Robert Kennedy was an exceptional individual: caring, compassionate, humane, and real. No mask , superficiality, and lies here. Compare that to most other politicians now and then , and to most people in general. Well , I responded ( even though Canadian ) along with millions of others . And I still respond. Typical of the depth of his speeches is this excerpt from one at the University of Kansas on March 18th, 1968:


“Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product … if we should judge America by that – counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for those who break them. It counts the destruction of our redwoods and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and the cost of a nuclear warhead, and armored cars for police who fight riots in our streets. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children.

“Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it tells us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.”

Robert Francis Kennedy ( 1925-1968 )

( excerpt from a speech at The University of Kansas )

March 18, 1968

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The Kennedy's (John, Bobby & Teddy) were loved by Americans. No one will be able to change that fact.

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When Americans love someone, the MSM smears them. Check out the smears by Dan Rather’s Steady substack in response to asking why Biden won’t debate RFK Jr: https://steady.substack.com/p/a-stage-without-trump/comment/38933024#comment-38933116?utm_source=activity_item

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And when someone tries to unite Americans, they destroy that person. The most successful politician is a divider. Take Barack Obama, for example.

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Yes, it's a problem. People voted for Biden because they were terrified of Trump. When Trump isn't on the ballot, Biden doesn't have a chance. It looks like he's prepared to learn the hard way, and take all of us down with him. With all of the challenges facing Trump, I don't think he'll be on the ballot. Harrumph!

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The DNC would rather lose to Trump than lose control of their party.

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This is likely true. This is why it's up to the Democratic voter to decide how they want to face Trump, and the only viable way to do that is through mass grassroots support for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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The truth in the words of RFK Jr is what has compelled me, a staunch conservative, to back him.

If America wants to regain its standing as a cornerstone of freedom for all people it must abandon the msm propaganda, the cynical assignations of the CIA and the endless wars of the military industrial complex. We need a revolution in our thinking which can come by backing a candidate that speaks the truth. Not the bumbling lies of the current administration or the dead end promises of the GOP.

I support RFK Jr for president even though it will cost me friends both Republican and Democrat. He is deemed a crazy conspiracy theorist by the left which is good enough for me that he won’t continue the “woke” agenda. He seems the only candidate speaking of world peace which is one of my gravest concerns. Will he be able to shake the oligarchs power remains to be seen but I believe he stands with the common man.

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Thank you for sharing, B Carlson!

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So nice to have a researcher of this caliber supporting Bobby & fact checking revisionist versions of history our corp media peddle. Accurate sources are precious in our propaganda soaked culture!

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Yes, we're very thankful to have David Talbot working with us!

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My state has open primaries. I plan on giving RFKjr my nod in the primaries.

Would like to have much deeper information and clarity, on his 2A and environmentalism vs climate hoax, stances.

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Yes, these are areas where many people still have unanswered questions. I imagine he will continue to refine and expand on these positions in the coming weeks.

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memory is such an oddly selective things. people have actually said to me "his father would be ashamed if he could see him now," completely forgetting the history you have laid out here

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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,

or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man

who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error

and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms,

the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end

the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring

greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know

victory nor defeat.”

-Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., "Bobby" is an Honest, Sincere Modern Day Warrior IN THE RING FOR


& Core Values. Bobby Communicates directly daily w/ people in person, in spoken word, & writing what he is DOING NOW LOOKING FORWARD.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois 08.23.2023.

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ROBERT KENNEDY - His Life - Unabridged - Evan Thomas read by Ray Porter.

"This judicious and thorough book is likely to be the most comprehensive and

balanced study of the life and career or Robert F. Kennedy for a long time to come."

-The New Your Times Book Review.

As my own personal research & study evolved more deeply into the Removals of

both JFK, & RFK, I listened to & studied this work of Evan Thomas w/ a totally open

mind. Let he who is w/o sins cast the first stone ! Robert F. Kennedy was a modern

warrior who faced insurmountable challenges & tasks along w/ JFK. JFK & RFK were

both killed protecting "We the People..." for The Deep State by Majestic Twelve & the

CIA, Allen W. Dulles, & James Jesus Angleton Primary Architects.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois 08.23.2023.

