Based upon comments in nearly every interview and public appearance, it’s hard to imagine RFKjr not being in the lead of all parties. Is there corruption in polling too?

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One other thing . . . how it is possible the man has been polling at 20% since his announcement? If people truly believed the lies they would've tanked by now so therefore one could easily suspect they're actually higher than what's being said. His donations are certainly exceeding all expectations!

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You stole my exact thoughts! I'm in my 60's and can tell you I have never once been polled for anything and I have a landline as well! That said everything I've read from the experts and insiders (Martin Armstrong) say that Biden is actually polling around 8-12% which makes perfect sense! Regarding Bobby's numbers? I have no idea why they are what they are or in they're even true or not?

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Of course

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The corruption is embedded in the groupthink at this point, so yes. The polls that show RFKJr in any kind of lead will be immediately cannibalized by MSM, and the people and institutions deploying them know this. Really these polls (538 et al.) have been thoroughly compromised since 2016 when they were used heavily to "dispute" the validity of Bernie's primary wins.

It's going to take RFKJr crushing it in an actual election (e.g. NH primary) for folks to start defecting from the herd.

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To the victory with RFK-2 !!

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70% of democrats would vote for dementia Joe again. Either 70% of Democrats are dumber than a rock or the poll numbers are crap. I’m an independent and he is my candidate of choice. Trump is high on my list but (there’s always a but) he ordered or approved of operation warp speed and has never said it was a wrong move.

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The title about a positive trend misled me - I expected to read good news.

Something just ain't right with those poll numbers that dramatically contradict the thousands of enthusiastic comments that follow RFK's presentations! I hope everyone will read "Comments" on the various reports of the Congressional performance (so competently provided by The Beacon ) in which observers PRAISED RFK and castigated the Democrats.

Also, Google the Freddie Sayers (British) interview ("We Need a Peaceful Revolution") that drew 10,500 (that's ten thousand five hundred) GLOWING words for RFK from around the world.

No one will find the speech that he delivered at St. Anselm's in NH because it's been removed!?!? About six weeks ago, I watched the intensely supportive comments grow to 7,000 until - guess what - the speech remained but the comments were removed and supplanted with a cockamamie explanation that the information was not appropriate - about the same time Matt Taibbi was exposing Washington's censorship of social media.

We the People are on the line.

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