the Beacon editors (most) so focused on them??

They have tanked 80% and as it is definitely true that their rating only spike because of DJT.

DJT he cannot be faulted for this simple reality. In fact he has pointed this out time and again. Looks like RFK was prevented from being one of the debaters. Likely due to his impossible electoral win. Google owner of YouTube censored him. What a _hit show.

Now that even the fake news is forced to admit Biden's humiliating defeat by DJT, it does appear that Camel Harris is organizing a soft coup. Pure theatre.

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