I’m a boomer, and at first I supported RFK,Jr.. I was very excited because Dennis Kucinich was managing his campaign and I worked for Dennis’ campaign for president in 2004. I truly believed that RFK, Jr. was against war and the machinations of the Military Industrial Complex. I sent donations and got a T-shirt. Then I realized that he supports Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, and after October 7, he failed to condemn the unspeakable tragedy that is happening in Gaza. How on earth could I continue to support RFK,Jr.?

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Maybe support him because he is the only candidate concerned with the slow killing of americans through an unhealthy environment, toxic soil, air, and water. Drugs that have no healing effect, but plenty of side effects that require more drugs? Hospitals that are paid to treat through specific methods versus the methods truly called for?

BTW: He doesn't support the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel. He has spent time there, has friends there and has worked with Riverkeepers.

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If he doesn’t support the treatment of Palestinians, why doesn’t he say so? If he did, I would support him. I agree that he cares about the environment and medicine and that’s also why I supported him.

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I have had to watch and read many clips and articles to ascertain what "I perceive" as his view.

He is not a fan of Netanyahu. During his work in Jordan and Gaza with Riverkeepers, he saw examples of cooperation between Jews and Arabs, and felt that could be built upon. He also has met with leaders there and sees that the money sent to Gazans as aid goes into the Hamas leaders pockets (and they are billionaires, who don't even live in Gaza or the left bank). So the issue for him is Hamas, who are radical and have in their charter "to cleanse the earth of all Jews". He has mentioned a friend with family in Palestine a few times, trying to connect with him. Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian, was jailed, accused of killing his father, but after meeting him RFK felt he wasn't guilty and requested he be released.

Primarily though, I think he's on the road everyday with his campaign (I've seen his schedule, it's incredibly packed) trying to let people know he's a candidate. I also see that people still want to twist his words. And in reality, what can he really do, he's not in office... yet.

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You in the same way that Kennedy is characterized as anti-vax when he isn't, Hamas has made changes in its charter goals and accepted the existence of Israel. If people don't accept the lies about Kennedy they should not accept the distortions and lies about Hamas which the people support as an underground guerilla force. Hamas also has a civilian branch which has provided food and health care for the people. Like the Black Panthers, you never hear of the groups civil work. All propaganda.

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Why would you suppose that last statement? I am very aware of the Black Panthers philanthropic / civil work and the (un)suspicious murders committed upon them.

I stated what "I perceived" from RFK's statements and writings. I have also researched ME historians (Abjihit Iyer-Mitra, Mosab Hassan Yousef and others. Please direct me to the civilian branch of Hamas information and the rewriting of their charter. I would welcome that addition to my perspective on this subject.

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I wonder if there are more complexities than we are aware of as yet. I listen to a very lucid and intelligent of the son of a very high ranking Hamas leader and this young man was totally against Hamas and acknowledged he was risking his life to make the video. He supported Israel.

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Very little on the Civil Branch of Hamas on line and assume this is due to the censorship operating. However, here is a chart of their organization. Maybe you can find more. Every search I try gives me the same links which are never trustworthy


As for my last sentence, I find anything in the MSM which now includes most of the liberal left sites like NPR are always slanted with limited and biases presentations which is propaganda. I make no assumptions about what others read but do know what I read and how limited the information is such as the civil services that the Black Panthers provided. As you seem to know about them then you probabl also know they actually began providing social service type work such as free breakfasts and fighting for safe cross walks with traffic lights.

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Hamas are the Palestinian Maquis.

90% of Pals now support them.

It was never about "hamas", it's about ethnic cleansing.

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Perhaps you should have faith and wait for him to make a statement. I believe in him!!

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You mean a statement after fait accompli? I believe in him, too, that he might try to pull a campaign stunt like that.

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He has said he doesn't support the Netanyahu administration and frankly I agree with him about Hamas, it's sick that they committed mass murder and now are imbedded themselves in the civilian population half of which are children while continually shooting missiles at Israel. Many Pro Palestinian activists such as Fincklestein, Blumenthal, Mate have referred to them as a resistance. Fincklestein compared Gaza to a concentration camp before Oct7 which is ludicrous. I wasn't aware that Nazis allowed emaciated Jews to build elaborate tunnels stocked with munitions underneath concentration camps. Israel/Palestine isn't my biggest issue. I'm not a one issue voter.

