Keep up the good work Secretary Kennedy!

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Great start! No stop the chemtrails!

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Now stop

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Yes! Thank you for these great articles.

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Great news to stop research that will fail ultimately.

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I love this man…can’t think of anyone I admire more!

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So grateful, power on RFK!

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Thanks for the “RFK JR”, progress updates Adam Garrie(Kennedy-Beacon)! Excited to know Mr Kennedy is already working to stop the vaccine-production(cost)of unproven vaccines (definitely a start)! Hopefully we can start getting answers of “autism-spikes”, in our children, stop the pharmaceutical lobbying into our medical system, of hospitals and doctors?? I’m naively aware of the in’s & out’s, of these platforms?? Wish Mr Kennedy, courage and strong will..!

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This is all to the good, but any and all forms of mRNA “vaccines” must be banned because there is no way genuine vaccines can be produced using either DNA or RNA. These fake mRNA “vaccines” are not vaccines at all; they are deadly poisons derived by artificially exaggerating the virulence of the coronavirus RNA, and then mass-producing this deadly poison using modern enzyme techniques that rapidly replicate DNA and RNA. Both DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides, which are chemically different from proteins, and the immune system cannot recognize nucleotides, and cannot produce any useful or protective immune reaction to them. If it could, then this would cause the “auto-immune” reaction from Hell, because there are only four nucleotides, and the only difference between human DNA and RNA and that of a sea slug is the sequence of these nucleotides that encodes the genetic blueprint. The drug companies have got away with so many lies than mangle and mutilate medical and biological information that they think they can get away with anything. The transient increase in immune activity induced by these deadly poisons is useless, non-specific immune activity induced by their toxic “side effects.” These poisons become especially deadly when they are introduced into systemic circulation, where they attack and hijack the endothelial cells that line all blood vessels and cause them to replicate more weaponized viral particles that propagate throughout the body, disrupting the vascular endothelium as they go, and harmfully activating the “stress mechanism that repairs tissues and regulates organs and blood flow. It is no accident that the “jabs” mimic all known forms of disease, including cancer and heart disease. These poisons were intended from the start to serve as a means of mass murder and genocide by deranged maniacs who believe that there are too many people on the planet. These people are guilty of treason, because no country can protect itself with sick, crippled, and dead citizens and soldiers. These arrogant criminals must be hunted down and treated accordingly for the sake of the survival of civilization.

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Do you think Kennedy and crew will get there? Is there a reason to take a bit more time to put everything in front of a public which has struggled to understand what is happening?

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Go Bobby!!

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God love him, don't ever stop!!!

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He needs to stop the PREP act, and remove the current CDC stance on injecting every child with 3 shots of the Covid poison. Thats the bare minimum. Then get rid of the other 72 shots.

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I doubt this will happen but what needs to be pushed is an end to mandates with clear information on the drugs, particularly the adverse effects. Too many people are true believers in vaccines and all drugs for that matter. The push back will be heavy if they are pulled from the market BEFORE an education campaign is created. And remember that belief systems do not respond to logic EVER! The hysteria would be so massive with a fight against this that the entire program would fail.

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Great,now stop g o f !!!!

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Why doesn’t USA just implement socialized medicine like England Canada etc euro do?

End big pharma over charges an everyone be same costs end competition on medical costs!

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If it wasn't for COVID, I never would have known about ACIP. Thank goodness RFK Jr. is stopping them in their tracks.

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