Great summary of RFK’s accomplishments. I know the list goes on. By the way, the time served in Vieques was in solitary no less.

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So we are making the case that an impressive history of environmental stewardship is enough to be President? Everyone deserves to be recognized for their achievements.

No one should forget them. This is one of the better offerings seen here on the Beacon.

However it misses the mark since it overlooks the rather obvious considerations.

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And Kennedy is the candidate America's corporate-captured MSM deliberately conceals from We the People!

Friends of mine are bent on voting for Biden, to avoid Trump, which means they're choosing a man who, contrary to the demonstrated wishes of the citizens, has persisted in participating in genocide. Is that not bizarre? How have we come to this? Because we citizens didn't tend to democracy and permitted the oligarchs, over recent decades, to steer us to this point. Shame on us.

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I feel the same way, Pat! I have so many friends and family members who are so bent on Biden and do not see where his administration has taken us further from democracy.

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As mentioned they have Derangement Syndrome. Anyone who "thinks" JoJo is an option is off the rails. We live in a Constitutional Republic!

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So you are in the company of fake news junkies who have the Derangement Syndrome?

There are actually people who are cured. They are what are called friends.

Crowing about Democracy when you live in a Constitutional Republic?

There is this thing called education.

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❤️Our Next President Robert F Kennedy JR❤️

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“Moral warrior” - exactly why he should not be President

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So you would rather a tyrant or an ignorant felon? Both Biden and Trump are traitors to the American people!

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I admit we have terrible choices but Kennedy is just one more. He has messianic tendencies.

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Felon?? A sham trial, and the error of equivalency

Traitor Jo is accurate, the second classification is evidence of the Derangement Syndrome as seen in former Dems that are in the end stages of the disease.

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the term Social Justice Warrior is getting old

you noticed a serious flaw in reasoning, bravo

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Definitely an accurate synopsis and long history of laudible environmental intervention.

The author did not rely on the fake news echo chamber or "polls".

RFK left some impressive tracks in the sand.

Some people think that those tracks are enough to be Presidential. They are not.

The challenges presented by the Dems through Covidiocy, The weaponization of the

"Justice Dept", persecution of Political opponents, the supression of free speech, and the decimation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the real issues. The Derangement Syndrome is evident in many Beaconites in the final stages of the disease...

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Bobby Kennedy is also the only candidate with absolutely no executive experience, either in government or in the private sector. Neither does his vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan.

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Kennedy must win! We need him more than ever! Stop wasting time! The time is now!

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What a contribution

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