Today over 100 former Republican officials have written a public statement endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

This is no longer a political alignment between the left and right.

These people have just admitted their fealty to the corporate establishment.

Battle lines are now drawn between Establishment totalitarians whose only concern is power and money, and Populist candidates of the American people whose concern is for the health and welfare of the people.

Choose wisely.

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Yes, it is a battle.

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they are called RINO's and are hardly new

Many dozen have been outed...

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Well they just outed themselves.

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They have just admitted to what so many have said for so long: we have one party in this country and they are conspiring with the globalists for a one world goverment.

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Another nail in the coffin, hardly the first.

Whatever the Dems have devolved into is no different than the previous Pubs.

The Peaceniks have become the party of war, censorship, and fascism.

DJT always knew this and is not guilty by association. RFK and T Gabbard know this, as does

E Musk and countless others. Shed light Beacon.

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Absolutely right. The Democrats are trying to foment WWIII. No doubt about it. Probably to cover their tracks from decades of Clinton-Obama-Biden-Harris grift.

Here's my latest.


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Sorry but I don't hear any top Republican leadership speaking out against this Ukraine/Russia set up. We don't call it the "Uniparty" for nothing!

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Donald Trump Jr is. Please see the opinion piece published Sep 17 in The Hill, jointly written by Robert Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump Jr


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I’m not really sure but I think I hear an ache in your speaking of the democrat party. Fond memories maybe? Will you ever go back to the democrat party? I’ve never deeply aligned myself with the Republican Party even though I’ve been a registered Republican all my life. There have only been two people in my voting life that I would have died before voting for anyone else and that’s Reagan and Trump. I sense that some disenchanted Democrats are different and that the party has more importance to them than with Republicans. Am I right or wrong? Why am I even thinking about such things? If Donald Trump wasn’t running in this election I’m pretty sure I would be voting for Robert Kennedy Jr in this election. I don’t know that I could cast a vote for him as much as I like what he stands for if he was running as a democrat. After all of the horrific things I’ve watched democrats do and say I have that much distaste for just the word democrat

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#Maha #Maga❤️

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And what is so pathetic for those that scream of Trump's past affairs and stuff, when you utter the word Bill Clinton and what he did before the WH and while in the WH, they run around like preschoolers with their fingers in their ears screaming "no, no, no!"

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Here's a version to share with knee-jerk dems who are allergic to anything tainted by Kennedy or Trump.

The Democratic Party has Become the Party of WAR

Buried below news of the second assassination attempt of former President Trump, the latest election headlines, and more post-debate coverage, is the quiet truth that the Democratic Party has transformed from a party of peace to a party of war.

In the 1960s and 70s, it was Democrats, for the most part, who took to the streets to burn their draft cards and protest U.S. engagement in the Vietnam War. More recently, many resisted our nation’s disastrous wars in the Middle East, spurred on by the neocon military industrial complex, championed by former vice president Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Robert Kagan.

Democrats rightfully blamed these men for the deaths of thousands of Americans in the never-ending wars on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. We blamed them for the needless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians. We blamed them for destabilizing the Middle East and for the anti-American hatred that now burns in the hearts of so many in the Arab world.

But the war machine is at it again and Democrats in powerful positions have not, for the most part, distinguished their policies from that of Republicans, even as young people across America protested against the slaughter of innocent people in Gaza.

As we continue to arm Ukraine and fail in finding solutions in Gaza, the ongoing partnership between the neocons and the military industrial complex should be a source of national shame. Instead, powerful Democrats are part of an enduring cabal that exerts massive influence on our nation’s foreign policy.

The reason for their staying power is simple: There is too much money flowing in and out of the war machine. War is good for the bottom line of those entrenched in the web of the military industrial complex.

But what happened to the party that wanted to end all wars?

That question lingers following Cheney’s endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris – and the “honor” she expressed upon receiving such an endorsement. What does this mean for the Democratic Party? Why aren’t more people, and the media, writing and thinking about it?

By accepting Cheney’s endorsement, the party that was once the party of peace has mixed its DNA with the neocons, completing a metamorphosis into the party of war. The once proud party of peace has been bought off by those who profit from war.

