To me the most important part, not to forget, is how he has supported the woke culture, removing parental consent to medical treatment including gender bending, followed the Fauci agenda, legalized drugs and the problems that caused, and is fencing in the basic rights of citizens, among other things. Anyone who wants to play nice with the Chinese is worrisome to me. Lately he's been covering his tracks, but clearly he is part of the authoritarian wave and the drive to erode more and more of our inalienable rights. He is a charming snake.

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If by legalizing drugs, you are referring to cannabis, it was legalized with a ballot measure in the state of California not by an act of the governor. I believe RFK supports legalization of cannabis at the federal level. As do I as do most Democrats and all libertarians.

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Great for the politicians who got a piece of the biz especially in Massachusetts. This is not the weed of the 70’s. It is strong 95% THC that turns users into zombies. Thanks a bunch dipshit…..let the users grow a few plants for themselves instead of enriching the politicians

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Thank you for clarifying the truth about the legalization of the plant medicine cannabis.

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Gavin Newsom is a tool of the WEF, as we in California witnesssed and endured in the Covid years. God help us if he becomes president, he will be Biden on an entirely another level of control. I hope Bobby can save us from this fate. I would much prefer Trump over what Newsom will do, and I used to be a progressive.

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We left California in Oct. 2020 and never looked back, so glad we left in so many ways!

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PS: I really don't like getting involved in politics, but if Newsom runs for president, I'm pretty likely to start cold-calling people asking them, as a resident of California, to NOT vote for him.

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Newson is the anti-christ. He is a globalist tool, lockdown whore, elitist POS. There is nothing redeeming about him.

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I said the same thing. If anyone could be the anti Christ its him

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not charming enough

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Bobby can easily knock off Gavin, Gavin is a pawn of pharma, California went so far as to threaten free speech over Pfizer's supposed rights to never be questioned, let alone sued.

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Newsom is a dangerous stuffed shirt.

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My understanding is that Mr. Newsom is a prized student of Klaus Schwab.’s global leaders. That puts some of Newsom’s CA and other connections that you described in perspective. I wonder why you didn’t mention it.

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RFK Jr. would shred Greasy Gavin. I'd love to see a debate.

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Gavin Newsom is all in on the Israeli genocide. If Bobby would support Israel and the Jewish people but vow to do everything in his power to stop the Israeli genocide in Gaza, he could cause Gavin some real problems plus boost his own campaign to get signatures for ballot access.

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RFK JR stands head and shoulders above this slickness, not even in the same universe . Since his Fascist mandates, I consider him very dangerous - a tool of the dark side in violation of the Truth and the Spirit of California.

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Newsom only has $18-22 million? That's poverty in today's Democratic elite! He'll make a lot more than that as president!

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Well, the writer did say in his last para, Biden 2.0...so we shouldn't be surprised at grift and graft.

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I don't know why Californians support Greasy Gavin. Outside of California, he's viewed as a complete joke/fool/empty-suit (fill-in your own term).

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I miss Jerry Brown.

California needs to get its Spirit back. ☀️🌊🏄‍♀️🌊🐬🐋🌈😎☮️🕉☯️🧘🏻‍♂️

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They support him because the Republicans are strategically stupid in the state of California. You can't run a Trump clone in California and get much more than 30% of the vote. A moderate Republican could possibly beat him. But that would be what many call a RINO.

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Because of Hollywood, LA, and San Fran. They are all a bunch of evil elites, celebrities, and woke. Pushing their anti christ

Newsom into government so he will push their agenda

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I wish Bobby would take better, more intelligent advice on the the bully state of Israel. It's a sticking point for many I know. The state of Israel has become what it has most feared and hated.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

Constantly wondering about RFK Jr. as his family had many connections to the Authoritarians of all Authoritarians in the U.K; the one's behind Prohibilition, every assassination of every U.S. President including his Uncle and Father; although his Father was NOT a U.S. President which is a sad fact of this country's history. There are connections with the Fabians in the U.K. as the true enemy behind the Chinese who is only their greatest weapon against the U.S.; a country as Russia to play both ends against the middle with as 10 yr. olds play parents. There are connections through the State Dept. since his Grandfather's position as Ambassador. It's not necessary to address Ted Kennedy's life as it's wrote all across the Newspapers for decades for most people to recall as it's been in their lifetimes.

My most important question for RFK Jr. is to ask what pool he intends to fish from to fill the positions of the Deep State...And, to ascertain the exact way he intends to clean the D.C. cesspool. 'Birds of a Feather do Flock Together' and the country sincerely can't afford another Administration ruled by a treasonous citizen loyal to the Black Nobility as it's been since the death of his Uncle until Trump.

Here is a 2 hr. video identifying the names of those actually behind the Govt. of the U.S. murdering The Constitution to destory the Republic since 1913 who took the Executive Offices of the U.S. Govt. with the death of JFK. IT's worth every second to identify the enemies behind this current darkness running the OBastards, Gates, Soros, Bloomberg and all the Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions DISLOYAL TO THE U.S.


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You are right abt everything other than black nobility. Hundreds of years of slavery would disagree with you abt that racist type of ideology

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

Here is the original Post concerning the Black Nobility and something tells me you know about it than you're willing to admit as there is so much censorship, propaganda and misdirection involved with communications in this time.


I suggest you seek better information about Slavery as it wasn't merely practiced for hundreds of years...IT WAS THROUGHOUT ALL TIME; thousands and thousands of years and it concerned EVERY SOCIETY ON THE PLANET including indigenous societies upon other indigenous societies on all continents. Thomas Sowell in YouTube is fantastic for those willing to seek truth.

As for Race...Could give a lousy darn about anybody obessed with worshiping any number of Pagan Demon gods used to subvert or divide this Republic; RACISM, CLIMATE CHANGE, SEXUAL PERVERSION in whatever 'Flavor of the Day', Sexual Identity Confusion, Murder of Infants in the Womb camouflaged as 'Health Care' or 'My Body My Choice'...God, the 'buzzwords' in the endless 'Group Think Reptoir' is pathetic and never gave a darn and still don't. Have a bit of thick skin and am a grown up far beyond the superficiality of the stupid 'Perpetual Hippy Wanna Belong Ding-a-Lings'; empty and clueless to anything sacred that really matters. "It isn't what you call me, it's what I answer to."

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Link doesn't take you to a video...

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

Sorry about that...Here is the original Post coming from another Substacker...Kyle Young from Secular Heretic and he's always right on target with his info. This video is found in a box somewhere in the middle of the post titled, "Black Nobility". Guarantee...It's worth the time; so much information it's mind-boggling...So many names and connections, marriages, corporations, etc.


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We've had enough of the Kissinger-Klaus Schwab WEF technocrats killing the economy and public with their self serving ignorant mandates.. let Newsome fix homelessness in California first.

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The man has run the state of California into the ground. Calfornians need to wake up to this fact and vote him the hell OUT.

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