In the article, you state, "The Biden administration began censoring Kennedy within 72 years of taking office . . ." Did you mean, 72 hours? (Autocorrect hates me, too, so I understand.)

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If you're reading the email, it won't be fixed there. But if you're reading it on the web or in the substack app, it's fixed. You might try refreshing the page if it's not.

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Thank you!!

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72 Hours to censor Kennedy. 75 Years to release data on the Pfizer clinical trials, if they had gotten their way and not been stopped by Aaron Siri's awesome legal team ...

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'Musk also has a strained relationship with Donald Trump who once called Musk a “bullshit artist.”'


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If RFK left the demonic democrat party simply because they wouldn't let him play in the primaries, then he's still a democrat and still a Kennedy.

Take a walk Bobby, or better yet, endorse Trump and actually work on his behalf, otherwise, you're just another scumbag dem intent on extending Obama's "fundamentally changing America".

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You could not be more inaccurate in your “conclusion.” Listen to Mr. Kennedy directly- listen to his entire speech when he declared his Independence. He has a fundamental, informed and passionate love of this country and our founding Constitution. He intends to return the United States to and govern this country by our Constitution.

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Perhaps you have not realized that Trump insists that the covid vaccines and "warp speed" were the best things since sliced bread. He also supports what can only be called a slaughter in Gaza. Here, Bobby has, unfortunately, the same view. Being said, it is pretty well a given that a politician cannot go against the lobby if one is looking to get elected.

Please explain why RFK should have remained a Democrat if the Democrats have left democracy far behind? The Republicans are only marginally better. The system needs complete overhaul and some long prison terms for certain murderers and traitors. RFK is the only one to do it.

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Still buying into the Left/Right paradigm? Both parties are owned & controlled by the same interests. Why would the controllers buy one party with a 50% chance of sucess when they could buy both for 100%? They wouldn't. It's how they continue to move the ball down the field no matter who''s in office. It's a good cop/bad cop psyop to make you think things are ever going to change.

Trump ran on the promise to "Drain The Swamp" in 2016; 2024, swamp undrained. After the election, he said he didn't want to hurt Hillary, they were "good people". Of course, he was elected so he could do whatever he felt like doing:


Then there is the Fauci/vaccine thingy.

If Kennedy is such a Democrat, then why is the Democrat party as a whole trying to bury him? These are the questions you can't afford to ignore any longer.



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The Democrat party is the global elite party now!! Bobby had no choice but to leave!

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The mind manipulators keep passing around the disinformation that the borders are open so Democrats can get more votes. Meanwhile, the UN is working to destroy national sovereignty, not just in the US, globally - towards the objective of global governance. I never agreed to surrender our country; it was never posed as a question for that very reason. They know you won't agree to it.

"U.N. members adopt global migration pact"


How do you get 164 nations to surrender national sovereignty to the UN? By controlling both parties in two party systems; not just in the US, globally.

We are facing a much bigger problem than most people have the courage to admit to themselves. We can't afford to be timid at this stage in world history, our country's very existence hangs in the balance.

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Lol. Do any of you Trumpsters understand that this is a substack supporting Kennedy?! None of you seem to know anything about him and even care to. All of you sure love to call this highly intelligent man names that’s for sure!! So exactly, why are you here?! #kennedy24

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This isn't an eight grade schoolyard denigration match. There's an adult in the room. I'm happy to see RFK's more mature discourses. I voted Trump 2x. By comparison he seemed to be the less deadly of the two. I was mistaken. They were both equally deadly either by design or lack. I will vote RFK and let history tell the story. We're on the brink of extinction and there are psychopaths in the kitchen. We've left them unsupervised in there for too long. America did change FUNDamentally, FUNDed by Phizer. A return to fundamental principles will change America. Thank God that we will have a president who begins each day in prayer and meditation.

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You are totally inaccurate!

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Hate to break it to you but, Trump was no different than any other Democrat or Republican president over the past 50 years. He filled his entire administration with corrupt industry insiders and gave them everything they wanted.

Under Trump they still pollute our air, food and water, most people still couldn’t afford a $2000 emergency, millions of people still went bankrupt because someone in their family got sick, he allowed the pharmaceutical companies to inject millions of people with poison and actually bragged that he was responsible for the entire program, he allowed the lock downs and shut down and destroyed millions of small businesses handing everything to companies like Amazon and wall mart, I could go on for days with Trump plus he’s just not a good man just look at what he did to all those contractors in Atlanta, he bankrupted those businesses on purpose and walked out of there with millions!

You need to wake up and realize Trump has no plans on changing any of the Washington status quo and stop allowing yourself to be clowned by him.

Just listen to any of Kennedy’s long speeches and you will realize he is far removed from what the POS Democrat establishment has become and is miles above Trump as a man and what he has accomplished in his life and professional career, and is the only hope to get any real meaningful change out of Washington.

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Thanks, Elon 🐐

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I'll say it again. A Kennedy is a Kennedy is a Kennedy.

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I don't want to spoil the party but Musk can't be the hero of free speech if he has accounts blocked because of criticism of him right? But that is exactly what he is doing. Am completely banned from X since I posted about CJ Hopkins, who by the way is himself dealing with restricites on X. https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-year-of-the-mindfuck?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Glad to hear this ... but unfortunately CNN is the best place to reach the people who most need to be reached, whose idea of Kennedy is so false Because they associate anything not Pre-Approved by Team Blue as "right-wing misinformation". Musk & Twitter have that "right-wing" association, which is an excuse to be closed before ever listening. I'm sorry for thinking that way, or not really thinking, for so long ...

For all the talk about deep listening and empathy and inclusiveness and diversity among the left ... Diversity of thought not included ...

CNN / MSN*P*C / ETC they are less automatically allergic to ...

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Go Musk!!!!!!!!

Someone told me today that Bobby said that Women cannot choose to have or not have have an

abortion until the moment before a Birth. I haven't heard this.

My stance is MY BODY, MY CHOICE!!!!!!!!!! No one can tell me what to do with my own LIFE!!!

I just had my 90th BD, and am very Healthy!!! Have had a healthy diet since born!

A DR. who did NOT beleive in vaccinations!!!!

I trust Bobby and believe he is the ONLY one to preserve our Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!

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His current position is that he supports choice until fetal viability. With an exception if the fetus is seriously ill and won't survive very long after birth or if there is a risk to the women's health. I think it's perfectly reasonable that you should not be able to choose to have an abortion for a healthy fetus if your life is not at risk and the fetus is viable outside the womb. Please explain what circumstance other than a health risk to the mother that would justify terminating a pregnancy when the fetus could live outside the womb.

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Why am I here???

Only to break up the narrative.

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Proof reader: 72 years? Fix that, please.

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Still says years in mine just now

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Refresh the page with CTRL+R

That might help. I see it corrected as of 10:30am Central.

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