The CIA has been controlling the MSM for years. They also control Hollywood. Our eyes and ears are filled with CIA propaganda.

I think the only way to control the CIA/FBI is to defund and disband the intelligence organizations and start afresh with more public control. Congress can’t control the CIA because they are compromised or know they will be if they oppose these programs.

I hope RFK Jr will open people’s eyes to the criminal activities of the CIA. He is starting to do this with his discussions on his Uncle’s and father’s conspiracy assassinations.

He has my support

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Since both the CIA and the FBI were created by Executive Orders, they can be uncreated by the same.

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Actually, the CIA was created by an act of Congress in 1946 - the Central Intelligence Act. The FBI, however, was created in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) by the then Attorney General out of general funds. (It didn’t become the FBI until 1933.) You might have more luck with them.

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The OSS was created by an Executive Order and metastasized into the CIA by way of the Central Intelligence Act and Operation Paperclip.

The FBI started out as a stae-of-the-art forensics labs that was offered to all law enforcement agencies in the country to support criminal investigations that morphed into an international black ops operation.

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And your point is….

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What was the point of your response?

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I was correcting your statement that CIA was created by Executive Order and thus could be ended by EO. It wasn’t and can’t. It was created by Congress and only Congress can end it. The OSS was dissolved before the CIA was created.

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The Big Guy cut on last years federal budet was $780B. Add another $200B from the Mexican cartels and you are talking real money. Then we have cuts from every other government. So there is a lot of incentive and funding to direct the narrative. We have an internet which gives us the illusion of information, but then we find that search engines (probably all of them - there is sufficient funding) are gamed to tell us what we "need" to know.

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I like duckduckgo.

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You can not defund the CIA company, they are THE company, they are in all companies.

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So it seems, but wee must rip it up by the roots and scatter it to the winds if we want our grandchildren to be allowed to speak and think freely.

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Too much money makes it so.

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For the very reason that he is not in line with the Inteligence community, RFK Jr will not get anywhere. IF any independent has a chance, it will be Manshion of W VA.

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It's cute that you believe that. RFK gets attention because he is compelling. Manshion cannot even compel his own party, and instead finds himself on the business end of being compelled (and scammed).

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Or, for the very popular reason that he is not in line with the "Intelligence Community," he will gain support from every day, thinking people who are the emerging alternative media.

Notice "Intelligence Community," is a paraphrase of "illuminated ones," AKA Illuminati, we who think we know better and are better than everyone else.) The cat is out of the bag now, and no matter what the Central Stupidity Community thinks (all group think from inside their little box), the cat will Never go back into the bag. The house of cards is falling. Such a web of deceit and illusion they have spun about themselves, they are trapped and lost. They can't admit, not even to themselves, they are totally exposed all around the world.

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1963: United States of AmerCIA.

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My 6th Birthday November 22. Bobby Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA June 4th, 1968. My younger brothers birthday. Weird coincidence

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RFK assassination was the night I graduated high school. BTW it was June 5, 1968.

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I never thought it was a weird coincidence that I was the first member of my family to know that JFK had been shot. It was totally attributable to the fact that I was home sick from school and playing with my LEGO blocks in front of the television.

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I was born 11-19-1963.

Despite CIA propaganda to the public, my parents, both fervent supporters of JFK, said they KNEW that it was an inside job.

Mother told me that she was in the hospital for a week after I was born and that there was not one dry eye in the house on the 22nd. Including she and my father.

My Dad told me that when Bobby and MLK were murdered by the same lot, he lost hope for America and Americans who STOOD DOWN knowing their beloved President was brutally and cruelly taken from his young family and the nation who loved them

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The CIA has been killing people all across the globe and mainly to start wars. JFK was killed to put in the scum LBJ to lead us into Vietnam. They killed presidents in South America (Allende in Chile for one), demolished the twin towers to lead us into Iraq (the war on terror), led a coup in Ukraine (2014) which forced the Russian invasion. Used a bioweapon sanctioned by the DOD to start the war against viruses.

If we can at a grassroots level start to put down our corrupt politicians and government maybe we still have a chance. Can RFK Jr lead us I don’t know. The propaganda and censorship and don’t forget the election theft will make it difficult but with God on our side everything is possible.

Hell look at me a staunch conservative now supporting a democrat!!!!

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Yeah and pacifist me is starting to want that well armed militia at the ready. The culture at these elite controlled cross over agencies and the sick careerists from propagandized fresh recruits to won’t retire neocons is so entrenched that the power of the masses has to be seen. It is all about the benjamins. So much death, destruction across globe based on state lies and gutting of American Dream by our own hand.

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And me a tree hugging old school liberal feeling homeless! Looks like we may be growing a new middle! I sure hope so because with either Trump or Biden, it's a loose loose proposition and time is not on our side!!

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Replying to myself, it's lose lose....

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This censorship/propaganda turn in the DNC/Media is hard to believe. Which may be why it is working.

I would very much like to see more reporting about how it is directed. During an interview with RFK, he discussed the development of a new aspect to the CIA. It was action vs the original purpose of analysis. How did that happen? I have seen enough proof/discussion that this problem is real. I really would appreciate a better understanding of who is directing it. Who is"they"?

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Since its inception the CIA has had operations and analysis divisions. They were separate -- physically separate -- and the analysis division provided a lot of solid intel while the operations division, well we know a lot of what they got up to -- assassinations, coups, wars, trafficking drugs to finance black ops, mkultra... the list is long and truly horrifying.

Within the last 20+ years the line between the operations and analysis division slowly dissolved until now where analysis only functions as a tool of operations -- there is literally no line between them and analysis is subservient to operations.

