I'm in tears. To witness a man who follows the call of divine love to service with all that's been thrown at him - I'm so grateful. Thank you all for supporting him.

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Protect and take care of him. 🙏🏻

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The future is still in the future. This is a fantastic victory, but next year the hard work begins. The forces that oppose Bobby are **strong** so don't expect miracles. The public is still largely ignorant too. We should be headed in the right direction now. This is great. But I caution everyone to be realistic about their expectations.

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Agree. This also means that we have to let go of our preconceived notions of Dems and Reps AND work with allies at the local level to begin taking back our country. Based on my own experience this past year working as a volunteer on the Kennedy campaign while living in a red area, I believe Kennedy/MAHA can be the bridge to bring us back together. Every staunch RepI have I talked with at length winds up saying that we agree on 90+% of the things that are important.

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My local level absolute sucks.

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Yes, but wouldn't it be nice to see RFKJ take a bulldozer to the BigPharmaVaxComplex? Let's hold a collective vision of that. We have so much power when united!

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Correct. That's why (also an RFK. Jr volunteer here in deep blue SF) we can celebrate right now, but the hard work to educate that public will continue for decades.

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This is so true. HOW are they going to do it? The entrenched interests are so strong and so Big. I was absolutely thrilled when Trump and RFK got together immediately post July 13, and I'm thrilled to see the continued development of their relationship and, I think, even friendship. Going to be praying for this immensely strong Trump Team every day. They're going to need it.

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I think first will be replacing the heads of the 3 letter agencies with people who have legitimately positive intentions, unseating unelected industry shills that sell us out to the highest bidder.

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Oh, yeah, that's absolutely first. Some of these agencies and departments need to be closed entirely, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that happen. That will be the easy part, difficult though it is. But when you go up against Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tech...they have so much money to fight with, and it's going to be stiff. Plus people are so ignorant about their health and about what Big Ag is doing to destroy it. Blind faith in their doctors (who are often so well-intentioned but completely ignorant about the way the human body interacts with food) and not willing to work for their food (like keep a few chickens instead of trotting to the grocery store for inferior eggs from miserable chickens).

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Yes. Further, what's so tricky (I think we have to help navigate) is all of the fear mongering messaging from the MS media. They will spin this into nazi dictator Trump clearing house of all the "good" people to put in his "henchman". THIS, to me is the real problem. I think we have to be so kind & reassuring while we try to bring those who believe that out of a collective (media induced) delusion.

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Bobby is strong and super smart!

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Definitely, not even next year, it is still going to be an uphill battle from now until the day of Trump taking his Oath!

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God Forever bless and keep our MAHA/MAGA Unity party in his hands and protect them ! May this movement live long and prosper in health and unity against the dark forces !🇺🇸🙏🏼

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I would only suggest for the sake of it rolling smoothly over the tongue MAGA/MAHA ... 😊

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What a deeply moving piece.

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You are a Very Good Man Mr. Conte!

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We are so blessed to have Bobby fighting for our medical rights and he will Make America Again ❤️

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Thanks for this Louis. I have backed RFK Jr since meeting him in Annapolis months ago. It hasn't been analyzed yet, but I am convinced that Bobby's 10 percent of the vote that he threw to Trump was the margin of victory. Trump now owes Bobby and his followers big-time so let the payback begin. Here is my video from yesterday predicting the win: Election 2024: Too Big to Rig?


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agree. we definitely put DJT over the top, don't doubt it for a minute

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Just remember, Its still 74 days out before Trump takes the Oath and a lot can happen! So far two assassination attempts and flagrant other disregard such as the border crisis and knowingly allowing voter fraud of non-citizens which is illegal and they know this but are willing to do whatever it will take! Weren’t you aware they had even gone as far as building a wall around the White House?

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Thank you, Mr. Cook, for your marvelously informative interview with Frank Wright. I encourage readers to watch this.

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I am one of many Canadians who have been following Bobby through The Beacon from the start of his run, and I am overjoyed to see him with a seat at the table to help bring health, peace & prosperity to America. I confess to no small feelings of schadenfreude at the muffled voices of misplaced despair coming from our Democrat-boosting, government-funded media, the CBC.

I fervently hope that all of the doubters of the reborn Republican Party will now work to defeat the enemy within, cognitive dissonance, as we all watch the great ship of state right herself after four years of stormy seas.

I feel a stronger sense of kinship with my American friends and business associates than I have ever known and I thank all of you who worked to tirelessly to bring about this remarkable event.


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Blessings for our future!¡

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Thank you for ALL your substacks Mr. Conte and LET'S GO!!!

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Thank you for your support.

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God bless MAGA/MAGA unity party !!! Live long and bring prosperity & health to our beloved people !!!

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Thank you Louis for helping hold all of us together during this unusual process and hope you can continue to do so for the work ahead for all of us.

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let's not celebrate too much; the hard part starts now. if you think the sh** was bad during the campaign, I'm afraid we ain't seen nothing yet.

the fear-stoking corporate media is over-the-top with their disingenuousness. big difference between MAHA and them is that WE are not trying to tell THEM what to do with their healthcare decisions; Americans will still be free do make bad decisions. we are just out to inform them honestly of what those decisions can be!!

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💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽I am

So efen happy!!!! And even emotional at this victory!!!

God truly did “BLESS America “

With our team !!!

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Thank you for your editorial and financial support for RFK Jr and all of us, his supporters!

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Congratulations to you all. Bobby has epitomized the words of his father. As a Trump supporter from the beginning, I salute Bobby and wish him Godspeed in the work he has chosen to undertake. We are all behind you.

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