Censorship crosses the line that is drawn in the 1st amendment-freedom of.....

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But the ✨Light of Truth ✨

is beginning to shine even brighter!

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Logan is absolutely heroic.Rob Schmitt, Greg Kelly and Greta Van Susteren of Newsmax,Judicial Watch and Tulsi Gabbard deserve credit as well.They’ve repeatedly called out the smear campaign and censorship of RFK Jr. And the refusal to afford him security protection.Schmitt included the fact that Barack Obama was provided Secret Service protection 9 months earlier than any presidential candidate in American history, a literal smoking gun that he would be installed, vs elected to office.Nikki Haley, a shill candidate received protection claiming “ threats”..She doesn’t hold enough water to warrant threats aside from self-created. Greg Kelly, who is wildly devoted to Trump still maintains the conscience and presence of mind to compliment RFK Jr.’s integrity, courage, his stance on corruption, Covid, vaccines, WEF, Deep State, WHO, Fauci,environmental pollutants, championing children’s causes, anti-war,patriotism and overcoming heroin addiction and openness.He has been hammering the despicable refusal to provide protection to a candidate who’s father and uncle were assassinated

But nothing competes with the despicable hypocrisy of RFK’s bronze bust displayed on the console behind Biden’s desk.The blatant dissect borders on mockery,,ergo Biden is a mock President.

America is upside down, inside out and on the verge of purposely manufactured collapse.When the most targeted by hatred, lies and smears from all fronts are RFK Jr., Elon Musk,Trump,Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Taibbi,Tucker Carlson,Drs. Malone, Kuldorff, McCullough,Ladapo,Ness,Battacharaya,Cole, Gen.Flynn,Thomas Sowell ,Asra Nomani ,Shellenberger,and Brett Weinstein… It’s a given the targets are the real patriots.

I remember three impeccably honest , decent and brilliant American politicians who were destroyed in much the same manner. Pat Moynihan, Barry Goldwater and Scoop Jackson.

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Link .


God bless FREE SPEECH as without it, humanity cannot learn, evolve and will be forever enslaved and censored by thugs.

In world history EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of CENSORSHIP was by a totalitarian thug.

But WATCH what ONE VOICE that REFUSED to be censored CAN DO .

FOLLOW this man's brave warrior nature to speak the truth .

......A WONDERFUL example... of a DOCTOR "turned warrior" to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and I AM STANDING AND WARNING ALL OF YOU .

NOW THIS MAN IS A WARRIOR that I would fight AT WAR with any day .

And yes, WE ARE AT WAR.



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Tax payers need to speak loudly about how our hard earned money is being mis used and turned into weapons against us!! Keep up the great work!!

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This certainly was an eye-opening report. Brilliantly stated in every way. I hope the mainstream media will allow the information about the disinformation to be provided through other various venues.

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Please look at this incredibly important article just published by an American research physician, Dr. Lewis Coleman, on the mRNA genocide.


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Let’s all

See what our world becomes in near future . Because it’s in shambles now! It’s not a peaceful loving world right now. We all must fight to preserve the planet by loving not one another but all life

In order for this the wars must sacrifice the few for the many.

The sheep and wolves are many following the wrong path

It’s up to each one of us to hold on to help one another. It’s about to become a dark

World before the light is visible to lighten up the dark forces

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There is no maybe! There is we all can if you work at it

Bestrong trustin higher power an stand your ground keep on shining an spreading help an peace to all

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Amazing and profound The room was silent and deeply moved by her presentation. Tks for sharing

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Calm, measured and deadly.

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And -- about a TERROR at home:

TC Uncensored: Uncensored: Eithan Haim (full length - ~30 minutes)


TC Uncensored: Eithan Haim is one of the rare American physicians who's refused to accept the sexual mutilation of children in his hospital. Doctors, he says, believe “they can create a new type of human.” – 6 minute only


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All true Louis, Bravo. Odd that not a word is said about "former" Pres, DJT and the lawfare that is censorship on steroids.

Very odd...

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Little Bobby keep on the battle field we are beside you!

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What has happened through the many many years to following our constitution and our Bill of Rights???

Seems criminals have all the rights

Americans have had thier head in the sand too long

Guess the wolf in sheep’s clothing nipping away at the sheep’s tails again.

Lady justice remove the blinders please !

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