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FYI -- my current collection of short RFK-2 recent videos:

Operation Mockingbird: Alive & Well -- Aug 23


America Was Taken From You -- Aug 22


What Happened To Comedians? -- Aug 21


The Border Policy Disaster -- Aug 20 -- https://rumble.com/v39p6t2-the-border-policy-disaster.html

RFK, GG + 3 good other on censorship – including Adam Schiff propaganda one year ahead of Covid


RFK Jr. Reveals What The Media Will Never Tell You About Ukraine: “The US Wanted This War” – Aug 9


‘It’s Time to Reject the Brainwashing and Think for Ourselves’ -- Aug 9


Q&A: Border Security And Documentary – Aug 8


RFK and Jimmy Dore on Obama -- His Presidency ‘Was a Disaster’ – Aug 8


Economic Policy: An Introduction -- Aug 7


Kennedy vs. Google & YouTube -- Aug 7 ( two links )

The presidential candidate takes on U.S. Government-Tech Leviathan


RFK Jr. Denounces Russia-gate as Political Propaganda Against Trump -- Aug 6


RFK Jr. Accused Of N@zi Dog Whistle! -- Aug 1


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Let's Fight Censorship... -- Jul 28


RFK Jr Is Asked, “Why Should Anyone Trust You?” His Answer Receives a Round of Applause

https://rumble.com/v32tvpw-rfk-jr-is-asked-why-should-anyone-trust-you-his-answer-receives-a-round-of-.html -- Jul 28

James O’Keefe interview with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Jul 27


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Is COVID A Bioweapon That Targets Specific Races? -- Jul 25


RFK Cancellation Attempt – Jul 25


We Need to REVIVE Our Middle Class - RFK Jr. on The Joe Rogan Experience – Jul 24


RFK Jr: The People Who Censor Speech Are Never the Good Guys, According to History – Jul 24


False Accusations -- Jul 22


The Art Of Democracy -- Jul 21



Jul 20 -- Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Jul 20 -- Intro to RFK


Become a Defender of Democracy -- Jul 20


2021 !! -- Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)


Connecting Youth With Nature -- Jul 18


The Earth Is An Ark -- Jul 17


We need to stop investing in war, and start investing in the American people. --- Jul 15


How To End The Polarization -- Jul 13


Our Food Is Being Poisoned -- Jul 13


Fear Doesn’t Solve Climate Change -- Jul 12


The Remedy is Kennedy

https://rumble.com/v2z1pas-the-remedy-is-kennedy.html -- Jul 9

RFK Jr: I'm PROUD To Be Liked By Trump, I Want To Bring Americans TOGETHER

https://youtu.be/iD-cFQxDTPw -- ~Jun 30

RFK podcast -- Next Level Censorship with Aaron Maté



E127: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in conversation with the Besties

https://youtu.be/nA0OXZuaG0g -- ~May

The Hunger Precipice

https://rumble.com/v2yhmje-the-hunger-precipice.html -- ~ Jul 6

Our Campaign is Blasting Off

https://rumble.com/v2ywwts-our-campaign-is-blasting-off.html -- Jul 8

Bret and Heather 182nd DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Gender Surrender — Atrozin

https://www.youtube.com/live/USF0A_fRlvk?feature=share -- Jul 7

RFK on Jordan Peterson podcast – Jun 5


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Very helpful, thank you.

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This is excellent thank you so much!

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Thank you for reading, Susan!

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Media didn't like the Kennedy's following JFK's threat to the Rothschild's/U.K.'s CIA...

The Rothschilds and the U.K. Govt they hide behind HAVE BEEN THE ORIGIN OF ALL



CANDIDATE? Loyal to The Constitution or the Intl Central Banker Family Mafia.

Are candidates willing to eradicate U.S. of ALL BENEDICT ARNOLDS and dismantle

all corrupt 'Deep State' taking orders from the Bankers and their CAPO'S like the OBastards,

Bush, Clinton, Pelosi, McConnell, Romney, Kemp, Raffensperger, Ducey...AND ALL THE CAPO'S...

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Yeah, back then (and I was there), they didn't have email inet electronic voting, so they had to use a more crude method of "changing the vote". Da?

Roger T

The Occupied South

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