If folks are interested into learning more about the Dems' tactics, I encourage them to listen to Dave Smith's recent interview with Nicole Shanahan on Smith's "Part of the Problem" podcast. The interview will disabuse you of any illusions you may still have that there is even 1/4 ounce of decency left in today's Dem establishment.

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Thanks, Daily Growler. Here's a link to the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3BtoO5c7GU

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This is such a great interview. Thank you for sharing the link.

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Democrats have used every tactic to restrict voters choices and to publicly smear any opponents. I find it difficult to believe that they will stop their election tampering short of the ballot box. Any thoughts?

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Thank you for your patriotism, Mr. Kennedy!!!!!!

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I’m a Kennedy Democrat not a Pelosi DemoCRAP. President Trump gets my vote to put RFK Jr in a position of real power and influence. There’s no other path to saving Amerika.

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Thanks, Joanna. Moving forward, it's up to all of us Kennedy supporters to hold Trump and his camp accountable for his promises, and ensure the coalition comes to productive fruition. Based on the crowd's reaction to Kennedy when Trump introduced him onstage, it seems very much like the MAGA base wants this, too.

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So many states he had a hard time getting on the ballot before and now some won't take him off-ones he requested to be removed from. Insane

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It's truly ironic!

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RFK Jr are turning in their graves to see their once beloved D party turn into big time censors and big government control crazies.

Thank God for the courage and integrity of R FK Jr and Congressmen Gabbard.

True Patriots!

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Thanks. I've been looking for this granular information.

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Our pleasure, David. Leah does a great job with bringing us the details on ballot access!

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Zuck, the head weasel of FB now META has admitted the Gubmint pressured him into censoring.

Pelosi, the queen of dishonest commies, admitted responsibility for J6 blamed on DJT.

Wake up Beaconites those still pillow beating or Suffering TDS

The Republic is in the process of being taken back.

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Come on South Dakota! {smile} I'm going to laugh my ass off it Kennedy actually ends up winning after supporting Trump!

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with a lot of votes for RFK,Jr. the most he can do is keep the other 2 candidates from either one getting the 270 electrol votes needed to win.

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My preference is to be optimistic and hope that maybe the voters wake up and send a shock wave through the system and actually give Kennedy an electoral victory.

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Dear Everyone,

Good Morning!

Here is an excerpt from: HOW HE DID IT A Brief Overview of How A Nobody From Turnipville Made It To The White House:

At the very beginning of his Presidential campaign, the candidate from Turnipville, with characteristic originality, issued what he called a "variation" on his "All-Purpose Apology Template". Here it is:

A wise person knows that everyone makes mistakes. Presidents do, poor people do, all men, women and children do. We are human beings. We are not perfect AI robots. We make beautiful things, too. We make peace. We make joyful celebrations. We make beautiful homes for ourselves to live in. But, alas, my friends, we, also, make mistakes. A wise person admits his or her mistake, tries to learn from it and does everything humanly possible to make things right with the injured parties.

Based on the recent actions of a certain individual it is very possible that I have made a terrible mistake. When I, in good faith, promised __( action described here )__, true to my word, I did as I promised. I wholehearted believed that this individual would reciprocate and fulfill his end of the bargain. According to all the information I've been able to gather so far, this person has broken his promise to me.

Time is short. It is ultimatum time. I, _( name )_, hereby state that if in the next 72 hours this certain individual does not make good on the promise he made to me, the entire agreement we made is null & void. I will reconstitute my original plans, animating them with a never before seen vigor and passion. I will admit my terrible mistake to the people I have injured and I will do everything humanly possible to make things right with them. I will then successfully follow through on my original plans, a chastened and wiser man. Mr._( name )_ you have three days.*

All the best to you and Our Magnificent Cause,!


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Dear Everyone,

Good Morning!

