Thank you for this insight. Definitely sharing!

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What an incredible piece of journalism

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Thank you, Lowell!

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"This time around, that means preventing Kennedy from reaching the White House at any cost, will of the American people be damned". I would modify this to say, "As usual, any means necessary to win and keep power + we do not give a shit about the voters needs, we just want their votes". Hence, scream "ABORTION" to get votes and displace black voters needs with illegal immigrants. Organize BLM marches to make up for this, but do nothing after the vote. Party members buy defense stocks ahead of wars, then support the wars and make loads of money and tell parents their dead sons died a hero. The money and power at pay os too much to allow an honest election.

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Very informative and compelling. I’m now even more determined rd to get Kennedy in the white house!

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Obama is behind it...not dementia Joe.

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"The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House" Madsen, 2012


Who was his VP for eight years?

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Thanks for posting the link.

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Wow...that was a good link.

Do these people really think they will be immune from retribution? They are nothing but useful idiots to TPTB.

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Biden In 2007: "You Leave Weapons Behind In Middle East, They’ll Be Used Against Your Grandchild"


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And Obama's running for office ignited a collective .. well, hope ... and people collaborated, got creative, felt connected, all those good things ...

While being misled the entire time.

And now there actually is someone worth our trust and time and confidence in ...

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And because, of course - the group trying to deny voters a third option for president is literally named Third Way.

I used to think in (cringe) simplistic ways I didn't even actually understand - the further left, the better. Right-wing = bad. Trump = very bad, and anything that didn't understand that was dangerous or automatically not a credible source of information. No room for nuance that some supported him not because they trust and love him, but because they see clearer than I did the more dangerous corruption and cult-like authoritarian insanity on the Blue Team.

So many people really think they're doing good - not for a team of psychopathic elites, but for the little guy, the oppressed, the children, the polar bears and butterflies. This beautiful planet. The future of a world where people can be free to speak the truth to each other without authoritarian leaders exercising dystopian control. The sweat and blood of ancestors gaining the right to vote in fair elections - it all could be taken away in an instant, if Orange Man Bad wins.

And Everything Is F*ng Backwards And They're Being Manipulated By Forces Actually Doing What They Fear The Other Guy Will Do.

Narcissistic reversals. Inverted reality. Destroy democracy to save the country from Donald Trump, who, even if Kennedy was a "spoiler" for - I think the system is too complex to determine if he would or wouldn't throw the election to either other or if he would win, but even if anything is true about tipping things towards Trump, Trump was already president and did not destroy democracy, nor did he force people to choose between their jobs and an injection they couldn't consent to. You don't have to like the guy to observe that.

And in the process, they are literally, literally, destroying democracy by thwarting and smearing Kennedy every chance they get. Loyal to their tribe, no matter what.


I'm ashamed to admit, I once sorta-respected the .. cringe ... Lincoln Project ... A few of their making fun of Trump things I thought were funny, what seems like lifetimes ago.

In 2021, the Lincoln Project put out a contemptuous attempt at humor in a video mocking Ivermectin as a horse drug that could lead to thoughts of white supremacy and violence, so just say "Neigh" to the FDA Approved (no it's not, is that illegal to have said?) vaccine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLtCBvKI_Mc - Please capture this video so it doesn't get put into the Memory Hole

I used to be so naive as to how not-at-all deserving of trust were the places I was getting information from. I mostly trusted "progressive" groups like MoveOn - and when Ron Johnson invited the vaccine injured and the covid doctors to speak, MoveOn sent an email about how dangerous Ron Johnson is, and doctors telling people to eat horse dewormer instead of and (again, wrong) FDA "approved" vaccine, and trying to fundraise to defeat such a dangerous senator.

People really don't know the evil + ignorance along that compliancy continuum, submission to sadism, that uses good people who want to make the world a better place ...

