The NYT is a truly disgusting article, I am seriously considering canceling my subscription - it’s such crap these days…also sad

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NYT is now a gossipy supermarket tabloid ! Shameful!!

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I’m worried about sig gathering in NY. Hope for a positive update soon.

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Question, Why are you worried about getting the signatures in NY? Difficulty? Danger?

We thought Texas would be worrisome.

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Sunday night they told us there were 167,000 signatures, so they must have thrown a bunch out prior to submission today. I understand there was a team doing pre-submission verification. So I think we are pretty much in the clear for the 45,000. The New York Kennedy team was unstoppable! This was a history making event as no third party has succeeded in NY before. Anyone contesting it is going to have a hard time throwing out so many good signatures. But I am sure they will try.”

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The Human Party is UNSTOPPABLE. .

I see the logarithmic curve approaching a straight vertical line.

You see, being a prophet isn't all it's been cracked up to be. Lots of people have dreams and visions, and have been hollering "Woe unto you that heed not my words!"

Let's take the mystery out of it. Look at the future timelines

Screw false humility.

Onward to the winning.

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The campaign had a wrench tossed into the process, which thankfully they discovered quite quickly. The DNC recommended the campaign to hire a certain signature-gathering firm, which in turn began having people fill out the signatures wrong, or suspiciously; and then had the New York Times do a story on it.

The campaign has pulled those sigs from their total. They chastised the DNC, and threatened legal action, but this did not disrupt the ongoing gathering of signatures.

It’s just that we lost some sigs and valuable time; and it’s New York which is the center of the galaxy according to the DNC so you know there are more chickenshit tricks coming.

Having already nabbed California and Texas, and with Florida close, securing New York would wrap up the entire “Big 4” for RFK Jr. and really rattle the deep state opposition.

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Me too!

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I really want to stick it in the eye of @Lis_Smith on X. 😆

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I know! The DNC is paying her $$$$ to find stuff on Bobby!

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No, the CIA is finding stuff on Bobby and spoon-feeding it to Lis. She’s not smart enough to dig back into court depositions.

Next up we’ll hear that Bobby once tore that tag off a mattress.

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We ned to get rid of the CIA I believe they killed Pres JFK and Bobby’s dad!!

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Please join me on X, everyone, making fun of @Lis_Smith. Tag her often. Daily even.

Here’s something she may like:


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Oh this one’s hilarious!!


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