Here is an excerpt from: HOW HE DID IT A Brief Overview of How A Nobody From Turnipville Made It To The White House:

At the very beginning of his Presidential campaign, the candidate from Turnipville, with characteristic originality, issued what he called a "variation" on his "All-Purpose Apology Template". Here it is:

A wise person knows that everyone makes mistakes. Presidents do, poor people do, all men, women and children do. We are human beings. We are not perfect AI robots. We make beautiful things, too. We make peace. We make joyful celebrations. We make beautiful homes for ourselves to live in. But, alas, my friends, we, also, make mistakes. A wise person admits his or her mistake, tries to learn from it and does everything humanly possible to make things right with the injured parties.

Based on the recent actions of a certain individual it is very possible that I have made a terrible mistake. When I, in good faith, promised __( action described here )__, true to my word, I did as I promised. I wholehearted believed that this individual would reciprocate and fulfill his end of the bargain. According to all the information I've been able to gather so far, this person has broken his promise to me.

Time is short. It is ultimatum time. I, _( name )_, hereby state that if in the next 72 hours this certain individual does not make good on the promise he made to me, the entire agreement we made is null & void. I will reconstitute my original plans, animating them with a never before seen vigor and passion. I will admit my terrible mistake to the people I have injured and I will do everything humanly possible to make things right with them. I will then successfully follow through on my original plans, a chastened and wiser man. Mr._( name )_ you have three days.*

All the best to you and Our Magnificent Cause,!


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On the Kennedy for President 2024 - Virginia FB acct, I was told that Virginia is a battleground state. What have you heard on Virginia? Thank you.

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Here is my prediction - And I have no special information - the party of war is hated by Putin more than Putin hates Trump. So, all Putin has to do starting next month is slow the oil output and drive global prices up. Gas hits $5.00 a gallon. Kennedy takes so many democrat votes Trump wins an unlikely State - Like New York. Fun to think about as there is no single variable. Or how about this, the Jewish vote, about 5 million and the anti Israel vote cannot bring themselves to vote for Democrats or Trump. They both vote for RFK. The Democrats get killed in New York - and Trump wins new York. Or how about this, it was really true that a truck load of ballots were filled out in New York in 2020 and driven to a post office in Pennsylvania. But this time, Radical RFK postal workers steal the truck and the ballots are never counted. Trump wins. So many ways for Trump to win it makes my head explode. Now I need my fourth Scotch.

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good idea !

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Nicole Shanahan released a new Vid ad. The Theme is TRD

That would be Trump Derangement Syndrome, an infection here on the Beacon.

Saw it on TGram, likely widely available.

Time to join forces to save the Republic.

RFK hit 3 homers within hours of the Collaboration.

Fake News Echo Chamber CNN is actually clobbering Kamel Hair.

"Crumbs" have been promised. Anyone suggesting that "nothing" is happening

is willfully blind.

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He is helping Trump while harming his chances for the We the People Independent Party as he was at 5% before his sweeping announcement. His numbers will only go down to support former President Donald Trump. Is this another Jeffery Epstein connection? I feel betrayed as I can see no clear reason to trust what Trump says with the record he has. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2024/08/24/kennedy-drops-out-joins-trumps-gop/

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In helping Trump, Kennedy is helping to protect the American people from totalitarian rule over them by the Communists that have ceized control over the Democratic Party.

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So you don’t think someone almost having their head blown off would change a person?! I certainly do! Now that Tulsi and Kennedy have teamed up w/Trump he will be held accountable and I see positive changes coming our way! There is just no way we can let the dems win!! #MAHA

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Old news! Several states are refusing to remove RFK from their ballots as requested.

Swing States don't cha know.

Nicole Shanahan released a new Vid ad. The Theme is TRD

That would be Trump Derangement Syndrome, an infection here on the Beacon.

Saw it on TGram, likely widely available.

Time to join forces to save the Republic.

RFK hit 3 homers within hours of the Collaboration.

Fake News Echo Chamber CNN is actually clobbering Kamel Hair.

"Crumbs" have been promised. Anyone suggesting that "nothing" is happening

is willfully blind.

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Why withdraw from Maine? That corrupt govern needs a dose of z Kennedy

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Maine is not a swing state...

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I know and he only withdrew from swing states

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