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This, like every war before, it horrible and I believe reflects our worst human behaviors and limitations- hard to find a “right” side. I feel it is far more complex than most of us are aware and it is possible that Bobby is more aware. However, I agree with you that this one very critical issue should not discount the totality of RFK Jr when he Is the one person who has the experience, knowledge, guts and commitment to tackle and resolve the Health Mandates, Censorship, Housing Crisis/Blackrock tyranny, Border Crisis ….but the most important and looming crisis, and only he seems to be aware of and planning to meet head on, is the W.H.O. and W.E.F. and the planned Pandemic Treaty to be singed next May! If this is signed, in addition to having all the previous issues under their global control we will also have a forced digital currency as our only monetary source and under their jurisdiction and implanted digital ID for censorship. When there is any kind of a “pandemic” (they get to decide when there is a pandemic-right now they are talking about a climate pandemic) all their rules are mandated, including “15 minute cities.” If this sounds nuts to you, as it did to me a few months ago, check out the Tucker Carlson podcast with Bret Weinstein and also Meryl Nass M.D. website. I sincerely believe that RFK Jr is THE only candidate capable of effectively stopping these powerful elites with their destructive, life changing plan.

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Agreed. While I dislike his support of Israel (because, as he says, they are our "eyes and ears in the M.E."), I DO like and agree with the rest of his platform. I cannot say that about any of the other candidates. Which is why RFK Jr will be getting my vote.

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Agree!!! We need to get him on the ballot and donate to help pay for his security.

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I agree!

It seems like Israel Gaza is emotionally triggering for so many. Understandably so. But the complexity and years of hatred and conflict are far beyond taking a side. Finkelstein is a dramatist, playing on Candace Owen’s sympathies as a new mother by talking about incubators being unplugged for 10 minutes. When he was asked about the Hamas Charter, he totally dodged the question.

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Agreed that Gaza is not a concentration camp. A better analogy is the Warsaw Ghetto (see the 2004? movie "The Piano") before it was liquidated by the Germans. Leveled in a similar way to Gaza. The Warsaw Ghetto resistance fighters, like Hamas, were lightly armed and no match for a real army (especially one supplied with bombs and artillery ammo by our country).

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He does say so. Please read his words. Please look back to his quote that SK G added above in these comments.

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He has come out adamently in support of Israel and refuses to call for a ceasefire. He put the lie to his position of listening to all sides when he refuses to listen to people like Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian of renown, who like many Israeli progressives emmigrated due to his disagreement with Israel and its lies and probably for his safety. He also supported the Ukraine war despite being anti-war and bragged that his son went there to fight.

The problem I have is that we have no one to vote for if Israel is the litmus test. No one knows Cornell West who would be great but I have never heard him on health care so he may be like Kennedy is on Israel.

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When I listened to Bobby explaining why he thought the war of Russia and Ukraine was unnecessary and his plan to put a halt to it I did not feel like he was “bragging” that his son went there to fight. He made it clear that his son never told him he was going and it appeared to me that Bobby preferred he had NOT gone, but true to his convictions, he accepted the idealistic and brave decision of his son.

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Marjorie is correct. I've also heard him say those same things in interviews.

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RFKjr called them "pampered"!!!

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Context. Considering the money they have received in aid compared to other countries in need.

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He did recently say that he does not support even one death in Gaza. That doesn't coincide with supporting Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.

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Great quote. I continue to despair at his position on Israel and the occupation of Palestine. As an accomplished attorney, why isn't Bobby talking about the case before the International Court of Justice beginning tomorrow, Jan. 11? So far I've seen one sentence about this in the NYT, toward the end of a long article about the IDF in Gaza. One sentence, and it doesn't give any details.

Francis Boyle, the attorney who won previous cases on genocide, says the 84 page document submitted by SA is very strong. The hearing will be live streamed on the website of the International Court of Justice (IJC). Kennedy seems oblivious to the huge activist movement particularly of young people who support a permanent ceasefire and freedom for the Palestinians. They will never vote for him unless he has a massive change of policy. Who can persuade him?

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This boomer will be watching the livestream, thanks for the heads up. The question of Israel-Palestine and RFKJ's position will be crucial as to whether he gets my vote.

