Thank you! I hope the debate happens!

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We need a government that understands it is NOT their role to interfere with people's health. Leave that to the criminals running the industrial medical system and the ignorant people that listen to them.

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As long as those two will continue to benefit financially from Big Pharma and other major lobbies and big corporations to fund their political agenda, and as long as there will be enough people to believe their lies they of course will never stop their criminal assertions and recommendations. Sadly the most vulnerable victims of it are the children and seniors 😢

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In Minnesota Team Humanity is sharing the stories of the vaccine injured. Brandon was injured by his J and J shot. He was so angry about what happened to him. He chose to turn his anger into courage; ran for mayor of his hometown and won; and then passed a healthcare freedom resolution. https://teamhumanity.substack.com/p/brandon

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Go RFK Jr. !!

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The Big Pharma criminals that labeled the Jab a Vaccine to sell it need to be prosecuted for their fraud.

They were smart enough too get the legislative immunity for their products.

However they are NOT immune for their FRAUD!!


Spread the word so all that were negatively harmed or killed can go after the evil mother truckers.

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America's Love Affair with Senility ... and misinformation, so long as it keeps a fake narrative alive. The one aligned with Disneyology.

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They are so far off base they're not even in the same ZIP Code. How about they look into how much cancer these corporate chemical dumpers are actually CAUSING in this country??

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Fauci and big Pharma ugh!

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Way to go, Robert. You are going to win this election so know that. Both the Democratic and GOP parties are in total disarray - they don't know whether they are coming are going. You have got this - just keep on truckin''' xoxo

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Robert Malone has constantly harped on how mRNA tech was misused for the vaccine business, but since those patents exist and make money, the pharma companies will continue to pimp mRNA for procedures that can be sold to the public. Like MTBE was sold as a gas additive-politically it made sense but environmentally it was a disaster

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The Vax Quax conundrum

There may be an explanation, some of us have struggled with this for a very long time.

Definitely do not see it as an opportunity to gang up and gang on.

Sooo am cross posting a potential explanation, not asserting it true. This is a substack and by definition requires cross examination. The points are accurate.

"Paul Fleuret Absolute 1776 from Badlands Media

I have no patience for you trolls that don’t understand why he had to push the jab anymore. I really don’t. And I’m not apologizing for it either.

#1 Had he not done so, he would have been labeled an enemy of the people for not providing a vaccine. He also would have been immediately attacked harder than ever, and then immediately impeached. For fuck sake, they attacked him for talking about the things that did work, how the hell do you think they would have acted had he come out against the vaccine???

#2 Had he not done that, we’d still be in lockdowns. We’d still have mask mandates, and half the damn country would still be at home.


#4 He gave ALL OF US more than enough information on HCQ, Ivermectin and Regeneron. As well as Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. He literally told the populace about all of that - like a broken record - FOR MONTHS before a fucking vaccine was even mentioned.

#5 No one in this country was forced to take it. Yep. Some private companies mandated it. But ya know what? PEOPLE STILL HAD A CHOICE. Anyone in this country that took the vaccine made the choice to do so. I get that folks were forced to take it or lose their livelihood. I’m empathetic and understanding to that - at the same time, I’m not gonna ignore the fact that even those folks caved to fear and didn’t even offer up the opportunity for God to serve up a new job or career in their lives. For every person I know who took it to save a “job”, I know someone who stood firm in their convictions, denied it, and were lead to better opportunities by a divine hand. I’m sorry, but the vaccine was an ultimate test of faith in this country, and many failed to place their trust and faith in God to see them through, instead choosing to take the jab to stay in their comfort zone. God can’t work for you if you never even give him the chance by not standing within your truth and conviction.

#6 DJT putting Fauci up front shined a spotlight right on him and exposed his shit to exponentially more people than it ever had been before.

#7 DJT told us all from the get go what Covid was, where it came from, and how to treat it. Many, however, still choose to ignore all the above points and ree like school children being told they can’t have a nap.

He literally had no fucking choice. Period. End of story."

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