Aug 14Liked by Liam Sturgess

Are you the only one running who understands the law????! God please I hope you break through and kick some rear in your law suit.

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Aug 14Liked by Liam Sturgess

With you all the way. Go Bobby!

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RFK Jr.'s campaign to get on the ballot in 50 states has been remarkable. Let's hope he shows the New York State Supreme Court that they have picked on the wrong lawyer.

Also, thanks to Liam Sturgess for the steady diet of superb reporting. One of my real go-to sources.

I don't know how the campaign plans to tackle ballot box stuffing in the blue states, but that would appear to be another battle that is looming. The Republicans didn't do too well attacking the corruption in 2020 (think Jan. 6). Maybe RFK can do better if it comes to that, which I suspect it will.

It is increasingly clear that the Democratic Party is a major component of an international totalitarian conspiracy. It is difficult to define that conspiracy using historical examples. It's a mixture of what has been called both "fascism" and "communism," with deep psychological perversion thrown in the mix. I tried to come up with a definition in the following article. I'm not entirely satisfied with what I wrote, but I think it gives the reader an idea of where I am coming from.


As always, here is the link to my new book, "Our Country, Then and Now." It's now #4 on an Amazon best sellers list.


I'm also pleased to say I'll be sharing a platform with RFK Jr. on September 6-7 for Dr. Meryl Nass's on-line seminar "Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back." I'll be speaking on Native American Food Sovereignty.


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Go get 'em, Bobby! 💖

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With you Bobby ALL the Way🇺🇸🇺🇸

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WHEN was the Constitution re-activated since it's suspension with any number of Regulations wrote into U.S. Code of which the latest was the Declaration of Medical Emergency by the Secretary of HHS?

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I’m with you all the way RFK.

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What about famous NY carpetbagger Hillary? NY and California-easily the most corrupt states.

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How is the question of whether or not RFK is a NY resident relevant to the issue of whether the signatures on his ballot access petitions suffice to get his name on the November ballot in NY?

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Thanks for asking this. I've been following this story, but for the life of me cannot figure out how one relates to the other.

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That's my take on it too, and that causes me to be concerned that nefarious forces may subsequently try to use the NY ruling to disqualify Bobby in other states where his ballot access petitions listed his state of residency as NY. Before 2021, I used to fear that I might be too cynical about the Dems. Since Biden moved into the WH, I realize that I was too naive.

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GHWB ran, successfully for VP twice ( "80, '84) and Pres twice ( '88. successfully, '92, unsuccessfully) with an address as a hotel in Houston. It might have been a room, but I believe it was just a box.

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What kind of a rule is that anyways that your VP has to be from a different state??

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I suspect antiquated and based on ancient fear of civil unrest in one state that could be offset by having the VP and P in two different states. I'm just guessing though...

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Thank you for your report Mr. Liam Sturgess on these ongoing obstacles by “DNC”!! I don’t see or hear any of these “corrupt-judges” following dued process for “selecting” Democratic nominee for President of USA, to replace Biden?? This lawfare lawlessness is so blatantly corrupt it’s the DNC, who should be held accountable and prosecuted to fullest extent of our legal system!! This is exactly why we need change to the useless and corrupt “TWO-PARTY” system! We want our voices heard!!

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One word: Intolerable.

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It won’t matter. He supports the genocide of Gaza. He is going to lose regardless. He is going to go down in history as the goofy candidate who thought that supporting the genocide was the anti-establishment route. Such an astonishing decadent waste of a campaign that is supposed to be anti-establishment. Grotesque.

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was always thinking Mike is too pro-Trump, but actually this is really good, it's about the only hope for America, RFK:


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was always thinking Mike is too pro-Trump, but actually this is really good, it's about the only hope for America, RFK:


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