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Check out time. If it's 9:00 in the Hague I guess it's 3 AM eastern?

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Yes ma'am, we're six hours behind, had to look it up myself.

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Maybe now 10:00 EU time:


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Thanks, opened the window and it's sked for 0330. Glad I woke up in time :-)

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I don't think anyone who stands up to Israel will be allowed to become president. He is very serious about trying to become president. At least he has a capacity to grow, which is more than the run-of-the-mill Zionist stooge puppets and politicians seeking real power in this country (pardon my redundancy) .

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He said what he would be doing if he were in the white house right now - bring other world leaders and Arab leaders to the table. But he's not the sitting president.

“I support Israel because a secure Israel does not require U.S. military intervention in the Middle East. I have been involved in water issues in the region for many years through Jordan Riverkeeper and brought Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians together to protect the River Jordan and manage a scarce common resource. I have seen how the environment can be a path to partnership in the region, rather than a flashpoint of conflict. I also support the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people. These need not be mutually exclusive. Already, there are many areas of cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians that go unnoticed. The challenge our Palestinian friends face is to decide what kind of society they wish to build. It cannot be one that replaces Israel, and it ought not be a proxy for the militant Iranian regime or overtaken by the genocidal Hamas terror group, as has happened in Gaza. Our conversation with Palestinians needs to focus on the future, not the past. In recent years, several Arab states have made peace with Israel based on shared interests. As President, I will expand that process and invite Palestinians to join. It's time for Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel as the nation state and homeland of Jewish people and for Israeli leadership to re-offer a two-state solution with safe and secure borders.” - Robert F Kennedy Jr

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I wouldn’t trust the NYT, they are owned by those who censor

RFK. He is on the campaign trail, and his time is scheduled down to the minute (I’ve seen it). He has to get on 50 ballots and has to choose a vp before he can on many of those. I don’t think he has the time to take on the job (you mentioned above) that Biden should be doing. Especially since the democrats don’t want to acknowledge his existence.

Knowing RFK from his accomplishments and character I’m the last person who would be bold enough to ask for him to be persuaded. Not all young people are one issue voters. They are more mature than that and are excellent at judging integrity, capability, intelligence, honesty, and truth.

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I agree completely about RFK,Jr's blindness when it comes Israel's genocidal attack on the Gazans, and his unwillingness to even support a Ceasefire to save the Gazans who haven't already been bombed to death, or starved to death. or unable to get a drink of water, or any medical attention in the destroyed hospitals. My question is this: is RFK,Jr beholden to some rich American Jews who are supporting Israel, or to AIPAC who backing Israel unquestioningly?

Why can he recognize the Humanitarian Crisis that is staring the whole World in the face? How many more children have to be slaughtered: How many more women civilians have to die before he will speak out about these Crimes Against Humanity? At this moment, I'd rather support Cornel West who speaks out courageously about the 75-year plight of the Palestinians, rather than supporting what has turned out to be an Israeli-dominated Apartheid State, that is denying the Palestinians equal status and the equal rights guaranteed to all Jewish Israelis. This cannot continue to be the status quo in Israel. Two sovereign states living side-by-side is the way forward to Peace.

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UN is not capable of actually enforcing ceasefire, certainly not when Hamas vows to repeat October 7 again and again. Why aren't the pro-Palestine current-thing virtue signalers calling for Hamas to surrender? How do you expect US to have leverage on Netanyahu while Hamas controls Gaza? When was the last time Hamas won an election?

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Hamas was spawned by Israeli Zionists to oppress Palestinians and then served as a false flag to facilitate their genocide.

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He has said he would bring the Palestinians to the table to negotiate a 2-state solution.

What I don't like about Cornell West is his support of all the 'woke' social justice nonsense that's further dividing and damaging this country.

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Don't forget NPR. They're just as bad as the other mainstream media but in a soothing, polite way.

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PBS, as well.

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I'm a "baby boomer" and in my opinion RFK Jr. is the only choice that isn't a "lesser of evils". I don't agree with him on everything, but overall he is by far the only good candidate!