This is disastrous for US foreign policy since our leaders, such as they are, don't get honest analysis anymore. Instead they get cooked "analysis" that is concocted to give rationale and support to whatever operations the CIA is currently interested in.

It's disastrous for the American people as well since operations is now totally dominant and operates with impunity in and outside the country.

If you're interested in reading further about all this I suggest reading some of Larry Johnson's writings (former CIA analyst) at sonar21.com. There are other good sources as well: Philip Giraldi, also former CIA analyst whose writing you can find here: https://www.unz.com/author/philip-giraldi/

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It happened already under Pres. Truman, the one who started the CIA. (FBI had been going a long time, run by J. Edgar Hoover, who Truman distrusted and disliked.) The CIA was started with the National Security Act of 1947. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=Harry+Truman+National+Security+Sct#vhid=VcA6yiKc-Ym1HM&vssid=l Truman wrote a famous letter in 1963 saying the CIA had gotten out of control. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-fenn/2015/01/28/truman-was-right-to-warn-against-cia-power

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I wonder if this was JFK was referring to in the speech on secret societies. One of the best speeches ever given

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JFK was referring to Communism in that speech. It’s been misportrayed online (via edited clips) for years as adverting to US domestic actors.

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Thank you, David, so very much.

Candidacy of RFK, Jr. has already brought very significant results, e.g., more people now know about his father's assassination than we all have learned in entire 40+ preceding years.... His campaign is extraordinary energetic and effective, including MAJOR new books.


PS: FYI -- "Coffee and a Mike" episode #651 with Ron Unz | RFK Jr. vs. I.F. Stone on the Kennedy Assassinations

https://rumble.com/v3409yo-coffee-and-a-mike-episode-651-with-ron-unz-rfk-jr.-vs.-i.f.-stone-on-the-ke.html - Aug 2


https://www.unz.com/runz/ -- The Unz Review

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I LOVE the UNZ Review. Some eye popping and interesting reading!

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Thanks for sharing!

A tip: Quite often you can remove everything after the question mark, it is usually tracking code for Google. This is all that's needed:


For more, see Google: "Collect campaign data with custom URLs - Analytics Help"


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Yes i loved rappaport’s idea also

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Can an ordinary citizen really realise how far and how deep this goes? His thinking, his whole mindset, his way of life, his education, his music, his favorite movies....all infiltrated, engineered, screened and censored by the intelligence corp.

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It's really tough. I think the anxiety and angst prevalent in our society is partly a result of a critical mass of people starting to wake up to the enormity of what they've been subjected to. And only a part of them are strong enough to admit they've been a sucker. The ones most immune to waking up are the most educated, who have always been told they're smarter, so having to admit they've been duped also means they have to lose a part of their identity. It makes me wonder about all the talk about how "You have to go to college to get anywhere in life."

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Thanks for the thought. If you’re in a possibility to go to college, you’re lucky. The problem with that is that most think that’s final, they have arrived but it’s only a beginning. The real thing is what you’re gonna do with it, destruct or construct ?

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Colleges are indoctrination institutions. Just because one is college educated does not mean one is smart.

So often the college educated are missing emotional intelligence which would open the door to the major awakening

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The CIA is possibly the most corrupt and the most powerful single organization on the planet. Not stating this as an absolute or a certainty, but the CIA is one of the candidate for these "honors."

They're certainly in bed with globalists, corrupted by globalist money and influence, helping to carry out globalist operations.

Globalist corporations BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and JP Morgan-Chase own controlling interests in all mainstream news organizations.

So it's one big happy family in bed together: globalists like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Du Ponts, Bushes, Gates, Kissinger, House of Windsor, Netherlands Royal family and others allied with globalist corporations, several government agencies like CIA, and the Democrat party (with the exception of RFK, Jr.) - all using mainstream news as their mouthpieces to push their disinformation and propaganda.

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And what do all of these have in common?

Jew last names and ZIONISM

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It seems like every thought I have for solutions to this matrix prompted me to respond but then when I start typing I realize the suggestions are impossible to accomplish. This is the state of mind that the info wars create. When a moral man comes along to run for prez who clearly demonstrates the capacity to articulate the reasons why everything is failing and offers his total commitment to unraveling this matrix and communicating on all levels without any script to reference and never backs down from any hearing, debate etc. And people say I could vote for this guy yet not go forward and support whole heartedly… what on earth is happening! There is a psychosis amongst the population which has been intentionally prescribed. and it has been highly effective.

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Why would reporters who are told what to report by the CIA not do so?

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Thank you David for the Excellent Expose.


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When the IC isn't printing fake news, over a dozen of their former high-ranking colleagues now embedded in cable TV news channels are speaking the same talking points on-air.

One is almost nostalgic for the good old days when operatives like the Grahams, Sulzberger, Reston, Winchell, Pearson, the Alsops, etc. at least kept up a public pretense of not having worked for the Deep State. Plausible deniability wears a little thin when ex-Directors are hired as "contributors" and "analysts" by the "news" divisions.

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Wasn't it former CIA director William Casey who said, "We'll know our propaganda campaign is complete when everything the public believes is a lie." And that was in the '80s!

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The only way to curb, you will entirely stop these practices, is cut off the head of the snake. Remove ALL senior leadership of not only the FBI/CIA/DOJ/NSA agencies but ALL government agencies including the politically appointed heads. Basically, get rid of the SES (Senior Executive Service) and you will be surprised at how well these agencies will function. Otherwise, just except the situation and adapt.

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Google/Alphabet is not acting on orders of the government so much as they are behind the scene stakeholders. Google’s data is so valuable to the government and its ability to manipulate is not coerced. It’s a marriage.

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The CIA killed his Uncle, killed his father...hold on Americans 😞

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