Wonder how his lovely family will feel if he wins in 24 ? No one thought Trump could in 16 but sadly he did ! Talking to his much loved Dad and Uncle in his head is surely something most of us have done, he missed them so much, we all grieved when their lives were cut short so tragically . He is a good man who knows a great deal more than most of us do about the things he talks about . He is brave and honest plus anyone who still thinks that Oswald & Sirhan acted alone are the crazies not Bobby ❤️✌️✊🏾

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"Sadly" he did? Hear me out, please. Trump is a junkyard dog and appears completely fearless in the face of the Deep State. He is flawed, as am I, as are you. He is the only candidate who might, just might, have a chance to put America back on balance (through appointments, endorsements, and cancelation of prior, rancid, Executive Orders). Unfortunately, he is only one person: What's left of America may not be resuscitable. But if you think some "decorous" person such as a DeSantis, or a Vivek (I like him), or such is going to be able to stand in the blast furnace of the Deep State - and get things done to boot - I think you are very, very naive. I'll vote for Trump a third time - perhaps it's out of desperation; perhaps it's out of admiration for his ability to stand up in the face of what would whither most - but regardless, he represents a hope. And, maybe he'll inspire other people from outside the political class to run and get sane things done. (That's his real rub against the Dems/RINOs/Deep Staters - he came from outside "The Club").

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Hear! Hear! But, as I have told his campaign they need to ask social media platforms to delete and block reposting of news articles with titles and content that ';label' him 'anti-vaxxer' RFJ, Jr. The Kennedy Beacon is a good idea, but Bobby's campaign has to attack the defamation campaign against him on ALL fronts, including his sisters, nieces, and cousins. EVERYONE is accusing RKF of being 'treasonous' to the values and principles of his father and uncle, and using the Kennedy name for 'personal gain'.

However, it is the Kennedy family (particularly the RFK Human Rights) who have been cashing in on the Kennedy 'legacy' since RFK's and JFK's assassination. The Kennedy 'ladies' have 'cancelled' RFK, Jr. in the same manner that they cancelled his brother-in-law, when he was attacked in malicious and politically motivated litigation by 'Breaking Glass Ceiling' feminists in NY Democratic Party. See - https://quenbywilcox2.wixsite.com/takingbackamerica/post/in-defense-of-gov-cuomo-due-process-issues-machiavellian-card-playing-w-swamp-dwellers

The Kennedy 'ladies' need to be asked PUBLICALLY by the PRESS why they are refusing to examine the EVIDENCE of allegation of RFK's probs. with excessive vaccination, ques. about COVID origins and those who have profited, and Out of Control social media campaigns. The Kennedy's family loyalty is to the Democratic Party, and the positions of power and financial profit they have enjoyed, and NOT the interests of the American People, upholding their Rights and Good Governance as provided for in the US Constitutions and Bill of Rights.

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The White House piled on. No alterior motive there eh?


Sadly, his own family jumped on the bandwagon. It’s a shame Joe III, a special envoy to Northern Ireland in the Biden administration, caved to pressure from them. Don’t know the motivations for Kerry to do so too, but running in Hollywood circles could explain a vapid response.


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He's called a conspiracy theorist because he is.

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And that is the sign of an intelligent person

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Not really if it makes you an anti-semite and completely blind to reality.

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