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While everyone's opinion counts, so does mine. I'm a member of TeamKennedy and the Grassroots volunteers, People4Kennedy. I'm also a boomer. Although the talking point of "they get their news from mainstream media" has validity, I have a different point of view. First I'd like to point out that his rally attendances usually have a large boomer turnout. But the MAIN reason he's not reaching boomers is he isn't publicly speaking to our concerns. We have created a boomer group within the grassroots group to brainstorm our thoughts and hope to get them to RFK Jr, especially since he stated that his "challenge in the next 10 months is to reach the boomers."

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My experience with my Boomer peers is they are slow to let go of the structures that have provided all their comforts their entire adult lives. Simply put: it’s hard to convince someone to push against something they ‘perceive’ to be giving them a livelihood, educating their children, keeping them warm, and doctoring them when they’re sick. I consider myself a critical thinker, yet it took me a full pandemic year to accept my government’s decision making wasn’t really democratic and did not take my best interests into consideration.

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Sandra- I am also a volunteer for RFK Jr and a boomer- would you be able to share info for me to learn more about your group? I am in Fl and am having a hard time feeling connected with any definitive plan to educate people on who Bobby really is and what he can do to impact the survival our Democracy- I want to help but have not been able to find a concrete way. Thanks

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Have you joined People for Kennedy?

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Yes and maybe I am missing something that the pro Bobby groups have to offer. While I feel uplifted by the positive support, I do not see how this will do the heavy lifting that needs to be done to get the truth out to those with the bought media persona of him. I try to engage with people from political groups(like Epoch Times) that have a negative image of Bobby . However, one at a time is not effective either. Two weeks ago an acquaintance called me for advice;following that conversation I asked her how she felt about RFK Jr and she said she liked him and appreciated his efforts for vaccine safety. So i asked then if she was supporting him for president and she replied, “ oh! Is he running for President?” Very discouraging.

PS so, I informed her about the campaign and the next day she texted me that she posted about him on FB and donated to his campaign.

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You are missing the entire community if you're not on slack. We're very busy. Just last Tuesday, New Hampshire gained all the signatures they needed in one day. If you want to give me your email address I'll have the Florida coordinator invite you to join.

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At least you finally came to that realization. Try as I might, I could not get my boomer parents to see the mainstream media's deceitful propaganda; a media they grew up with and still trusted. So, of course they happily and dutifully got their shots, despite me providing them scientific evidence of why they shouldn't and pleading with them not to. A few months after her 2nd dose, my mother passed away from a very sudden cancer (that had not shown up on a scan just one month prior). All because she chose to believe Fraudci and Rachel Maddow over the empirical evidence I gave her.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Your mom raised a critical thinker, a caring individualist, and that is a gift to us all.

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Thank you, Yvonne. Much appreciated.

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I’m a 77 year old baby boomer and RFK Jr TOTALLY speaks to me. For most of my life I listened to the main stream media and believed what I was hearing. However in the last 10-15 years I’ve realized that we the people are being manipulated by the media. My eyes have been opened to the fact that the media only reports to us what they have been instructed to report by the powers that be either the owners or sponsors. This manipulation especially came to a head for me with the pandemic. It is so very sad to me that we Americans are no longer being told the TRUTH about so many events in the World and in our Country. We all must open our minds to this fact. We must have a leader that will return the USA to the Land of the Free and RFK Jr is the only one that can do this.

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I so agree with you Noreen and feel the same way— except my eyes were only opened with the whole Covid-pandemic thing. Being in the medical field it just flew in my face - all the falsehoods and fear mongering and a few months to get a new “vaccine”to market vs 6-1- years ???? - that let to my awakening- so I am a 74 yr old newbie but I feel desperate about Bobby being in charge. How can we help?

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Go to Kennedy 24. I also worked in the medical field and all the COVID garbage just sent me over the edge.

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I am a volunteer in Fl and do the meetings but feel we should be doing more to educate the folks who, like me until recently, thought the news on CBS was….the news. Wow- mind blowing education and so many people just so easily call Bobby a nut case. It hurts my heart. I did not really see how easily we judge and label people. I believe we need to be more active in getting the truth out . Do you have an active group?

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I applaud and congratulate you for being able to see through the legacy media's deceit. Given how many boomers I saw out in public not wearing masks during the height of covid, I suspect there are a lot more who don't trust mainstream media than this article suggests.