Good info below that connects abusive Cluster B dynamics to the bigger picture. The taxonomy that fits for interpersonal challenges with Cluster B dynamics is very much applicable to basically everything that's going on. Certainly the obsession with not wanting Kennedy to be heard and taken seriously, and the never really admitting being wrong, and the tribal cult like group-mind, etc, etc ...


https://disaffectedpod.substack.com/ - Disaffected, Joshua Slocum

https://meredithmiller.substack.com/ - Testified to Reiner Fuellmich's investigation, narcissistic abuse coach with much life experience

https://maggierusso.substack.com/ - Author of book about the same dynamics she notices early on were all through the covid response


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May 22Edited

Third Way’s mission: call for “a return to the ‘progressive centrism’ that defined the Clinton presidency.” Oooof....and they think Biden is that guy? What is centric about vaccine mandates, hi-jacking science for financial gain, coercing social media platforms to destroy the FIrst Amendment, running our nation's debt into the stratosphere to support socialist agendas and worst of all supporting Hamas while calling Israel genocidal and and selling out our national and state sovereignty to the WHO? A party that is comfortable with all of these things is not centrist or even rational.

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The DemonRats are nearly finished. RFK has blown an irreparable hole in their battleship.

The DNC is in panic mode. There is absolutely no way pedo Jo the kid sniffer is electable.

They definitely know this. Change of batter is coming. Will Mike Obama be put up?

Can they possibly figure a way to steal the election as in 2020? Doubt it.

Possibly suspend the election?? WW#???

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Unfortunately, supporting Kennedy assists Trump. Junior can't even get his own family's support.

Matt Bennett nailed it: The RFK, Jr. campaign is "a disgrace to the Kennedy name and a disaster for the country,”

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Wow….You should get that TDS looked at.

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Please someone with better tech than I, capture .before it's memory-holed this very short video of the Lincoln Project (Trump-hating centrist-ish conservatives, I think), mocking Ivermectin as a horse drug that may cause delusions of white supremacy, so "just say Neigh" to the FDA-approved (No) vaccine, "join the herd, and ask your large animal veterinarian about Ivermectin".

This is the same arrogance, left or right or "third way" - ironic name, of people who want to tell everyone what to think, While At The Same Time Frantic to Make Sure No One Looks Deeper And Follows What They're Being Told To The Roots Of The Information ....


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Since 2015 the Democratic Party Machine has run like a Mafia and in our face about it. Emails detailing how Bernie was cheated to boost Hillary and Trump propped up as the Pied Piper strategy to make sure Hillary had an easy win but it backfired... now demented Joe is kept in a bunker but for sound bites and two person debate maybe.. pfft it's a sad show and more tragic for me is the fearless hero who has done more for human health & environment than all of Congress combined in my lifetime broke my heart standing w AIPAC and killed any glimmer of hope for Camelot redux. oops forgot link https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/

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Thank you for the tip on who to terrorize on Twitter going forward. Losers like this are anti-democracy and should be painted as such. ✌️♥️🇺🇸

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Well, I definitely wouldn't advocate terrorizing anybody, on Twitter or otherwise. "Aggressively criticized?" Absolutely. Called out for their anti-democratic nonsense? You bet. Terrorized? I would steer clear of that particular approach, myself!

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Good call Liam, do the show trials against DJT quality as terror events in you estimation?

Just asking. No answer is an answer.

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Good point, my lapse in judgment. ✌️😎

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Kennedy’s stance on transgenderism should be enough to sink him without any outside help.

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Robert Barnes, Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson's attorney, has a more nuanced legal view of the Transgender situation, and it might also explain RFK Jr.'s abortion stance, or lack thereof. These issues do all lead back to the vaccine one, where he's fighting for parents rights to choose NOT to expose their children to these products. That's essentially saying government does not have the right to dictate health decisions to parents. As Barnes says, it never a good idea to give government more power, even if they're on the "right side" of a current argument. RFK Jr. still says that parents have a right to give their children vaccines, but they also have a right to not give them.

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Fighting for rights that people already have?

Mandates are NOT laws. They are coersion techniques for the clueless.

No vax or quax is safe and none are effective. All are fertility destoyers and carcinogenic. Time for the sleeps to awake, those not 6 feet under.

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Pfizer manufactured no Quaxcine. Twas the Gubmint, they simple distributed, as did Moderna. The Deep State is ... Deep. Lots of mights, maybe's, and nuances in your 'pinion. Abortion is baby murder, no nuance needed.

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Good to reiterate the stance. My guess is that he is pro choice for Trans?

If so that is anything but Presidential.

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this on RFK's well reasoned assessment on Trans is women's sports

Plus one for RFK! CNN is the fake news in no way endorsing them.

"April 30, 2023 - Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told CNN he does not support transgender females participating in women's sports."

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I knew there were dark forces behind the attacks on RFK Jr. but didn't know what they were. Keep up the great reporting!

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