We live in Nevada. This article suggests RFK, Jr. can't make it onto our ballot. Why? Are we just giving up? Bobby's supporters in Nevada will have to write his name in?

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We'll do fine on our own, Lars.

I'll connect you with other Kennedy supporters in Northern Nevada.

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I am in Texas. Where do I go to sign the petition for inclusion on the ballot?

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What can we do to help get ballot access for Bobby if we live in any of the states listed above?

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Another ridiculour spin article. DJT is winning hugely and everyone knows it. RFK, whatever his merits, is a thousand miles away. Bidenista is clearly being retired for his criminality.

Ballot access eh? No, the issue is election theft. We need paper ballots, counted same day, as has been demonstrated worldwide. Full verifiable accountability. Nothing less.

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Why can’t Bobby get ballot access in Colorado? We live here and there are many Kennedy supporters in Colorado. We will just write him in! I believe it’s the corrupt DNC organization behind this!!!

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In New York state, here is how you can help Kennedy. Right off his website:


It will start in April of 2024 and they have 6 weeks to get 45,000 signatures of registered voters. I'm sure other states are on the website too although I didn't look.

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A technical question... if anyone knows... is there a vote needed in the primary in CA? ie if one is registered with a party or as an independent, will there be a box to vote for kennedy in the ca primary? Is there any advance work that has to be done to make it possible pre primary day?

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Thank you for the explanation of how you will be proceeding with putting Bobby on the ballot in these states and for the reasons you have outlined. I trust your analysis and hope to be helpful in possible ways to assure the success of your plan in these states. At some point perhaps you will need the help of phone banks to contact the electors. He is my candidate.

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I just took a look at Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 293, governing our election laws. Unless I'm wrong, it appears even our write-in votes for Bobby won't count in the election. Surely, these laws can be challenged in court?

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I'd like to have details on what these "American Values" are.

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Funding the wars of wealthy foreign governments with American tax money apparently. Kennedy thinks it’s valuable to send a portion of our income from our

labor to the Israeli government so Israelis can spend less of their own income on the Israeli government’s bombs and more of their own income on their own social welfare.

Kennedy values the Military Industrial Complex, especially when it is helps foreign militaries at the expense of our own.

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Does this make it absolutely impossible for him to win? I don’t think it’s possible the house will vote for him - they will vote along party lines as usual. Can someone explain how this is a viable strategy?

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Well… if rfk wins a plurality of votes and it becomes a contingent election in the house, there will be a lot of pressure on the house to elect the candidate with a plurality, regardless of who it is. If it’s rfk and both parties vote against him, it’s going to piss off a lot of people. Dunno if that will matter for this election, but it might have a very strong impact in future elections.

That’s my optimistic spin. My realistic take is that not having ballot access in some states is going to deter people from voting for him at all. If he can’t win a majority, I’m leaning toward not voting for him… and that is regardless of whether he gets his head out of his ass when it comes to Israel / Palestine.

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no telling yet just how much his stupid Israel/Palestine stance will affect him and it already has. i've soured on him The world, rightly so, is not with america on this issue and nor are many younger people with him on this one yet it is younger people who are more apt to pay attention to him.

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Yup. They begin the op with how younger people and independents are most supportive of him. Yet it is younger people and independents who have a more anti-establishment view of Israel/Palestine.

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is rfk, jr tone deaf???

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Can you name a candidate that has a view on Israel that you agree with?

If there is one issue that none of the final candidates agree with you on, is the solution to not vote at all? How is that helpful? What can be done about all the people thinking this way?

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All the libertarian candidates I have looked into have a stance that is more preferable to me than Rfks. They generally oppose funding the Israeli government with money and weapons, and they of course oppose funding Hamas as well.

I don’t know of any candidate with a view that agrees with me with *every detail* regarding Israel, but that is okay and to be expected.

I may end up voting for a libertarian candidate. I may end up thinking that it is strategically better to vote for Trump and make a deal with someone, like I did last election, who is planning on voting for Biden, and then agree to vote for a third party candidate, so our votes aren’t thrown out. I might end up voting for the libertarian candidate in the same way like I did in 2020.

The thing that drew me to Rfk to begin with was his oppositional stance toward the military industrial complex. His current stance on Israel though demonstrates that his oppositional stance is a lie, or at best willful ignorance. Either way he is not a true oppositional candidate toward the MiC. I may end up deciding it is better to vote for a libertarian candidate than to vote for Rfk jr when he is plausibly just going to be another establishment candidate. His positions on other issues are not as important to me or I disagree. He thinks it’s more important to highlight the wildly hypothetical dangers of 5g than the importance of election reform, and even though he is a third party candidate who has now been rightfully criticizing the Democratic Party for trying to block electoral choice. But he hasn’t stated anything to my knowledge supporting something like proportional ranked choice voting and other systemic ways of making our electoral system more democratic and less controlled by corrupt interest groups. His priorities are bonkers. And especially without a legitimate opposition to MIC I think he may no longer be a desirable candidate.

I’m going to vote. I don’t advocate not voting. I will reach out to someone who disagrees with me and is also choosing a lesser evil (between Biden and Trump) and come to an agreement to vote on someone who we both think is better(that could end up being rfk but it’s looking less likely these days). That is how I think people should vote. I think that would be very helpful. Albeit I don’t know how to market that.

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Battle Reborn Campaign by Nevadans for Robert Kennedy Jr will lead the country to an RFK Jr administration—https://www.battlereborn.com/

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We're snowballing support in Nevada. No worries.


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Kennedy is a Big Trap. He is another Zionist-Ethnic Cleansing-Mass Child Sacrifice-Genocide-Aparteid and Military Industrial Complex servant B**** boy! Kennedy Exposed himself as a NWO Puppet Coward!

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TC Shorts: Julian Assange - Dec 22


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Part of the campaign better be that of getting the support of the House of Representatives... it would be the current folks, not those elected in '24, right?

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