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Not all baby boomers see RFKJr unfavorably. I am 73 years old and absolutely support his drive for the presidency. I have had a "RFKJr. for President" sign in my yard since he first declared to run as a democrat. I am RFKJr all the way! I think I have viewed all of his podcasts that are available--and some of the longer ones several times. I believe he just needs much more in-person exposure soon and continuously for the rest of 2024.

Also--I think his video of exercising is important. He is so close in age to the other two major candidates, that his video certainly differentiates his physical skill ---and makes his age irrelevant.

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Margaret, isn’t it just amazing ( actually more tragic and disheartening) that people focus and pass negative judgement on another human being because he/she is conscientious about their physical health? Perhaps some people do not realize the connection between physical discipline and Spiritual discipline and the true essence of a person. I was 10 feet from him in Asheville during a presentation and his genuine caring, his grasp of history and relevant facts and his clarity on the path back to our original Democracy was transformative. i am all in.

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While they may be "relatively" close in age, RFK Jr is 69, while Trump is 77 (compared to Biden's 81). Which means RFK Jr will be Trump's age when he (RFK Jr) finishes his 2nd term as president. ;)

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I’m a baby-boomer and I’m supporting and voting for RFK, Jr. for President in 2024 for the following reasons: I’m impressed with his understanding of what needs to be done to clean-up our governmental agencies so that they actually work for the US citizens again and not for the corporations that have bought them off, Bobby’s four decades of environmental litigation, and his understanding and solutions for our borders, as well as, his stance against the last fifty years of USA’s meddling in other countries and funding of wars that help cause this displacement of peoples and thus the crises at our own borders. Additionally, I’m pleased that he is taking on Big-Pharma that is endless attempting to force vaccinations on USA citizens without doing sound research on their products just so they can make a profit off of us and our innocent children! Shame on Big-Pharma! Finally, I believe as an American we all have the right to our own bodily autonomy, and also free-speech! Don’t you?

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Yes indeed- he has the facts, the experience, the commitment and the gumption. He is the only one who is qualified, capable and really cares.

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Good summation of why I, too am voting for him.

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JFK tried to shut down Israel's illegal, still to this day, nuclear program. I believe it is one of the key reasons he was assassinated. The Rotten Idiot LBJ then let Israel do whatever they wanted with stolen US technology.

RFK Jr. is intelligent enough and a great researcher to know this, the problem is he is either and/or: Bought and Paid for, was caught and is blackmailed in a Mossad Honey Pot such as Epstein's, is in fear, His Ego will bow wherever he has to to win or, and I am leaning this way, actually one of the Predators in the clothes of a good guy and freedom fighter.

He is NOT who he pretends to be, neither is Trump or Biden. It is clear the solution is not in politics. They are virtually all compromised.

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It was Kucinich who said, "RFK Jr. could not be bought or bullied" when he introduced him in Boston during his announcement speech. An then Kucinich quit the campaign - coincidence, I think not because as you say, he is now clearly bought and paid for by the Israel lobby! The scary part being his pro-Israel stance is so vociferous - he might actually pull this off because of their backing! Biden is bad, Trump is worse because of his son in law Jared but Bobby is even worse then both of them combined! God help us all - because of his profound ignorance he'd probably allow Israel to nuke Gaza.

All this being said, he had it made when he was giving and doing interviews from his home wearing the heavily starched denim shirts and the dog on the carpet. The moment he switched to suits and ties I new he was going to run. Had he remained true to his beliefs he was a shoe-in. He had name recognition, fame and fortune - intelligence, profound knowledge of history (albeit Israel) he knew where the corruption was and even named names - he promised to close the bases around the world and bring the troops home to protect our own boarders and put an end to the forever wars!

Then came the shirtless work-out tape and it's been all down hill ever since. He is so craven it's truly embarrassing to the Kennedy name. He drifted away from the massive corruption (which is what truly resonated and made him so popular) and started talking about asinine things like - "healing the divide". He should be preaching what he claims to Israel.

He's no different than all the rest - bought and paid for.

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Amazing that you have such insight based on the clothes that a person wears.

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It wasn't just technology. Over 300 lb. of weapons grade U235 was diverted to Israel from a private processing company handling this material for fabrication of USN reactor fuel AND THIS THEFT WAS LET SLIDE.

