Not sure if the first priority is to Jail trump or to censor Kennedy. I think these two Biden Administration objectives are competing for the rank of "First Priority"

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This is exactly what I was going to write. Those seem to be top priority these days. Well, that and shoveling misinformation at the citizens and spending as much money as possible supporting wars in other countries.

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Interesting that the BIG topic they wanted to censor was COVID and the vax....Hm....wonder why....


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Why does the timeline graphic say that Biden was declared the winner in October? Don't election happen in November?

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I am glad Kennedy supports freedom of speech and speaks directly. I am concerned about WHY he has taken the position he has according to the NYPost article. This is a shift from the position he had consistently held. https://nypost.com/2024/05/09/us-news/rfk-jr-says-women-can-have-abortions-up-till-birth-surprising-his-vp-i-dont-know-where-that-came-from/

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Kennedy is the foremost advocate for protecting children and mothers but I think the way the abortion issue is framed is just for decisiveness, and nothing to do with caring about babies and mothers. States control most abortion legislation. Kennedy just really seems to want to let women, their doctors, the states, and the culture figure out those private issues. Meanwhile, he will lead the way to make this nation and world a safer place in which to be a mother, a child, a human being..

A president has a different role that an activist or citizen. As individuals we can all help young people get a good start in life, plan ahead, to be healthy and prepared for to raise the next generation. And to avoid crisis pregnancies.

In, The Real Anthony Fauci, RFKJ exposes some of the most horrific crimes against American foster children, and mothers and babies in developing countries. Mainly Fauci and Gates are behind these horrifying mass murders, and torcher. They are Eugenicist. Kennedy will bring them to justice if we elect him.

I can see why he would want to stay out of the doctor- Patient relationship when he literally is working to get it the source of the evil of this world. And he seen the harm of removed politicians, mostly men making decisions for mostly poor black women.

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It’s the NY Post

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Understood. That said, did you watch the video? If the video has not been doctored, it was very clear.

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Wow, I was not aware of KH and JB’s initial skepticism about the vaccine!

Perfect article to share with friends who are waking up.

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Super important:

Whitney joined The Jimmy Dore Show to discuss two recent articles, Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup and Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall.”


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A truly INCREDIBLE Interview – How CIA and George Soros finances both Democrat (Biden on Burisma) and Republican (John McCain/Mitt Romney) parties -- INVALUABLE

Mike Benz EXPOSES CIA Secrets Like NEVER Before - Stay Free #363


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How was Biden named the winner on October 7, 2020. Shouldn’t it be November 7, 2020?

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Denying Secret Service protection to a Kennedy running for the presidency is completely inexcusable. He should be removed from office for that alone.

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