Extra hugs & hat tip NYC teacher Michael Kane who's fought tooth and nail from the outset. <3

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Feb 7Edited

Our drooler-in-chief said mandates are not laws. Claimed the federal government didn’t force anyone into covid compliance. Said the onus was on states and institutions. My feeling is the people that got screwed should sue. Remember douchbag DeBlasio said if you want this 🍔 you gotta get this 💉 but he failed to mention this ☠️

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I think there is a very good opportunity for RFK Jr to win voters over.

No candidate so far has clearly said that they will introduce legislation that will help the vaccine injured. A lot of Americans have been injured by the mRNA jabs and were forced into silence about this now taboo topic, since they don't want to be cancelled or ridiculed.

If these people can clearly identify someone who will help them, they will vote for this person. Even if you have a hardcore Biden voter, this person may also rather vote for someone who offers them help with their health. I think most people would put their own health above everything else.

RFK Jr. should also take a stance on severe punishment for all the Covid 19 actors that caused physical harm to Americans. But the punishment needs to change from fines to actual prison sentences for Pharma CEOs who knew exactly what they were doing.

A strong message must be send, otherwise severely harming the American people's health will only cost these criminal enterprises pennies on the dollar. Why would the ever stop if this doesn't change?

Another main issue remains that there is not enough media coverage of RFK Jr. I still run into a lot of people who say they have not heard much or any of him.

Seriously, if your campaign can afford it, send actual hand written letters in actual hand written envelopes (not any of these flashy campaign flyers) to each person.

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RFK Jr is the one and only candidate for President who stood with us in October of 2021 on the streets of Manhattan at a NY Freedom Rally when we were getting fired. He will do everything within his power to make things right by us, but a lot of this comes down to LOCAL CITY AND STATE laws and actions, not federal

Check out RFK's MEDICAL FREEDOM Platform in the Whitehouse here:


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RFK our only HOPE!!!!!!!!

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We have a committed and fearless leader in the person of Michael Kane who has been associated with people who supports us because what we are saying is common sense while those on the opposite side of our argument are people like Eric Adams, NYC mayor, Bill de Blasio, the prior mayor, Michael Mulgrew, Randi Weingarten, Martin Scheinman, Meisha Porter, David Chokshi, the PERB Committee, EEOC, DOL and others; we must still hold these people accountable and continue to highlight their names to the public so that what has been done to us never happen ever again to anyone else.

These people in administration have no sense whatsoever; they want us to lose our righteous mind to follow them down the wide path of destruction, but we will still say Never! We serve God only and Him only shalt thou serve! Also, this governor, Hochel has to step aside as well because she thinks that we are her apostles; when someone talks like that as if they are in the same league as our Lord and Savior, we must know that they are not playing with a full deck. This is the Presidential Election after all and we must make certain that we vote out all the bad apples using our brains to think for ourselves and of course, our common sense. Blessings.

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