Thank you for outlining the blow by blow legal attacks against Kennedy gaining ballot access by state. It was difficult to click "LIKE" for this article because the tactics employed by those trying to keep Kennedy off the ballot are so egregious and far from my naive idealist's understanding of how a democracy should work. A sad day for all of us. RFK Jr has my continued respect, volunteer efforts, contributions, and vote.

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Thanks, Elizabeth!

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People keep crowing about Democracy. We do live in a Constitutional Republic.

How is it that people do not comprehend this?

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Good informational interview here done by Marianne Williamson about the DNC.

Marianne Williamson interviews former DNC delegate Lawrence Taylor 26:47 min


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Thanks for sharing, Mario.

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Thank you. The truth will set us free. The DNC, like United States have been hijacked by negative force.

DNC to Court: We Are a Private Corporation With No Obligation to Follow Our Rules

02 May, 2017 Author: Independent Voter Project - Independent Voter News

¨In the transcript for last week's hearing in Wilding, et. al. v. DNC Services, d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, released Friday, DNC attorneys assert that the party has every right to favor one candidate or another, despite their party rules that state otherwise because, after all, they are a private corporation and they can change their rules if they want...

In this case, a group of Bernie Sanders supporters filed a class action lawsuit against the DNC and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz because, they argue, they were denied a fair and impartial election and had given money to a campaign on the belief that it was fair and impartial.¨ Read More


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Thank you for the link

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Thank you Kyra.

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I wish Marianne would just endorse Kennedy. I used to follow her, and much respect for stepping into a presidential race when there are only corrupt "choices" and a void for someone with depth and integrity. But the Dems will never let her win, and if she wasn't brainwashed by some of the liberal talking points, she would understand that Kennedy is the soulful, wise president she's been saying for so long was needed.

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The harder the DNC fights Kennedy, just like Trump supporters, the more I promise to NEVER support this DNC and their dirty tricks club. I’ve been there before with the namesake “Tricky Dick” which is why I’ve been a Libertarian leaning Independent since Libertarians were born 🙏🏼

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instead of dirty tricks and running a candidate who is incapable of serving, why not run on honest campaign based on merit? nah! what horrible people. we elect their lot at our peril

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Sad but true. Thanks, Carolyn!

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"The Democrats are so desperate for your vote that they’re willing to abuse the legal system to get it."

Well DUH!

They also will do ANYTHING to eliminate their opposition including murder.

“An evil enemy, will burn his own nation to the ground….to rule over the ashes”

Sun Tzu

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Thank you for the summary

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Thank you, Madhava!

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Informative and timely update to RFK Jr's ballot access effort -- and the many egregious ways the "party of democracy" continues to exercise its authoritarian power.

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Thanks, Elizabeth.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Bookmark this a share w/people who are still voting for this despicable party! If he can’t win, why are they trying so hard to stop him?! #kennedy24

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Exactly right, Cindy!

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because he is sucking vote from Former Dems. There is a point where cheating is impossible.

Think about it

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But in a world ruled by zealots, asking "what if we're wrong," or pointing out an alternative solution will get you kicked out of the 'cool kids' clique' or fired. That's exactly what happened to Germany's Vice-Admiral Kai Achim Shoenbach for merely pointing out that the low-cost solution to the crisis was to take Russia's security concerns into account and treat Russia with respect. That was in January 2021, before the hostilities began. In retrospect, the Vice-Admiral had a point, but his thought crime was rewarded with an instant dismissal and an abrupt end of his military career.

West under clowns and zealots -- Western world has been cultivating a dangerous groupthink that's all but sealed the collapse of their agendas. -- Alex Sasha Krainer -- Jun 05, 2024


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Amazing to me, how the most egregious election theft and tampering are consistently overlooked.

2020 was stolen from DJT. Bidenista could not draw 100 non paid "supporters" The election was stolen in the middle of the night. One would have to be deliberately blind to think otherwise.

The same fake news that postures hatred of RFK has consistently had that attitude against DJT.

The lawfare cases were patently ridiculous, That was the end of the Constitutional Republic.

The People know this!! They have decided

DNC is a criminal racket, they tossed Sanders under that bus and did the same SO FAR with RFK.

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And the big picture is - we give you a $hitty candidate and we block your choices to another better candidate - like RFK - paving the way for DJT. (And we are all pretty sure RFK would beat DJT in a head to head match if RFK were the Democrat candidate).

Beyond the obvious big picture - my complements to RFK for pursuing the office, as in so doing he illustrates the Democrats corruption. I expect and pray this will make for better elections in the future.

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Pretty sure?? Not even close, 20 points at least

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All these legal challenges will hopefully have a rebound effect and bolster RFK Jr's legitimacy in people's minds, similar to how Trump's court cases raised his poll numbers.

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Yesterday's HighWire show ( https://thehighwire.com/WATCH ) theorizes that Biden is suffering from vaccine injury. Wouldn't it be great if Kennedy could help him as an example of one of his campaign ideas (chronic illness)? It would take someone notable to get the message across, but all he has to do is show the study and have Biden wear the nicotine patch for a week. Enlist Dr. Bryan Ardis to explain it all. It would be demonstrating in real time the proposals he is campaigning on.



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The old dotard had two brain aneurisms and pulmonary clot. It does not age well.

It is true that every one that has been vaxed suffers. The specifics have to do with many factors. Synthetic venoms the latest and as you mention Nicotend blocks receptors.

Bigtree has apparently gone rogue with Safe vax advocacy.

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