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"Endorsements" are meaningless to me. One sleazy public figure endorsing another sleazy public figure isn't even worth discussion!

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First and foremost, the democrats and military industrial complex, are slowly but surely running out of the “money-flow” they do much embrace!! They have stolen so much money and empowered themselves as the uniparty elites..their money-times is over.. why?? I’m not a math authority, but when you don’t “service” your debt-bills, and have borrow a $TRLLION DOLLARS, every 100 days to BS your way around town and the world.. don’t know about you, you’re going to have to declare “bankruptcy”!! Government will have to shutdown!?!? I think everybody understands or knows about one of their strategies..”digital dollars” Biden-Kamala-bucks!! They’re coming for everyone’s money!! That’s why, the big Corporate-Elites, Walmarts, Bezos, Gates, Buffet’s, are all withdraws theirs shares to cash to gold, Swedish-Francs..crypto, whatever! The only ones left to pick up bill are American Taxpayers?? Cheney’s and the war-party day’s are coming to rekon for their crimes!

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Your analysis suffers from two fatal flaws.

Donald Trump is dishonorable.

Donald Trump is a puppet on a string.

And it is all but inconceivable to me that, given his admirable understanding of deep systems, Bobby yet trusts all that he cherishes to the care of the powers that have devastated his family and the greater human family.

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Drago Derangement blossoms sin.

Tertiary Derangement has no treatment nor cure...

What a blatherfest

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Ad hominem attacks. Troll alert.

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TDS Drago!

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Dear Mr. Kennedy,

Today is the harvest moon! It is the perfect day for you to wake up and gather the bushels of wisdom you have cultivated over the last six seasons, separate yourself from Donald Trump, and publicly become the man you were born to be.

Today is the day for you to finally wake up and realize that you are a good man in a bad and dishonest field. Step forward today, while you still can, and let the rotten ones behind you fall and reap their tangled, bitter harvests. Exit your toxic intellectual bubble and return home to your heart's farmstead, back here on earth where your Gentle Army Of Still Loyal Volunteers live. Allow yourself to emerge from your dark, restless night and bask in the bright sunlight of this day of days and seize it! This powerful day is busy loving you and showering you with the mighty joy your glorious seeds of hope have brought forth. Will you see this sun? Will you honor your bountiful harvest? God, I hope so!


John Martine

A Still Loyal Volunteer

Florence, Mass.


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Thank you Bobby Kennedy Jr. for standing with the many 100s of 1000s of families of Children's Health Defense with your life & resource. I'm familiar now 40 years from my own work as a Specialized Educator, with your research work on the high rate of Vaccine Adverse Events & death. I interviewed some 30 families of members with Autism, to find out that all were born as bright interactive children, till the shots were imposed. Thank you for the sharing your deep experience knowledge of the US fake 'political' (L. 'poly' = 'many' + 'tics' = 'workings-of') system to inform us all.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild is attributed to have said, "Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws". No matter who made this statement, it is, important advice to us all.

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Who owns Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan etc. as well as Democratic & much of Republican Parties? Why did Netanyahu get 50 standing ovations in 50 minutes from Congressional Seals? Every-time the clapping Congress Seals have given Netanyahu ovations over the past 20 years is a big reveal about who owns us through our fake 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') Why does Thomas Massie Republican Representative report to us that; all Congress people have AIPAC Babysitters?

TOP-DOWN Minority, undeclared triangulated OLIGARCH share-holders of the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England/City-of-London, Bank-of-International-Settlements control the minting & issue of fake western colonial Empire 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'). This same lineage has controlled the issue of fake (fiat) money as forgivable loans to their friends, family & colleagues trickling down to the rest of us, since successively exhausting & destroying once lush 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDS down through 2-D 'agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') to desert. As we take our commands from this fake money, we stop listening to each other & the nature, which each of us represents. "We are the voice of the earth speaking", Indigenous saying. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

Once lush 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating'): Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC), Assyria, Phoenician Empire (commanded by the Kingdom of Israel & City-States of Tyr, Byblos, Sidon & Beirut from 4000-0 BC), Egypt, Greece, Carthage, Rome, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, USA-Canada all contained vast flowing rivers, lakes streams, abundant food & wildlife.