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I’m a boomer and RFK Jr is the candidate to beat in my opinion. However, I’m only a boomer by two years. We’re the group that has the tail end of everything. We were too young to benefit from the advantages of that generation and have experienced less largess than the rest of them. Our first house was purchased when rates were 10.5%. Insurance companies promised us at 16 the most we’d ever pay for insurance was right then and then it would lessen each passing year. What a joke. So I’m sorry to say I’m sick of broad brush comments like your headline makes me sick.

I’m an old hippie that got left behind by the older generation who sold out for money and connections and power. We had no choice along the way. My children aren’t part of the boomer inheritance wave spoken about. So yes, I’m hoping Bobby is elected and can right some wrongs made by the political machine created to appease the masses but only benefits those at the top.

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I’m a baby boomer and I love Bobby !!!! KENNEDY 2024!!!🇺🇸✨

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If you want to reach people 45+, send them a letter. Seriously. The old way of communication that no one thinks about anyone. Don't send one of those oversized campaign flyers. That will go into the trash immediately.

Before Chewy.com was acquired by Petsmart, they sent out hand written Christmas cards to all of their customers. Every year. I was blown away by that. It really worked. They hired students who wrote as many cards by hand as they could.

If you sent a hand written letter to 45+ people, they are likely to read it. You may be able to convince them in the letter to check out your website. I would send them to a specific site though, that puts side by side what main stream media says and what the truth is and why. This may open up their eyes.

My mom is stuck on main stream media. She won't list to anything I say. But when she gets written instructions, e.g. from her doctor, she will follow everything in great detail.

I'm sure it is not a cheap undertaking. You could test it in one state with a lot of 45+ citizens and see if it has an impact on the polls.

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I'm a boomer and I'm actively supporting RFK Jr's presidential campaign. I've known for years that the media is controlled and the government has been run by a corrupt establishment. (Really, worse than corrupt.) However, I was initially highly skeptical of Bobby until I heard him speak. Then I realized, despite several disagreements I have with him, that he is the new JFK. RFK, MLK -- the true leader who gives us hope that we can turn the country -- and the world around-- and build a future for the young generation. He's a critical thinker, not an ideologue. He has the courage of his convictions, and lives for a higher purpose. He's a man of principle, not beholden to popular opinion. That's why we need him in the White House.

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I have written to the campaign numerous times, but it appears to not be noticed. This following paragraph is a copy of my message to RFK, Jr. sent via the Kennedy 24 contact page.

To get more baby boomers in support of the campaign: 1. Express greater empathy for the innocent people in Gaza, as well for those innocent victims in Israel. Become a peace leader in that region. 2. Come to Greenfield, MA for a town full of baby boomers for a town hall meeting. Join me after the event for an interview at Greenfield Community Television. I believe going to where people were traumatized and misled during the COVID days, sharing what is true will help those folks appreciate your whole life. Thank you for running for POTUS. FlybyNews.com has endorsed your campaign, and has been an independent news service since the 1999 NASA “flyby” of Earth for peace in space.


Jonathan Mark

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Flyby News new post - Imperfect Peace 2024 – V-Safe – Shot Dead -


"I have been wrestling with the Flyby News endorsement to vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. especially during the current actions of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza supported by the U.S. government. It has not been officially declared a genocide, though a tribunal on this case has begun in South Africa and the evidence is overwhelming with tens of thousands of innocent people murdered and millions displaced.".


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I’m a Baby Boomer and just want to say I am disappointed that we have labeled and somewhat dehumanized by negative group labeling. Personally I support RFK Jr for president 100% and I am a Kennedy Team volunteer! My guess is that those in my generation who are close minded and fixed in their views were like that when they were young but there have always been many of us who have been living a life trying to make a difference and carrying the torch all these years waiting for the world to wake up. We are not all the same... some baby boomers are still very young at heart!

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Nicely said Tricia. I like him also. I honestly wish he and DJT could work together to destroy the deep state, they could really change our country for the better.

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This is a GREAT article. Thank you. I’m a 70-yr-old baby boomer who is grateful to RFK Jr and those who are helping him campaign and win, and I hope the rest of the baby boomer generation will come to their senses between now and November. I would love to help the campaign if there was a good way to use my skills.

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You can volunteer in a bunch of ways, small and large, at his website Kennedy24

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