Why does Bobby, RFK Jr. not speak about the NAKBA with violent Ashkenazi (some of my family in 3 branches) Irgun, Lehi, Stern-gang, Hagenah, Mossad gangs, killing 10s of 1000s, expelling 750,000 Palestinians (genocide), destroying homes, businesses, cutting down many 100s of 1000s of Palestinian Polyculture Orchard trees, poisoning water wells, stealing homes etc.

GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The United Nations extensive 'Out-of-Africa' studies have determined that some 6 billion people have ancestry who have passed through Palestine as the LAND-BRIDGE between Eurasia & Africa, probably least of all European Ashkenazi. For many 10s of 1000s of years the holiness of Palestine was in its stewardship, welcome & economic inclusion of the stranger, traveler, trader & refugee. Palestinians (True 'Semites') are one of the most genetically diverse people on the planet because of this constant welcoming absorption of new people. Miko Peled son of Matti Peled the Israeli general is a good source on Palestinian welcome of the Ashkenazi when they first arrived, until Ashkenazi nefarious aggression, became widely demonstrated.

7000 years ago in Babylon-Mesopotamia, an Oligarchy violently appropriated the issue of what had previously been all humanity's 'indigenous' worldwide time-based equivalency Bottom-up accounting upon the World's String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island (North America), Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). String-shell formed true 'MONEY' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') for all contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen held by each person & Production-Society-Guild. Multistakeholder 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') investment by Founders, Workers, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople etc enabled distributed department, workshop & division control of companies from the bottom up by people with invested interest in their 'company' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'pan' = 'bread'). Distributed invested stakeholders creates a Collective-Intelligence by all & excellent engineering, design, productivity & environmental performance. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting

Oligarchs issued mine-extracted minted metal coins to represent the String-shell issued under their Top-down centralized 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') military control. All Humanity's Indigenous ancestral society & economy, once mimicked the body AUTONOMOUS gene, cell, tissue & organ system with each part having neural memory & authority to act. The brain in contrast is but one of the body's neural Nexus, typically learning of happenings in micro-seconds after occurrence by each capable part. The stomach for example has more neurons than the brain, but is connected to the whole through its own digestive Nexus system. Its time for humanity to rebuild its 'indigenous' Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

The collective Domestic 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) formed the core of the livelihood (mostly women) with Commerce & Industry (mostly men) as supportive. 70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people, but without our ancient indigenous knowledge about how to collaborate in circular economy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

String-shell integrates: 'Capital' (Latin 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), 'Currency' ('flow' of contribution & compensation), Collegial mentored-apprentice 'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, time-math Communications & professional Costume attributes. RELATIONAL ECONOMY https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

Torah on Noah's 3 sons: Japheth for Eurasia, 'Shem' (origin of 'Semite') for Levant-Arabia & Ham for Africa is centered in Shem's narrative describe the geographic importance of Palestine from a trade, resources & people control perspective during the Oligarchy's fake 'money' 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') Command & Control period.

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Well...Dick Cheney did shoot his friend in the face.

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Of course you are right. It seems to me that those folks (most of my family and friends among them) who are supporting Kamala cannot see what the Democratic Party has become and will blindly continue what has become a bad habit of checking the box for the Dem no matter how grossly their stated values are betrayed by their actions.

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I remember during the Congressional Impeachment hearings following the Jan 6 debacle how Liz Cheney suddenly became the darling of so many of my boomer friends who used to be anti war and despised the grumbling ways of her father. Wasn’t he the guy we used to call Darth Vader? What happened to these people? All of a sudden their hatred of Trump was all that mattered. I hate to say it but this TDS business has become a massive destructive cult that has broken the spirit of peace that used to be the focal point of my generation. But it’s getting pretty intense now and the sh*t is about to hit the fan. Saying a heartfelt prayer for us all 🙏🏽

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This comment already in the comments section needs repeating!!!!


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Yet 1/2 the Democratic Party still believes they are the anti-war party. The party of Joy and the party of war. I can’t believe that I worked within that party for most of my life.

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